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Melange last won the day on October 29 2016

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  1. Me neither. I'm not into Metallurgy.
  2. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    Various sponsors of your good works will be withdrawing their funding very soon, mstrox.
  3. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    Out of curiosity (O Lord) are the trainers Men or Women? If Women want insight on what would effectively repel Men in a perceived harressment situation, surely they'd consult a range of Men, yes?
  4. Jarre to hold concert at Masada (Israel) (Guardian deems it an 'Anti Trump' concert) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/03/jean-michel-jarre-anti-donald-trump-dead-sea-concert Even back in my 'very' Jarre Fan days, when I was far more left, to be honest I always found the various virtue signalling causes this guy latches onto, somewhat pretentious and skin deep. Back in the day I remember the controversy around the Sun City concert, essentially a closed event for the country's wealthy elite and a lot of the imagery at concerts in the vague - " Save the World / End Oppression / Environmentalist" themes came across as finger pointy from a man burning up vast carbon resources shipping himself and untold amounts of gear all over the world for the energy guzzling concerts. He hobnobs with elites and corporations to get sponsorship, while unable to let go of the 'Communist Rebel' thing it seems was his youth. "Save the world, don't waste energy but those monster carbon guzzling space missions are great, and so is the Pope who is literally the epitome of hot air". Yes, I had to comment because the Guardian started it first. I gave up any pretentions of being an environmentalist in my early 20s, because so often the most vocal are the ones doing little (if anything) different in our lives than anyone else. It is easy to be the finger pointer while enjoying all the fruits of that energy guzzling world, and Jarre seems little different. Anyway, yes he'll have an event at Masada. It won't be the first time though as Son et Lumiete are common there. I was camping in the desert below Masada a few years ago when the practice for a Son et Lumiere opera (forgot which one) was going on there, with the cliffs lit in various colours. So, he's 'raising awareness ' about the Dead Sea level. Got any actual 'solutions' to that or the energy demand, Jean Michel? Being the - "We gotta do better" or - "We gotta stop doing this" is simply what the Pope does without offering practical fixes.
  5. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    Truly the Water of Life.
  6. Yes, according to an article I read the other day. After all, Israel is part of the Eurovision Song Contest - quite an oddity 'really", but it provided the world with gems such as Ole Ole, a song that initially drove me to the edge of insanity when I was staying in a hostel in Jerusalem near a square where a sort of charity 'flashmob' would play this about 6 times a day while dancing around in the square raising money for the disabled. It was one of those songs that became Stockholm syndrome, and I really grew to love my former torturer. I then learned it was Israel's 1985 Euro entry. https://youtu.be/j_a5Fn6VNiE
  7. This. I think the last soundtrack I purchased was 5 years ago, and was a silly purchase anyway (The Bourne Legacy, and has probably only been played two or three times). Prior to that, it was one bought 5 years before that (The Bourne Ultimatum - one which has had a 'lot' more play). It was long ago that I realized I had reached 'peak aqquisition' (and compared to some my collection isn't vast), the signal being that you are hardly playing the ones you already have and there is even less chance that they'll be played as each new aqquisition arrives. Yes it's nice to have all the options, all that listening choice ("The power, The Power") but how many years go by without certain ones ever being played? Combined with the endorphine release addiction of securing a limited edition expanded release, and the 'new stuff' hit, I think it can easily become borderlineine mental illness of 'hoarder' variety. I think that if we were each ruthless, most could probably wittle down collections to say 15-20 soundtracks they'd never part with.
  8. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    "Oh mortals, hark. It is only after careful consideration that i have chosen to issue forth a decree today, in this thread, for your transgressions are many and my displeasure at your trivializations is great. Repent, and donate to my scribe there upon your earthly plane, Melange, to offset your errors" - Revelation 6:6 of The Way of Mstrox : Living a pure fulfilling life of devotion.
  9. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    May all his works manifest nourishing fruit. Eagerly we shall distribute the sacred harvest. Oh great provider, our devotion is infinite. Look upon us with favour, and smile.
  10. Melange

    the mstrox thread

    mstrox, opiate of the masses. Nectar of Nectars, Oh Precious Jewel. Blessed is he and the sacred thread.
  11. Nah, I don't think I've every truly been in Love. 'Or' truly loved, either.
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