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Neimoidian last won the day on December 26 2012

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About Neimoidian

  • Birthday 31/03/1983

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  1. John Scott, the greatest underrated film composer of all time and also very charming and humble man.
  2. According to polish media Wojciech Kilar, composer of film, TV and serious concert music, died today. He was 81.
  3. I am waiting till Christmas to listen to it (it's going to be my present and now I just don't want to spoil the experience). <Sigh>
  4. Yes, I know. What I meant was that moving from uber-popular Zimmer to a (real) talent out of industry is extremely rare these days.
  5. This news actually got me excited: Roque Banos is to score the next Ron Howard's picture! http://filmmusicreporter.com/2013/11/19/roque-banos-to-score-ron-howards-in-the-heart-of-the-sea/#more-21253 Moving from Zimmer to this terrific composer may be small step for a man, but giant leap for the Industry. Anyway, I look forward to it.
  6. I have warmed up to Lincoln over past months more than I initially expected. I listen to it quite a lot these days. As for The Book Thief, it took me 2 or 3 times to dig into that score, but I must say every time I listen to it now I find it more satisfying. While most people seem to focus on its (often superficial) resemblance to Angela's Ashes or Stepmom and call it boring or uninspired, I concentrate more on what's new and unique about it. After all it's full of highlights (One Small Fact, New Parents and a New Home, Learning to Read, Visitor at Himmel St. and Finale to name a few). By no means I find it boring - it moves me a lot and I believe JW put his heart into it (even more than his mind, given it's not the most musically original of his works).
  7. I enjoyed your review, Mikko. The score has been growing on me. I agree that similarities to previous soundtracks, especially Stepmom and Angela's Ashes, are mostly superficial. After 5+ listenings The Book Thief sounds quite distinctive to me. Charming and elegant. By any means a masterpiece and not as sophisticated as the scores form the 90s, but nevertheless a very pleasant entry in composer's portfolio.
  8. The problem is that Hollywood doesn't invest in "very well trained and knowledgable starting film composer" anymore. Plus the bar is set impossibly high for Williams. The preconceived notion of what his scores should be to try to achieve work against him as people squint with critical brow at every note as if it should contain the world's wisdom. Exactly. We wait for every new JW score like for the second coming or something and whenever it's not up to the standard of his best works, we feel desappointed, almost cheated, no matter how well-done this soundtrack objectively is. The Book Thief my not be JW's best, but he has written a lot scores like this (in terms of appeal or lack thereof) in his career, so this doesn't mean anything as far as JW's talent (and his current form) is concerned.
  9. The problem is that Hollywood doesn't invest in "very well trained and knowledgable starting film composer" anymore.
  10. I guess as long as the score isn't one-note drone, it's shmaltz and sentimental to most critics thesedays.
  11. I recommend checking out Abel's official web page (www.abelkorzeniowski.com), where you find plenty of music to listen to, including lots of stuff from his opus magnum Metropolis, as well as from some of his least-known scores (Tickling Leo is particularly noteworthy).
  12. http://youtu.be/TgjnWsXSECc?t=48m6s A live performance of Sherlocks main theme and Irene's theme by David Arnold and friends (+ a lenghty interview with the composer).
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