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Everything posted by bruckhorn

  1. It is possible that the reason for the track listings not being released yet is that the track names may require final approval from Lucasfilm. It could very well be hung up by somebody trying to decide if "Chaos Underground" is a better title than "Underground Chaos". They probably have until the neighborhood of October 20 before everything has to be locked down. I'm not expecting any news from Concord until then. Hoping for, certainly, but not expecting. And, another thing I'm waiting for is word on why I would want to buy the boxed set versus the individual titles. One on-line retailer (SAE, I think) has the new Raiders at $9. If TOD and LC are both sold for $19 each (which considering the cost of Raiders and Skull are currently getting, seems a bit high), then I can get the remastered trilogy for $47, roughly the same cost of the box set but without a second copy of Skull.
  2. Well, there's a picture on page three of the Intrada - Septermber 23rd Release thread that would fit in nicely here. It is a monkey beating a prone (and presumed dead) horse. EDIT - That picture is on page 4, sorry about that.
  3. Boy, am I glad I waited until my co-workers (and boss) were at lunch to see this. Other possible quote for the horse, "Please make the fanboys stop."
  4. Perhaps "grail" is a double clue. If so, that should add Excalibur and Monty Python and the Holy Grail to the mix.
  5. I was going to take a stab with that, but I couldn't figure out how spell the darn title.
  6. Okay, but this is also the website that elsewhere states that the boxed set will be eight discs. On the page linked by Mark, it says five. Sorry, but until I see something else from Concord (no matter how poorly written), I'm not going to get my hopes up.
  7. "Obsession" - Bernard Herrmann That's from Vertigo, right? (If I was at home, I could look it up.) I guess it's the De Palma movie "Obsession" scored by Herrmann. One of his best works, which needs a proper release, by the way. Ahh, my bad. I figured Hitch would be referring to his tale of obsession, rather than De Palma's, uh, remake. Good thing he got Bernie to do it. Maybe it'll be the 1,000 copy release that Intrada will have on the 23rd.
  8. Americal? Hmmm, maybe it's something in the air that causing the lack of clarity. Wait, there's clarity on the top line. Neil, what is up with them folk and did you make it out in one piece and of sane mind?
  9. Hey, something new to have us guessing about while we await word from Concord. If Intrada is pressing 5,000 copies of something, it had better be something that will leave a lot of us saying, "Finally!" Sorry, King Mark, but Family Plot does not fit that bill. I'm not even sure Spartacus fits that bill (and I would be quicker to pick up Spartacus than I would Family Plot). More likely Back to the Future, but I'm not willing to put my money on any guess. Remember how Intrada gave clues before releasing WarGames? Wait and see is the way for me. Oh, yeah, I am Spartacus. "Obsession" - Bernard Herrmann That's from Vertigo, right? (If I was at home, I could look it up.) And Hitch, I miss the banjo playing.
  10. I don't cower. My knee buckled, I swear. After three surgeries, it does that too frequently.
  11. Well, when I was your age, that's the way them things worked. Of course, when I was your age I had access to an 8-track player. And there was talk about this lady who "accidentally" pressed a record button when transcribing a tape and magically zapped 18 minutes of stuff without realizing it at the time...
  12. Nah, Miss Padme complimented his intelligence-- that's enough to get any man into a euphoric state. Yes Mr. Adams says it in the FAQ section Why, because she is a women? These days I need more then a friendly stroke on the head to get euphoric. yes but who said I did do something like that I gotta start using my reading glasses when reading things on-line... From Doug Adams' FAQ: "We are planning for the book to come with 1 or 2 multimedia discs." Later on in the FAQ, he clarifies that multimedia disc equals DVD. And that the target release date is November, 2008. What you want to do in the privacy of your own computer, Miss Padme, is none of my business. All I ask is that you continue to be a voice of reason around these here parts. And Steef, I am quite comfortable having a lady around. I grew up as the only male in a house with four older sisters, my mother, and grandmother. I'm still in therapy for the hand-me-downs I got as a child.
