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Everything posted by Diego

  1. "All things must pass" is probably my favorite George song too along with "Beautiful Girl" (from 33 and 1/3). Yes I've heard the Anthology version which is I believe a demo, I've also heard bits of the Beatles playing it on the Let it Be-Get back sessions, with John singing along with George, great stuff, I hope they release it someday. BTW, Paul played it during the Concert for George, so that's another nice version. As for the album ATMP, it does have some flaws, I really don't count the all the jam stuff as part of the album and some good songs are hurted by Phil Spector's production, and "Hear me Lord" is just boring, but it's still a great album. Band on the Run is excellent too, but my favorite solo-Beatle album is Ram.
  2. That's very true, however in the case of George Harrison I think his peak continued a bit more (probably because he wasn't allowed too many songs in each Beatles album), I recomend you check his first solo album "All things must pass", it has a lot of great songs.
  3. I strongly disagree about the early albums, there are a lot of good songs, great performances and a lot of energy. However they are indeed in a different style and I can understand why someone who likes the later albums may not enjoy the early ones. Like you said the turning point was probably Help!, altough I would say the change started in Beatles for Sale.
  4. You should give Rubber Soul, Revolver, Magical Mistery Tour and the White Album a very good listen, you won't regret it.
  5. It's a bit odd but I pretty much only listen to The Beatles (including solo works) and film music (mostly Williams, although slowly I've been getting to other composers), I probably listen to The Beatles a bit more, I'd say 65% Beatles, 35% Film music.
  6. It also appears one or two times on "The Land before Time" if I remember correctly.
  7. I'd also like to see a good Potter trilogy CD, with the complete children's suite, the philosopher stone (since it seems it's indeed a different piece than Voldemort) from PS, the four concert pieces from COS (plus the flying car and moaning myrtle is there's room for them) and Double Trouble, Aunt Marge's Waltz, A window to the Past and Buckbeak's flight from POA.
  8. Mostly yes, but I don't think Adventures on earth is too good
  9. Ok, but I got the info from the CD booklet itself, I suppose it could be wrong though
  10. Here's info on the tracks, if anyone is interested: 1. Main Title from Star Wars, taken from the album Star Wars Saga 2. Princess Leia, from the album Star Wars Saga 3. March from Raiders of the Lost Ark, taken from By Request 4. March from Superman, taken from Pops in Space 5. Love theme from Superman taken from Pops in Space 6. Theme from Jaws, taken from By request 7. March from 1941 from By request 8. March from Midway taken from by request 9. Adventures on Earth from SW saga 10. Flying them from SW saga 11. Suite from Close Encounters from Pops in Space
  11. I do know it's from the movie, it's just silly to put that on the CD, I mean couldn't that minute and a half be used to put "good bye old friend" for example? But noooo, someone thought more than 90 seconds of HMMMMM... is more interesting than one of the best statements of the force theme.
  12. Looking back I find the TPM OST to be an interesting listen, of course it helps that between the UE and videogame music we can make a pretty good complete and cronological score, but some tracks of the OST work well I think. ROTS on the other hand is, in my opinion, one of the worst represented scores on CD from recent years. The edit at the end of Anakin's Dark Deeds is one of the most annoying edits there are (along with the edit in Mischief Managed in POA, another bad CD) and the inclusion of 1 and a half minute of MMMMM, at the beginning of track 6 is very strange.
  13. I doubt there's a lot of unused unreleased music, judging from the amount of music that has apeared in videogames, AOTC has the less music leaked in videogames I think, and if there was some major unused action music it probably would have been in one of the games. Anyway, in my opinion, like many others say, it is the weakest of the 6, but I don't think that means is bad, unlike some people say, I mean SW is probably the most famous score ever, ESB is loved so much by so many, so AOTC has some really tough company. I think the score has too many highlights to be considered bad.
  14. None, unless you count Paul McCartney since he scored a movie called "The Family Way" in 1966
  15. Something positive about the ESB SE that goes mostly unnoticed is that some transitions of the Imperial March which were not used in the original were included in the special edition, and they work better, so there are a few musical improvements.
  16. I have mixed feelings about the 97 special editions, some things are ok and I can understand them, for example, the dewbacks, since they were originally in the film but were cut because they didn't work properly and some changes are harmless. I do agree there are also some stupid changes, the redundant and badly done Jabba scene, Greedo shooting first, the shuttle scene in ESB (I hate one that mostly because what they did to the music, plus it really ruins the movies's pace) and the celebration in ROTJ which doesn't make any sense if you think about it. However I have to say that since I was born in 1981 I had only watched ROTJ in a movie theater, and I was 2 years old (it was the first movie I ever saw) and so I was very exited about the SE when they came out and I guess that's why I kinda like them, lots of fun memories. Oh, and the 2004 changes, they all suck I think.
  17. It's a long shot, but you never know, for example there was a petition for Hasbro and Lucasfilm to make an action figure of the bartender from Star Wars and they actually did it, so if that one worked I think everything's is possible. It does take at least 10 000 signatures and a lot of buzz. I still think we'll get them eventually, regardless of the petition, Lucasfilm milks SW as much as they can.
  18. We should try contacting some SW web sites and ask them to support the petition if you really want to give it a boost. It seems it worked for the Original Trilogy on DVD.
  19. I think a complete release will happen eventually, probably in a few years, let's face it ROTS is not even a year old yet. In the meantime I'll be happy to sign the petition.
  20. Elfman's Corpse Bride is excellent, very very far from a lousy score
  21. Hardly, I'm sure a lot of people had greater anticipation for the the Lord of the Rings films in 2001 and 2002, and in 2005 Revenge of the Sith was waaaaay more anticipated than GOF. Anyway, I couldn't care less, the last two HP movies have been crap, specially GOF, I can't remember being so bored in a movie theater in a long time, and now they're getting to the crappy books in the series too so the movies can only get worse.
  22. I think this motif as heard at the beginning of the movie sounds a bit like the second section of the Imperial March Concert Arrengement.
  23. Here Erich Kunzel played the following suite: Hedwig's theme, Nimbus 2000, The Philosopher Stone and Harry Wondrous World. Is the Philosopher Stone and Voldemort the same piece with a different name or are they two different pieces??
  24. Well then, thank you KingPin, btw, where did this recording come from originally??
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