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Found 15 results

  1. The title says it all. I was just going through some of my Powell collection, and I was taken by just how good so much of it is. Just about all of the scores of his I've heard retain their excitment and interest time and time again. I won't say his scores are perfect or perfectly consistant...but there's more interesting music in your average Powell album than just about any other composer working today. No one can touch him action-wise nowadays. The man actually uses strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion in ways that sound individually conceived. He can have 5 different interesting things going on at once. And he can still bring it all together for a splendid moment of the big theme. Along with Desplat and Giacchino, Powell's the most exciting voice to be introduced to film music in my life as a film-score collector. Just needed to say that yet again. Tangiers from The Bourne Ultimatum by John Powell (my favorite action cue of the past couple of year, hands down)
  2. Dave Norris, who works for Universal in London, confirmed Powell is scoring it in the FSM thread I think John Powell is scoring this. New Animation Score is nearly done writing! https://www.instagram.com/stories/johnj_powell/3109990455668985430/ He is https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=150865&forumID=1&archive=0 So that's good enough for me to start the thread her. If it turns out he's not scoring it, we can rename the thread.
  3. https://www.varesesarabande.com/products/how-to-train-your-dragon-the-deluxe-edition-cd First Solo now this!
  4. John Powell to score new 2019 live action film " Call of The Wild" directed by How To Train Your Dragon's helmer, Chris Sanders Source: John Powell's comment on Facebook:
  5. John Powell is scoring a new movie https://www.instagram.com/p/CULKarJvGwv/
  6. Who else is excited for this score? Here's a clip of the movie with Powell's new score in it https://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-news/how-to-train-your-dragon-2-exclusive-clip-161523920.html?vp=1 EDIT: The music is not from the new score, it's tracked in from the first.
  7. I'm still not convinced that I need it in my collection. Besides, it's available on Spotify if I feel the urge to check it out again.
  8. Apparently John Powell will score Pan! http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/movie/pan/pan-poster-2/ *edit* or not http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2900293120/tt3332064?ref_=tt_ov_i
  9. Hey all! I rarely pop in here but just wanted to share my newest episode of "Film Music Media: All Access". A fantastic and extremely in-depth interview with John Powell at his studio. Hopefully shining some light on things that haven't been talked about before. If you aren't familiar with my "All Access" series. I started it as a change of pace after doing 200+ audio interviews with composers. John is my third episode, I have Lorne Balfe and Heitor Pereira also with more to come in the future! Hopefully you enjoy or have been enjoying! http://www.filmmusicmedia.com/allaccess
  10. Interesting pairing eh? But they remind me very much of each other. They both can write the big boomy scores that studios come to expect these days, and yet they do it in a much more sophisticated fashion than these types of scores are written with. McCreary relies more on ethnic instrumentation to deliver that big sound (with the heavy taiko drums, etc.), where John Powell implements more electronics. To me, John Powell still sounds very RCP, but McCreary has developed a sound signature all his own. John Powell I can still predict the next note on, McCreary takes familiar ideas into new directions. I'd honestly say that McCreary's music is probably the most surprising to me these days in terms of how well I can predict what direction a melody or theme will take. And that's something rare. Vote!
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