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Everything posted by DarthArcher

  1. If they're announcing it on Monday (which I thought they had already announced it or was that just the track listing) I wonder how much longer we'll have to wait until it is actually released?
  2. I was searching for information about a 22 track Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom soundtrack someone is selling through amazon.com and I found the posting below at iofilm.co.uk. Has anyone else heard about this or know if it has any truth to it? It looks like it was posted back in May 2006 so if it is true they're a little behind in getting it released.
  3. All I get is that "Referral Denied" error.
  4. Three words: "YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES" (1985) - Bruce Broughton
  5. I pre-ordered one from Amazon.com, it didn't ship out until late Tuesday, it got about halfway to me according to the UPS online tracking number (that was Wednesday), and it is still there. I got so frustrated I just went out to see if any of my local stores had it by chance (my local stores, MediaPlay and Best Buy, have not gotten the last three or four soundtracks I've wanted on their release dates?they usually wait a week and frustrate me to no end). To my amazement the Media Play had three copies and it was even on sale (even though the cashier had to do a price check because someone had forgotten to tell their computers that it was on sale). Meanwhile the one I ordered from amazon.com is still in the same place. Its tracking status hasn't changed since Wednesday.
  6. Here it is Thurday, June 20th, and if the UPS tracking info is accurate (despite it still saying that today is when it's scheduled to get to me, because I ordered it 2nd Day Air) it looks like I'll probably have to wait ONE MORE DAY for it to get here because Amazon.com took so long on Tuesday to get the darn thing shipped out. WHY DO THEY TORTURE ME SO???
  7. You must have a GREAT store where you buy soundtracks if you were able to get a copy of Minority Report LAST NIGHT at midnight. Where I'm at I could look every day this week and not find a copy. I could order one from AMAZON.com (which I did order Minority Report from) and I'd get it sooner than most of the places around here. When the soundtrack for ENTERPRISE came out last month (May 28) I went to both MediaPlay and BestBuy on my lunch hour and neither one had it. Best Buy finally had one out on the following Saturday. When the score CD for Spider-Man came out on June 4th I went through the same thing except even on Saturday I still couldn't find it here ? I had to get it Sunday when I went to visit a friend. The MediaPlay where he is only had one copy. I guess it'll be Thursday before my Minority Report CD comes in. I'm just plagued with idiot managers who won't get enough copies of the things I like. That's what I get for moving to North Carolina - where the soundtrack lover and sci-fi fan are few and far between.
  8. Personally I'd like to get my hands on as much of John Williams music as I can. I wish they released more 2 CD expanded scores officially. I just got the DVD and heard several themes not on the official release. I am glad John Williams CDs are at lease 70 minutes unlike some of Goldsmith's or Elfman's that have lately only been around 45 min.
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