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Jessie Lohner

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About Jessie Lohner

  • Birthday 03/10/1987


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    Anywhere and everywhere.

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  1. I want it to sound like Harry Potter! No, I'm just kidding. I want it to have its own unique Tintin style (however that may sound)!
  2. I don't even know Munich. But sure, why not?
  3. No, of course not! He pays hommages, but he is not derivative.
  4. I think only the Hogwart March (is that the name?) sounds a bit British. But not the rest.
  5. I don't. I think his music speaks for itself. Luckily, they say pretty much the same thing...and sometimes, the music says something even better. Sure! The music speaks for itself. I think so too. But apparently not for everybody...
  6. Couldn't disagree more. Do you think you could provide some specific examples? I'm the first to admit when I'm proven wrong. If you compare Chess Track with the Battle Preparation music from TPM Ultimate Edition, the similarity is noticeable. However, I don't think that's necessarily bad. Yes! I also think JW really captured a 'British' atmosphere with his themes for PS. It's probably a matter of taste after all. I personally don't really like the medieval sound of POA. But honestly I would have expected PS to win this poll because it is more like old JW school writing (at least orchestration wise). Is it British music? I don't know, I don't thnik so. It's magical music, in any case.
  7. Some people always claim anything! Sure it's possible for JW to overscore, for him to write bad music, for him to mess up every scene, for him to ruin an entire movioe... You just need to ask the right people to get the wrong responses. But I think his popularity and awards and recognitions speak for themselves. Most of the time, he does everything right. Not only right, but great, actually.
  8. Harry Potter! I changed my avatar finally. A little Dan and Emma...
  9. I voted for Philosopher's Stone, just because of Hedwig's Theme and Harry's Wondrous World! For me, this the best Harry Potter score ever, although Prisoner of Azkaban is amazingly good too.
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