  13. I am an oaf, but I voted for film music enthusiast.
  14. Speaking of that . . . . do we have a release date for the book yet? 2 DVDs? I hadn't heard that. I keep checking Doug Adams' website and have yet to see official word on a release date, but all indications / hopes are that it will be this year. Nah, Miss Padme complimented his intelligence-- that's enough to get any man into a euphoric state.
  15. Gee, Mark, care to guess what the new Varese CD Club titles are going to be?
  16. Nick, To record, you're probably going to have to press the Play and Record buttons down at the same time.
  17. "I only know two languages: English and Bad English." The good folks at Concord seem to be well versed in Bad English or they are attempting to get into the next edition of Anguished English. If they will only be available in the box set, then they should not be released individually. Maybe they're trying to sound like Yogi Berra...
  18. 6 is Chasing Amy Hitch -- good to see you back. Hopefully in one piece. Okay, go get Mother out of the fruit cellar.
  19. This is JWFan, of course people are going to wank about them not be complete. And, if we find out they're complete, people will wank about the lack of alternate versions. And if it turns out the set contains that, people will wank about the lack of an extensive booklet (a la the Superman Blue Box set) or annotated score analysis that came with the LOTR complete recordings. And if the set came with something like that, people would wank about the lack of replica fedora and whip. To sum up, some people are just wankers. And if you are, then by all means, please commence with the wanking. And, yes, there are many of us who will be reading your comments and judging you on them, so make them spicy!
  20. Ghostbusters has not been ruled out; only Ghostbusters II has been. If it isn't Ghostbusters, I'm gonna guess Lifeforce.
  21. Probably better, quite possibly better, but not 100% positive that the sound will be better. Over the years, I have seen many comments on how there are parts of the 4 disc Star Wars box set that sound better than the complete score releases that were remastered a couple of years later. If you wanna have fun, track down some articles from the mid-80s debating what sounded better: LPs or CDs.
  22. Or they just don't make too big a deal out of this so only a few people really have the info. Has anyone suggested that the additional disk may contain the interview and additional bits of music? I mean, with one disc each and a half disc for leftovers, complete TOD and LC scores should fit on the set, right? According to the filmography page, Raiders is 89:42, TOD is 114:01, and LC is 124:04 with 5:01 of source music (times include all pieces listed on the page). Putting as much music as can fit on a CD (80 min), that leaves Raiders 10, TOD 35, and LC 40 (nixing the source music) and -5 minutes for the interview with Williams. Wait, minus five minutes? Uh, I don't think we're going to get complete scores unless they go to 2 discs per title. Oh, well. As to Miss Padme's quote citing October 14 as the box set release date, I'm gonna guess the person confused the box set release date with the Raiders solo disc release. The quote may be from the same person who wrote (if I may be so kind as to consider it writing) the press release. C'mon Vosk, it's King Mark we're talking about here! He's just being himself. And I wouldn't want him any other way. (BTW, nice to see you back on the board.)
  23. I figured the only reason it sounded that bad was that it was the best it could be made to sound. And, Jason, no fair stumping me with the Zevon lyric. How dumb did that make me feel? Last year I considered naming my fantasy football team the Fistfulls of Rain; I went with Porcelain Monkeys instead.
  24. Seeing on how I'm at work, I gonna guess Kenny's version. (If I was at home, I'd check, and I guessed Hamlet based on Merchant.) And it was my co-worker who figured out the "not-in-alphabetical order". She was the county spelling bee champion. And then there was one... but it's not be Agatha Christie. Based on a work by a British subject written before the twentieth century and its title is between Contact and Jaws. Hmmm, when was Horatio Hornblower written?
  25. I'm thinking they spell out 'Koray' or 'Savas". As for the Bruckner themed door chime, other than the four note motive from the first movement of his fourth symphony, what else might you use?
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