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Everything posted by 1977

  1. The more I think about it, the more it feels to me that RJ purposefully went out of his way to shit on everything JJ set up in TFA (childish Luke lightsabre toss being a prime example). I can't believe Kathleen Kennedy allowed this film to be released in this form (Rogue One gets major reshoots to fix what exactly, Solo directors get fired and RJ does as he pleases)? What exactly was the point of Leia's space float and incapacitation? If the intention was to establish Holdo as a future leader going forward with the films, it would have made sense, but Holdo died so what story purpose did it serve? It really should have been Leia that stayed behind, isn't that what leaders do (go down with the ship)? It would have given the character a poignant finale, rather than what will presumably be an off-screen death in Ep IX.
  2. Heidl, is there any possibility that you could re-create these two Japanese SW covers? I've searched online for hi-res versions but no luck:
  3. Question for Bespin, you don't by any chance have high-quality scans of these SLC Japan cover variants?
  4. Question to Justanothercrow421 and heidl, will either of you be making covers for the expected FYC music? (mock-ups below - credit to the original creators and artists)
  5. Thanks for that heidl, lovely symmetry with your Struzan TFA cover from two years ago.
  6. Thanks heidl, that's beautiful. By the way, your Rogue One covers are fantastic! Especially that Empire of the Sun LLL homage. Looking forward to your next TLJ goodies (hope you decide to tackle the Dolby Cinema one with Paul Shipper art)!
  7. Sorry guys for getting all tense, I'm a bit over-sensitive at the moment due to issues in my personal life. I could have handled it better. Apologies.
  8. Ok, I give up. I must be an idiot for looking forward to this. But I'll still be there on opening day. That's me done in this thread.
  9. My question remains: what about the trailer makes the film look bad?
  10. Yes, but I still don't get what is bad about the trailer as it relates to the movie (not the trailer itself).
  11. I really don't get it. What looks bad about it? Yes, the editing and scoring is poor, so it's not a very good trailer. But how can one make assumptions about the movie based on 2-odd minutes of (probably unfinished FX-wise) footage?
  12. Interesting. So how do you listen to the latest JW releases from LLL et al (assuming you do)? How does the selection of Spotify compare with Deezer (we don't have Spotify in my country)?
  13. I'm sorry, but how can you possibly know how the movie will be based on 2.5 minutes of trailer? I've seen stunning trailers for absolute shite movies.
  14. Sorry, but I'm just not seeing it. I watched the teaser 4 times now and not once did any dino shots look "off" or uncanny or anything else to me. Then again I also didn't have any issues with the dino FX in JW either, whereas many others did. Possibly, I do need new glasses (although I'm near-sighted and hence do not wear glasses when looking at a PC monitor). Perhaps I'm just not as sensitive to these issues as others. For example, I can't fathom the repeated requests for soundtrack title "X" or "Y" to be remastered, as the versions I may have in my collection sound fine to my ears. Obviously, I'm not referring to titles that had bad elements to begin with, where new, much better sounding tapes were located (for example, In Harm's Way). Or where excessive noise reduction was used and it sucked all the space out of the recording (ROTJ SE).
  15. Ok, I figured it out, have now amended the options and added a few more. Lucky fish, wish I could say the same!
  16. Out of interest, what does the average JW Fan spend on film music? If you feel like it, tell us why. In my case, $0-19.99, but closer to $0, due to heavy financial constraints.
  17. Nixon? Willie and Indy / Love Theme from TOD? That brief Elsa / Indy Love (Lust?) Theme from TLC? Jurassic Shark, maybe you should turn this into a poll? Then someone could do a kickstarter!!! Lights, Camera, Music, volumes II - V!
  18. I just posted in the FYC thread, this has now appeared (no score as yet obviously): http://waltdisneystudiosawards.com/star-wars-the-last-jedi EDIT: Ok, Bloadboal just alerted me that this has already been posted and discussed at length.... Silly me
  19. Looks about the same to me? Wow, so much cynicism. It's a frikkin' dinosaur movie, not high art. I, for one (seems like the only one here) can't wait!
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