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Everything posted by filmmusic

  1. i was wondering the same for SAE, so as to get the Spacecamp replacement disc too,that i got originally from them..
  2. I was wondering, had anyone predicted or mentioned anything about home alone being in this batch? most of us were talking about Hook.
  3. yes!! probably in the 29th November batch of 2011! MV talking about 2011:
  4. It's not Hook, but a great one too! So, why it says in the description it's expanded and not complete?? It's because it doesn't include the 3 Christmas songs?
  5. this was posted in a thread by someone in FSM: "Whatever the titles are , I'm pretty sure it will be HUGE" and the reply by MV: "Yes, they shall be huge -- a HUGE letdown to most. I'm quite sure of it." I'm assuming this is addressed to those of us who are waiting for Hook.. http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?forumID=1&pageID=3&threadID=73859&archive=0
  6. You can find here many: http://musicby.jw-music.net/ Go left, where it says Midi files.
  7. Here's hoping to Hook too (although I'm pessimistic about it), and looking forward to Batman returns! These are 2 of my 5 top scores ever!!
  8. thanks, that's very interesting! So the synth celesta plays at the same time with the rest of the orchestra, right? Since it is a synth they could put it later in the mix too I assume. I wonder if they use a regular synthesizer with the sound of a celesta or celesta sound from known sample libraries...
  9. Well, I believe celesta is a rare instrument for an orchestra to have, let alone to have 2 of them. That was just an instance I gave as an example. What about other scores? He uses it all over Hook if you see the score. In Hatching Baby raptor from Jurassic park too (there he uses one synth and one regular celesta). and many others..
  10. I have noticed in many Williams scores that he uses synth celesta instead of regular celesta.. (e.g.in the beginning of "The prologue" in Harry potter and Sorcere's stone) Does anyone know why is that? well, I understand that in passages that require 2 celestas he uses synth too, because there can't be 2 celestas in the orchestra.. but when there is a passage with one celesta? Is it because it might have a softer sound from the regular celesta and generally you are able to manipulate it's color?
  11. Thank you very much for this! it was really interesting! I couldn't agree more with this: "if the music is too good, maybe you'll realize how bad the film is!" and I like that Brown isn't afraid to state his opinion openly for some composers and their scores..
  12. Well, i just saw the scene you say.. it didn't sound familiar to me...
  13. Well, even for the worst Williams score, I'm not sure if anyone could do it better!
  14. It does sound like Legends of the Fall, but that's not it. Sounds like a ripoff of it, which may or may not still be Horner. Well, i bet it's Horner. I listened to various Horner themes just now, and they all sound alike, and most of them are in the same tonality too with this one. We'll see. the same music (this time in its complete form) is here too from 1.56'' and on:
  15. Hello. Does anyone have any clue what is the music that is playing in this trailer from a Greek TV series that has began recently? it sounds like james Horner and some say that it's from Legends of the Fall, but I don't think so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcLtXNvsHTI
  16. Oh, thanks for this one! Hadn't seen it!
  17. I assume they will have in their records the names of the 3000 persons that got the Spacecamp cd.. So, if i request a replacement cd, they will check their records to see if I indeed had bought the original cd..
  18. Does it say anything in it about Williams' music? perhaps a whole chapter on it?
  19. oh.. i would prefer a film score, but i guess it's better than nothing. i wonder why it doesn't show it when i put in the search bar "john williams" and sort by release date. i had to put "elegy williams" to see it..
  20. I have Pixar's Up, The Dark Night and I just got today Blade Runner 5 disc collecto'r sedition, and Criterion's Thin Red line. there is a very interesting 16 minute interview there with Hans Zimmer about the music !
  21. Did JW win? I thought he settled it out of court for an undisclosed sum... here's the article about it: http://www.filmscoremonthly.com/articles/2000/27_Apr---Baxter_v_Williams_Lawsuit_Recap.asp
  22. Any words of any new editions?? Does anyone know something?
  23. Except for the usuals (terminator 2, empire strikes back, etc..) I would say Batman returns too is my favourite from all Batmans.. Oh, and definitely Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom is my favourite from all the series..
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