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Everything posted by Quintus

  1. It's well made and its heart is in the right place, but I wasn't overly mad on it either. The kid was a little shit head.
  2. Daniel Day Lewis suffers from the syndrome. I don't think Weaver does though.
  3. I root for Quaritch too, but I kinda suspect you're half meant to anyway. I think Worthington does a good job when he's in his avatar, but he doesn't have much to work with outside of that.
  4. I think the actors in Avatar put a lot of heart into their characters, which goes along way towards a good, agreeable performance. And then you have Stephen Lang's Colonel Quaritch, who is a helluva lot of fun and I think the best kick ass panto villain in years. CLEAR!
  5. I'm gonna put a bullet in his fuckin' mummy head!
  6. AJ's story becomes even more engaging, towards the end, and Robert Iler really shines, easily matching the big guns of the cast. Whilst I believe that the first three seasons are the strongest of the show, I wouldn't exactly call the final three seasons 'poor' by comparison - on the contrary; the show remains stellar throughout and there are many, many highlights to come for you (heh heh, just thinking about some of 'em gives me goosebumps) and the way it all ends is just so damn pitch perfect, you're in for a treat.
  7. You mean the one with the lethal interior designer.
  8. What did you think of the use of the various source music? I thought it was inspired. The photography was quite damn astonishing too, particulary during the magnificent intro at the farm, the interior of which was lit beautifully. The actor who played the 'Jew Hunter' gave a cracking performance and I congratulate him on his oscar win, but for me it was the blonde Jewish cinema owner who really stood out, with the sort of understated yet superbly authentic performance, rarely seen from a relative newcomer. I hadn't actually realised till this morning that the movie was up for Best Picture last night, to which I would've been pleased if it had won it, not that it was ever really in with a chance in the first place, which is bloody shameful.
  9. Finally and reluctantly got around to seeing Inglorious Basterds and I thought it was outstanding. Best film I've seen in months and I'm reminded of why Tarantino is a genius. The whole thing plays out like one big sloppy love letter to the movies and I lapped it all up like an excited child. Just brilliant.
  10. I've watched Avatar in 2D and it was still a damn good yarn in the most traditional cinematic vein; indeed I just don't buy into the whole "the story is unoriginal and predictable" argument - I think that viewpoint is just a trendy load of bollocks. I still question its eligibility as a BP winner though - as in I don't think it is good enough, regardless of the format in which it is seen - the movie doesn't feel like BP material to me. But as I said earlier, its got no serious competiton, so I doubt anyone will feel robbed if it wins and so I say good luck to it.
  11. I don't know about that. At least I could watch Battlefield Earth without being wound up.
  12. A Beautiful Mind winning best picture was the biggest travesty, in recent memory.
  13. Let's face it, it ain't really what you would call a vintage year for 'Oscar worthy' movies, so given the lack of any solid competition, I'll be quite happy for Avatar to pick up the BP award.
  14. Why we needed a SECOND thread for this, I don't know.
  15. Whilst I agree that Spielberg has 'lost his way' (I think post Schindler's and NOT Empire of the Sun); he has still made the odd really good and clearly very focussed movie: Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me If You Can and Munich are all high end Spielberg, imo. Going back to the Jurassic Park debate - I even believe that movie is vintage Spielberg, but I understand why some find it lacking (weak characterisation etc). The problem for Spielberg, as far as his fabled image is concerned anyway, is that since Schindler's, he seems to be making more duds, or non-events, than he does making the sort of great movies for which he is [still] famed. The main problem being that eventually people tend to only remember, or concentrate, on the duds.
  16. Yes and much of the music from the end of the movie is really good stuff. Having seen the movie (or its highlights) a good few times via a good screener, I would say some of the very best bits of the score are absent from the ost. But I could live with just getting the Eywa cue, from this promo.
  17. Well it certainly underperformed in my house. I don't even own the dvd.
  18. I only really want the full length film version of 'War', particulary the music heard after the "Eywa has heard you" scene. I think the ost already covers a great deal of the other highlights.
  19. Damn straight! Although for me Megaupload would be preferrable.
  20. No, but it's bloody good nonetheless. I want to get my grubby hands on this.
  21. I think his people should just move him into a care home for the elderly and be done with it.
  22. I'd love to hear a proper orchestral arrangement of the legendary TSoMI score.
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