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Everything posted by Positivatee

  1. I do like this feature of PlexAmp. Back in the day when using iPod Classic, I would often listen on Album mode. Sometimes I wanted to change to Artist mode to browse other albums by that artist, but I would need to go back up the folder structure to change modes. PlexAmp allows you to go directly to the Artist page for the Album that you are listening to. That's slick.
  2. My problem is that with only using one ear piece, I can't tell the difference between stereo and mono. Ohhhhhhhh.... The text color toggles between white and grey. Damn my eyes.
  3. It is easy to convert a stereo plug to mono, but it requires disassembly. You need to short circuit two wires together. But mono to stereo is not possible with hardware. Okay, I found that menu. I don't know how to change it back to stereo. Lol.
  4. Holy shoot, that can downshift stereo to mono?? Poweramp and PlexAmp can't do that. I listen at work with one ear piece in my ear, while the other ear listens for customers. I might need to use the Quebecois option.
  5. Poweramp has no issues playing Flac or mp3 stored locally on a phone. PlexAmp has no issues playing flac or mp3 from your home server. Any other software selections are unnecessary.
  6. The Jodie finale was so boring I fell asleep in the middle.
  7. It's extremely freaky when it pulls accurate cover art from files that you, I don't know, add the correct cover art to in the first place.
  8. Of course. This deep into the reign of the Empire (10, 15 years?), any surviving Separatist cells should have been flushed out and eliminated. Refer to Darth Vader's first Away Mission off planet. Their purpose was to install the Empire. That's why it was strange to hear Mon Mothma small talk about still dealing with the Separatists. I wasn't paying attention enough to know how recent that was.
  9. The Empire is typically racist towards non-human alien races. It is very rare for aliens to serve in the military. Many non-human aliens were enslaved after the fall of the Republic and rise of the Empire, including the Wookies and Calamari, but these are not in the Andor story yet. This series serves as a contrast between the high number of colorful aliens seen in the prequels' Republic and the Empire seen later. There aren't many, if any, aliens in the core worlds like Coruscant or Ferrix. Most of the aliens were chased away. Very few alien senators are seen. Maybe their positions were forcibly reassigned. Procedural racism. The show seems to be saving aliens for the frontier planets (the places where The Mandalorian and BoBF visit) and where the Rebels have a presence. The 4-armed doctor (Doctor Quadpaw, if you have closed captions on) is clearly alien. Andor is arrested on a vacation planet with lots of aliens. If we get to see the Emperor, will his devil horned attendant Mas Amedda still be by his side? Doubtful. Yes, we all know about the blue skinned Thrawn, but he was created for the Extended Universe, and even in-universe, he was a very rare exception. He was popular enough to be cherry picked for Disney Canon. It's quite nice to see a woman in the ISB, Dedra Meero, because human female officers are also very rare in the Empire. The EU had very few. Of course, if we remember the Obi-Wan show, it also had very few aliens.
  10. On one hand, it is stupid. The entire mainland of Westeros should be treated as potentially hostile territory. Her envoys are just boys, and swearing on a holy tome of 7 new gods wont guarantee that they won't be attacked first. On the other hand, she knows war may be inevitable, but she does not want to take the first shot. She needs someone to take it for her. She is well defended on Dragonstone. Nobody will come to her yet. Her two eldest boys are bastards. She knows this. The entire realm knows this. They are the legal heirs to Driftmark but that is shaky at best. Her Strong sons are pawns. If they can be attacked first, she will have her proof of the realm's hostility and passively started the war. It might even earn sympathy. It's subconsciously brilliant. No good mother would sacrifice her sons like this.
  11. I didn't have time last night to watch the whole episode, between HotD and football, but I did catch the regeneration scene on YouTube. I DVRd it for tonight.
  12. While true, Star Wars media should never have unmemorable music. Every Williams score has a few earworms. Rogue One has a great villain march. The Mandalorian has very unique music. But Andor's is meh.
  13. I don't notice the music in Andor. It's there but it's not memorable at all.
  14. Ooh, yeah, I forgot about that. Depending on how secure the crashsite on Veridian 3 was, it's the difference between Moriarty's cage and Lore's body from being preserved versus end up on the underground market. The artifacts belong in the secure storage area seen in Lower Decks with the evil computer and Peanut Hamper, but they've clearly been on the loose for years.
  15. Twenty-plus years ago, I read an article that says the makers of ST Voyager wanted Moriarty to accompany the crew... or maybe the actor wanted steady work. Regardless, no one could find a good reason for him to exist on the series. I still don't see a reason now, other than for a bad guy wanting to enlist other bad guys into his/her organization. Moriarty is a computer virus on a an external hard drive. As long as you keep the computer off your network, you can't get infected. If you do get infected, it's because you are an idiot.
  16. And yet, my embrace of reverse Y-axis is not universal. I own a cheap telescope that's been in the family since the 90s. Last night was beautifully clear to gaze at the moon and Jupiter, right next to each other. Either my telescope is built wrong, defective, or that's just the way finder scopes work, but the finder's scope is working with a reversed Y-axis. Possibly also a reversed X, but I was getting angry and don't remember. I couldn't figure it out. Eventually I just looked through the normal tube, but I couldn't focus on the objects. The brightest objects in the sky, and I can't focus. Time to get rid of it.
  17. My brain is physically unable to play in the normal Y-axis. When my partner hands me the gamepad to get past a hard boss, I must invert Y or I fumble around like a drunkard. Then I switch it back. I grew up on flight sims and other true 3D games in the 90s. My brain was rewired a long time ago.
  18. Inverted Y-axis also applies to the mouse on a computer, which controls POV. Some games permit you to also invert the X-axis, but players who use this option are psychologically unstable.
  19. The trailer is fantastic, even sideways with people walking in front, when the crowd cheers... Oh my gosh. It'll be great. There's no way they can screw up two Indiana Jones movies in a row!
  20. Fantastic episode. Aemond's flight needs rescored with John Powell. I'm glad to see that at least Rhaenyra and Laenor tried to have kids the natural way. I don't know if there are turkey basters in Westeros, but their joyless couplings were likely not often enough while she was fertile for scheduling to work out. Hell, there's no way to even know if Laenor makes viable swimmers. When the Dance begins, it will be glorious.
  21. But if a child AMAB and named Stephane wants to transition and keep her name, that is allowed.
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