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Dixon Hill

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Everything posted by Dixon Hill

  1. Dixon Hill


    What dirty rags would Johnny read? Batons & Bitches Tones & Hoes Brass & Ass
  2. You guys and your PJ-induced foaming at the mouth.
  3. Angels & Demons features the best two minutes of Zimmer's music yet.
  4. No mention of Zimmer's score? here it says that Zimmer composed only this song, and the rest of the score is Myers. I don't understand why imdb says Ludus Tonalis. it's not even a person. (or is it??) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0867108/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cr4 Ludus Tonalis is a piece by Paul Hindemith. I haven't seen this film, maybe it's used in it?
  5. Dixon Hill


    As if you weren't a part of it!
  6. In a rare opera mood.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgJgYhc6g_E This performance is incredible.
  7. Harvey Weinstein is a thug in a suit. A slug in a suit. Let's campaign for Bruce to get an honorary Oscar.
  8. Love the two tuba solos in The Dune Sea of Tatooine/Jawa Sandcrawler, the first in a strained high register, the second down in the sweet spot. Goofy. Also something intriguing in The Mission Theme: during the first repeat of the theme, what's going on under the melody? It sounds similar to the middle string portion of the Star Wars theme, with a number of woodwind/keyboard/percussion lines weaving in and out in lieu of repeating the more static chordal harmonies that underpin the first statement of the theme. Anyone have the score? I think it's mostly scalar patterns or outlined triads with added 2nds and 6ths. Really love the kind of rippling harmony it creates.
  9. You kind of have to be able to do that if you're a Goldsmith fan.
  10. He's just surrendered to Toronto police. I assume there was a massive shootout and siege leading up to it.
  11. That reminds me, I have to figure out what movies to watch instead of the Super Bowl this year.
  12. Why is this my most successful thread yet?
  13. it doesn't do a thing for me, it lacks magic, it's music about characters not worth caring a damn about. But Banning is so different I've got the Kira Nyres version so I've got pretty much all the music. The what version? I didn't know they listened to Johnny on Deep Space Nine.
  14. I'm surprised he still bothers. Talk about a great composer getting consistently screwed by Hollywood political bullshit.
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