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Docteur Qui

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Everything posted by Docteur Qui

  1. Were you thinking of me when you said that... Oh well, I LOVE Aunt Marge's Waltz. It sounds like a full classic concert piece (by that I don't mean a concert arrangement, but like the symphonies and such you hear now) and it seems to be brimming with humour. Cleverly done. The Knight Bus is also excellent, it reminds me of the Cantina Band if all the aliens were cars...
  2. Indeed, I'm positive the same ripoff you are talking about was one I mentioned quite a while ago in that "Lost World Ripoff" thread. It appeared in a "Pirates of the Caribbean" extras CD (like the Harry Potter ones, trailers and such, only free). It's really blatant, it annoys the hell outta me!
  3. Yes, but he isn't responsible for every visual thing that appears on screen At least he's not entirely responsible, which is what I was trying to say. So really, the same thing could have happened with any director.
  4. Hmm, if my calculations are correct that's about 8:00pm East Australian time. I'm going bowling with a friend tomorrow night... Oh well, are people able to record it or anything? I don't mind, I'll buyt the CD as soon as it hits the stores, but if someone could it would be grand.
  5. The thing is, it may not have been Cuaron who made some of these decisions. Of course there's going to be the people who come up with the visuals for these characters (or monsters), the way they move etc. I don't expect Alfonzo to have had all the input with the Dementors. I don't care. Sounds amazing either way.
  6. Hahahah, thought you'd do this. I was quite apprehensive at first, but not I've seen how they work, I don't mind much. But still, flying Dementors?
  7. Seen the new TV spot of PoA anyone? The new shots of the Dementors are awesome! They seem to be able to fly, as opposed to floating. I also heard a rumour that they chase Harry on his broom during the Wuidditch match. Not sure how to take this, I'll have to wait for the movie. And the Whomping Willow acts much more like I imagined it. It's really quite psychotic in this one.
  8. Hmm, the Australian release of the DVD had Hagrid's line to the woman and Snapes extended scene. Unless I misinterpereted that post, the US version mustn't have those scenes on it.
  9. Just have to say, I love Dawn French... Gambon looks very good as Dumbledore, he sounds right as well. The Dementors look truly frightning. Argh, je le voudrais NOW!
  10. Wowsers, I'm watching it right now and it's awesome! I really can't wait now... EDIT: I prefer the vocals to "Double Trouble" as heard on the trailer. I was also disappointed to see the lack of credit to John Williams in the ending credits for the featurette. Perhaps it was cut short before we got to see it, but I need to see his name there!
  11. OKay, www.thesnitch.net/site have a downloadable verison for Windows Media Player, and soon QuickTime. I'm currently downloading it, 1 hour 21 minutes remaining... Smelly dial-up...
  12. Hahahah, you all sound so funny! Whoa! Rush here! Excitement there! At least you can hear it/watch it. Magical_Me - Who wonders for how much longer the subject of new Williams music in the previewwill be spread over several topics...
  13. Yeah, that was probably Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) if those track titles are anythign to go by. I'm so excited at the moment! Off to download the preview!
  14. Grood, I liked that scene. It's like 5 seconds long, but I don't care. A lot of people have been specualting whether it will have more than just the deleted scenes from the DVD. I'm doubting it a lot, as much as I'd like to see Rick Myall and his Peeves it ain't gonna happen. But, as the movie is on right now all the way over there I don't know...
  15. Argh, didn't see the other topic. Anyways, I am very looking foward to seeing this film and hearing the score. And I have decided to resist the temptation of a Listening Party if one turns up. I'd like to hear those first few bars of "Hedwig's Theme" in crisp sound quality on my stereo.
