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Everything posted by phbart

  1. Yes. It's puzzling how JW come up with those ideas. However, in the case of "Visions of Anne Lively" it worked well, as I prefer it over "Another Vision". I think he also did it with Raiders 1981 OST with "Well of the Souls", when at some point it cuts to a portion of "In the Idol's Temple" then goes back to the ending of "Well of the Souls". But in that case it didn't worked at all! One more to the "JW's worst OST decisions".
  2. I always loved "Visions of Anne Lively" from the OST ("Another Vision" in the LLL release). I noticed that a portion of "Visions of Anne Lively" is different from "Another Vision", at around 1:17 of both. Assuming the latter is the correct film version, was the "different" portion of Anne Lively made specifically for the OST or simply tracked from elsewhere?
  3. The LLL Friday the 13th set released in early 2012 sold out in less than 24 hours.
  4. Oh yes... forgot about that. And this too... https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?forumID=1&pageID=12&threadID=118900&archive=0 We would love to release more Williams this year. MV Maybe one of the titles for the BF batch this year?
  5. Didn't MV said Towering Inferno was on the works a few years ago?
  6. Clicks and pops may brake my bones... but soundstage noises will never harm me.
  7. Don't know why, but I voted for the Indiana Jones mega box set.
  8. I was thinking about it these days, when I friend managed to rip the digital audio tracks from the 1986 laserdisc and synch it with the 2012 blu-ray and we watched it (I haven't seen it in a while). Only MM will know how to properly present the material from ToD. It has so many edits, inserts and what have you...
  9. Do we know exactly what was recorded for the ritual scenes? Wasn't some of the stuff recorded even before the film was finished, like the five notes of CE3K?
  10. Talking about Star Wars... is the pitch on RoTJ 2018 Disney correct? It seems a little faster than what's on the correspondent tracks of Arista release.
  11. Not that I haven't enjoyed LLL's E.T. over the past 2 years. I did, and quite a lot. I've already converted it to 320kbps mp3 to play in my car (it doesn't read flac), I've already copied the flac files to my phone, which I hardly listen because it's a sin to listen to such a masterpiece on a phone with earbuds while on the run (not from the police), I've already burned CD-Rs to listen in my home system (yes, my home system is not USB friendly) and I included 3 tracks from CD2, "The Encounter", "The Kiss" and "Levitation" for a complete experience. And all this even before my set arrived, which took about 60 days. So yes, my set is still sealed. Not only I enjoyed the music, and still am enjoying, but I get to look at sealed, brand new set and feel the same joy I felt the day it arrived.
  12. Is your blister big enough to fit the center hole of the CD?
  13. I'll buy the vinyl version... and will keep it sealed for a couple of years too.
  14. Even before my set arrived, I had already listened to it exhaustively, read the booklet. So why tear that beatiful plastic protecting the still immaculate shinny disc? Putting my hands full of fingers on those precious discs would be practically a rape... ... and no, I'm not selling it and never will.
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