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Everything posted by 1977

  1. Interesting that the music credit for Pete 'n' Tillie reads John T. Williams (in the film and on the poster).
  2. If the concert programme is going to cover the entire period of JW's career, what would be considered rarities from the 1990's onwards? Would it mean things that haven't been performed in concert before (like Nixon, Sleepers and Rosewood - or have those been performed)? What about the 1980's (The River, Heartbeeps (!), The Accidental Tourist, SpaceCamp)? Or am I dreaming?
  3. Wonder whether there's any hope for something unreleased, such as The Secret Ways, Pete n Tillie or The Plainsman. Guess no Storia una Donna now (LLL Q&A thread at FSM). I would love a medley of all Johnny's glossy comedy scores from the '60s (you know the ones). What else? This could be fun (aren't they recording The Towering Inferno anyway): The Disaster Movie Suite (1993 Remastered) by Henry Mancini on Deezer http://www.deezer.com/track/13233134
  4. The other consideration for me, of course, is the fact that I somehow need to scrape together the money for the promised JW item(s) due later this year (assuming I understood that Jurassic Park podcast correctly)!
  5. Well, speaking for myself, it's a simple matter of economics. Due to a weakend currency and the escalating cost of overseas shipping, I simply can no longer afford to buy physical media. The download sells for a fraction of the cost, and as much as I would prefer to buy physical media (with lossless uncompressed audio), I am not in a position to do so at present.
  6. The iTunes listing at https://itunes.apple.com/tr/album/john-williams-steven-spielberg-the-ultimate-collection/id1205669744 shows the documentary at the bottom as a video file, unless this is tentative and not the final product.
  7. My home language is English and my 2nd language is Afrikaans.
  8. I'm interested to hear how they'll be handling Victory Celebration. I suppose they'll just do a playback of the recording done in '97. Wish I could attend these.
  9. Oh no, not the dreaded brickwalling issue?! Did Eric Labson master that one too?
  10. Oh dear, what was wrong with Congo? Oh, I also wouldn't mind if someone released Damnation Alley (on it's own - are the missing synths a problem?) and The Reincarnation of Peter Proud.
  11. Moved to a different city. All I have access to is the stuff I was able to rip into iTunes. So no liners, notes, etc.
  12. According to the specs and the review from thedigitalbits, it is 5.1: Disc One: 2002 20th Anniversary Edition 120 mins, PG, letterboxed widescreen (1.85:1), 16x9 enhanced, custom 2-disc gatefold packaging, single-sided, RSDL dual-layered (layer switch at 1:03:19 in chapter 12), introduction by Steven Spielberg, featurette, full-length audio of John Williams performing the score live at the 2002 premiere (DD 5.1), planetary facts with commentary provided by E.T., animated film-themed menu screens with sound, scene access (20 chapters), languages: English (DD 5.1 EX & DTS 6.1 ES) and French (DD 5.1 EX), subtitles: English and Spanish, Closed Captioned
  13. True, but it would be awesome if a live recording was made for inclusion as a 5.1 or 7.1 isolated music track. Didn't the 20th Anniversary DVD of E.T. have something along those lines?
  14. Unfortunately I can't check as my whole collection is in storage right now. If we do get a 40th Anniversary release of the score, hopefully the liner notes will clarify this.
  15. Yes, it sure sounds like the same performance to me, especially with the choral work.
  16. Apologies up front if this has been discussed elsewhere. When I first listened to the CE3K track on the BPO Pops in Space album, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the music JW composed for the SE of the film (the interior scenes of the mothership) was contained inside the suite. I'm assuming this is the actual score recording for the film, as it includes the choral part? Presumably when recording the Pops album they used the same recording sessions to record that bit of music for the SE? Anyone more knowledgeable than I know anything about this? If so, would this be the first time that the BPO as an ensemble has recorded music for a film score (as in the actual soundtrack)?
  17. I would have loved it if JW had chosen to record the cues from Hook that somehow went missing (the ones that LLL had to use film stems for). Snowball's chance in Hell, in know. Anyway, listening to the 2nd volume now for the first time in probably 16 odd years. Seriously cannot wait for Volume 3 now!
  18. You northern hemisphere dwellers are so lucky! We've never had any live-to-projection performances down here (as far as I know). Very jealous...
  19. A re-issue of long OOP stuff would be great: MacArthur Twilight's Last Gleaming Leviathan I wouldn't mind a complete Air Force One (with McNeely material) and Mulan either. Other than that, I think my Goldsmith collection is sorted (barring any rejected scores that may or may not have been recorded).
  20. I also enjoy parts of OOTP (Umbridge's theme, the integration of Hedwig's theme, the fireworks scene, flight to the ministry, Room of Requirement, Finale cue) but there's parts I find incredibly grating as well (the possession "theme" - more like noise, the music for the group flying from Privet Drive at the beginning). Also wish Hooper had used the Window to the Past theme for the Harry/Sirius scenes. Anyway, back to JP ///.
  21. Same here. At least we have the unreleased cues on Don Davis' site to tide us over: http://www.dondavis.net/audio/ Just wish the bitrates were a bit higher. How about parts of Images?
  22. I've always been a big fan of this score. For me it's a perfect blend of Williams' original themes and style without rehashing the same orchestrations verbatim (as Giacchino did on JW). In fact, of all the sequel scores by other composers that used Williams themes (Jaws, Supes, SW, JP, Potter) I think it's my favourite (although Courage's SIV is also right up there for me). As for the film, that's a different matter altogether... I do like Giacchino's score too, just not the way he incorporated the Williams material, which, as discussed at length elsewere, just feels tacked on and not properly integrated into the fabric of the score.
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