  16. Anyone else at a loss for words at Stefan's signature? The jiggling, it's almost hypnotic...
  17. Yes, that was a deleted scene. Was there the part with Petunia finding the letters in the eggs?
  18. I dunno about JoeinAr but i respect your opinion however what your saying is that Columbus did a bad job and his involvement will turn out a bad film which i think is stupid since he exec produced Azkaban which you are so excitied about and what Joe is saying is that you just bash him for the sake of bashing him because alot of other people follow the same mold. I was just saying that I didn't like Columbus' directing job, and as he isn't directing PoA I don't have a problem with his involvement in it. The reason I said "Any Potter film he isn't involved in is a good film" was merely an exaggeration of my feelings towards Columbus as a director. I'm sure he's quite a competent executive producer (they don't exactly do much though) so I wouldn't have much of a problem if he was involved in GoF. I was just saying that to express my dislike for his direciton, that is all. Well, I haven't seen PoA, so I can't make that judgement, can I? But judging from the trailers, it looks much better than the first two films, and if that means Kloves has cleaned up his act then that can only be a good thing. I'm also well aware of Rowling's involvement, though I sometimes question how much authority she does have. Obviously he relationship with Kloves can only improve and he probably knows exactly what she wants at this stage, something that was wrong in the first film especially. That may very well happen, if Cuaron is an awful director. But as I haven't seen the film yet, you nor I can make that prediction just yet, can we? No, because producers don't exactly do much to affect the film. They are simply there for the money. Because I don't know exactly what else he did do with the movies I couldn't possibly make that broad statement. I have always said that, have you looked in any previous topics about Harry Potter that I have posted? Most of the negative ones are towards Daniel Radcliffes "acting" but a lot of them contain my disapproval for Columbus. I say so in many other forums/Potter related sites as well. And please, call me Peter. All this "Magical_me business is confusing.
  19. Because I thought the first two films were not very good, and he directed them. Yes, I am quite aware of that. But the fact that he isn't directly (pun not intended) involved in PoA in terms of direction is good for the film, as I did not approve of his direction. Myth? I find no myth that he did a bad job. He DID do a bad job, though I can't blame him completely. Steve Kloves really messed with the screenplay; he tried to include too much of the book and got lost on the way. There are so many scenes with slow dialogue and revelations that are unnecessary or just plain boring. And as I said before, how much film experience I have is irrelevent. I know a bad film when I see one. And when I look at Harry Potter I see two of them. Can't you accept that this is my opinion? I don't care how much you think you know about movies Joe, and how much you think I know about them, but I think the first two Harry Potter films are average, good at best. The scores are classics, there are several unforgettable characters (Branaugh's Lockhart will forever be my favourite) but they hardly capture the wonder, suspense and magic of the books.
  20. I doubt it. Like Cuaron said, it was impossible (not only rude to Williams and fans) for him to change some of the things established in the first two (or three, now) films. He mentioned that even if he wanted to, he couldn't remove Williams. And I have to say, any Potter film that Columbus isn't involved in is a GOOD film.
  21. Hahahaha, oh no! Not magic in a school which revolves around magic!! And the one in GoF was magical, at least Gred and Forge charmed some snowballs to hit people. They also did this in PS and charmed the snowballs to follow Quirrell around and hit his turban. It's not messing with a scene. Quite frankly I find it much more interesting than mud being fling in someone's face.
  22. Hahaha, won't it be grand if Buckbeak's Flight turns out to be random synthesised noises. I know it won't, but all this speculation is amusing. *kicks self over to "Are we hoping for too much" thread*
  23. Wow, it's really cool to see someone else from Ballarat here! I'm actually in neither of those shows, my condidence only permits me to do school productions. My school's doing Fame: The Musical though, and I'm playing Schlomo Metzenbaum (though no-one has probably heard of him). Really exciting stuff. I know a lot of people in those two shows, my Drama teacher is playing Billy Flynn in Chicago and a couple other people are in JC.
  24. I'm thinking the Snowball Scene is in place of the mud-throwing, as Hogsmeade appears to be covered in snow for its appearance in the movie. Judging by the trailer I think there will be a snowball fight between Malfoy, perhaps his cronies and Ron and Harry. Probably a magical fight, wouldn't surprise me.
  25. Good luck The Passion getting nominated for anything, let alone win much. The Academy are mostly Jewish. The most deserved award IMO is Mary, her work on that movie was breathtaking. But it'll never happen, so let's look foward to PoA!
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