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Everything posted by Holko

  1. And again, the very end is not the 77, but the RotJ version - ending every trilogy finisher with it works great.
  2. The parallel works for much longer than one could think at first!
  3. @Jay, with this title, this thread being in the JW subforum is still a risk. Maybe it'd be better in GD. Or with a less obvious title.
  4. Great episode! Fuck, cliffhanger ending. Now we have to wait more than a week for the next one!
  5. Just a heads up, I know of people who want to go in clean as can be, and left the forum temporarily exactly because of threads titled like this.
  6. The bloody gimmick rightully died in the home years ago, but cinemas will milk it for as long as it takes for the already installed equipment to break down.
  7. One of the motifs in Anthem of Evil sounds like it's trying to break out into Holdo's Desperation. Anyone else get Lawrence of Arabia vibes from Speeder Chase? The explosively joyous motif from Arrival at Auda's Camp etc.?
  8. Woohoo, me likey! Great stuff in here. Anthem of Evil blew my socks off Speeder Chase is great Destiny of a Jedi is fun They Will Come is great Reunion is a bit of a weird mishmash As is Finale with some mild performance issues on top (I think), but goddammit that very ending is exactly what I wanted! Wasn't a great fan of the presentation after getting used to the FYC, I already know I'll like my mashup of the two better. This is all first listen stuff, so subject to change - except for the bits I love.
  9. Lando will have to sing Greased Lightning when the Falcon breaks down for the 1735273518th time.
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