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Dr. Rick

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About Dr. Rick

  • Birthday 17/11/1974

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  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    Parenta Life Coach
  • Location
    Austin, TX, USA

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  1. To me it looks like cd in foreground and vinyl in background unless y’all already know that 😆
  2. Its a Wonderful Life was the first multiverse movie IIRC
  3. Don't bother! LOL One of the worst MCU movies ever. Thor: DW was great by comparison lol
  4. Gotta include "Saying the Rosary" from Sleepers
  5. Oh, and Presumed Innocent and SpaceCamp were announced just one week apart from each other! LOL
  6. Why not? It happened just last BF / December with Hook and Jane Eyre / Heidi
  7. Apologies for my ignorance, but who is on the left in the photo?
  8. It’ll be far more interesting to listen to a potential LOJW interview with MM on this one! Can’t wait to hear the nuggets of insight.
  9. I’ll be honest this won’t get a lot of play in my CD player but I’ve ordered it primarily for its historical significance. It has a good main theme for sure but it’s still a watershed moment for us diehards! 😂
  10. Looking back is a great way to predict future releases. Typically, single disc smaller scores are released during the spring and summer months, with the tentpole / multiple disc releases typically coming out in the fall / BF time period.
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