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Everything posted by ChrisAfonso

  1. But Indy 2 had that sacrifice scene! When I watched that at the age of 11, it gave me quite some nightmares. I agree on Mellish's death at the end of SPR, it is so horrible watching the knife coming nearer and nearer, and his gurgle when it enters his heart. :cry2: Regarding the most emotionally moving death scene for me, I think this is the end of "The Green Mile", when Coffey is led to the electric chair and we know he hasn't done any wrong. The end of "The Mighty" is also very moving. -Chris
  2. I'm really sorry to read this, Steef Cats are wonderful beings to have around you. Best regards -Chris
  3. Umm... Cutthroat Island? Although I found the film quite entertaining, I wouldn't watch it twice if it weren't for the score. -Chris
  4. Hey, think of Air Force One! That one is a prime example of how such a thing can work. From listening to the music alone I could hardly tell what of it is Goldsmith and what of it is McNeely, and all of it is great! It all comes down to whether the "helping" composer has the skill to pull this off or not. Let's wait until the score comes out to judge it. -Chris
  5. Boy, I'll have to avoid those MR threads from now on until September or October or whenever, I caught WAY too much much spoilers here hidden in between unsuspicious sentences. -Chris,
  6. I watched Spider-Man on Thursday, loved the film, loved the music, and wanted to order it from amazon.de. D'Oh. Sony hasn't released it in Europe yet. Their problem. I downloaded it then. -Chris
  7. On my "West Side Story" LP and "Independence Day" CD it reads "Original Soundtrack Recording"... On my "Far and Away" it reads "Music taken from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" (Can't they make it any longer) ... "Armageddon" is quite Basic: "Armageddon - The Score" I think there's no defined standard as how to label which kind of soundtrack album, only some loose guidelines... You have to look at the track listings each time to be sure you get that what you want. -Chris
  8. At WOM in Hamburg they had quite a stock of TOD last time I was there, for ~26€ (I got mine there some years ago and since then it seems to have been in stock all the time) -Chris Minority Report
  9. The midi Stefan mentioned is here: http://www.chrisafonso.de/jw/imperialduel.mid However it's just a small idea, nothing too elaborate... but I think there's potential... let's hope Williams exploits it -Chris Minority Report (Thanks, Morn )
  10. Lets not forget the rip-off that struck me as most obvious in Willow, that shakuhachi theme... the beginning of it ripped directly from Bernstein (West Side Story, Finale), or from Wagner (Götterdämmerung, near the End), or Horner got it from Berstein got it from Wagner, you chose -Chris
  11. I have gotten so far: -AOTC -E.T. I'm to get: -MR -HPCS -TTT!!!!!! (Nobody mentioned this yet???) (-not to forget CMIYC) and perhaps Spiderman, if I like the music in the film, going to see it in a few days -Chris
  12. For a presentation in music class last year, where I did a project on John Williams, I created a Medley of occurances of the Force Theme from all 4 films (to that date) to showcase Williams's use of the Leitmotiv technique, so I picked several spots where the Force theme was presented in as different a guise as possible. If anyone's interested, I could make an mp3 of it -Chris, who was very satisfied when he played first the Imperial March and then Anakin's theme to the class an heard some gasps at the end of the latter
  13. Copy that. Can't understand what would be bad about FOTR's effects -Chris
  14. Me neither (same for superman, in any form)
  15. I remember reading somewhere that this Pluto was written by a student of Holst, so I think it was appropriate for him to write that.
  16. I have quite a collection of JW pictures, however I'm not sure they all fit on my webspace (it's pretty packed). I'll see if I can put them all online -Chris
  17. Air Force One is my favorite pure action score of all scores I own With the tracks of the promo I found on the net (and some obviously ripped from DVD, worse sound quality, but 2 or 3 tracks of those are vital to the score) I have made a ~74min CD that is abslutely cool Ok, half of that (the promo tracks) are McNeely, but he succeeded very well in sounding like Goldsmith... I can also recommend "Under Fire", that score is very different to the typical Goldsmith stuff, with lots of South American sounds and a solo guitar, but it's gorgeous. -Chris Air Force One Expanded
  18. That would perhaps have diminished the cool effect of the seismic bombs, I think... As for the question "Did Williams compose anythin for the final battle", I believe this has been settled already (hasn't it?), since McCallum said there was 125minutes of music recorded, and Takis' analysis showing that ~124min. of new music are in the film. Correct me if I'm wrong. -Chris
  19. I've noticed that before in someone else's topic about something else: Could you please put a "?" in your topic line if you're asking for info yourself? The way it is now I was thinking there is some new news about it... thanks -Chris
  20. Beware, last time I posted that signature pic, Uni took offense
  21. I love that bit in "Ferris Bueller's day off" where two guys "borrow" Cameron's car and make a trip roudn the town... the Star Wars Main Title strikes, and the car comes flying through the screen in slow motion -Chris
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