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Unlucky Bastard

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Everything posted by Unlucky Bastard

  1. Twilight. Neurotic surly teenage girl from Phoenix named Bella, moves to Oregon with her old man and meets a creepy anemic male underwear model named Edward Cullen, only to figure out that he's also a vampire. Oh, shock horror, he's a naturally built killer, but she's just so stubborn, she adores him! The scene after Edward the vampire shows her how he looks in the sunlight without his shirt on, with his skin glistening with those psychedelic sparkles, I don't think I've ever seen a girl look so agonizingly horny in my entire life. She meets the family of Cullen vampires, while all absurdly attractive, all appear to be from the same flour factory, while acting like distant relatives of the Munsters and the Addams Family. The villains are notable for being hippie vampires, while pepper spray makes the boss baddie more powerful. Descends into a damsel-in-distress cliche in the second half, which was odd for a film directed by a woman.
  2. Ever get those moments where you think "that might have been better without the music"?
  3. Any composers on this board willing to go work for RCP?
  4. 4. Might be generic 1990's Goldsmith at times, but the main "Land of Africa" theme is just magnificent.
  5. Brokeback Mountain can be quite pleasant. Babel is unlistenable.
  6. They might think it's a good thing, as the music "served its purpose".
  7. For me, that would have been David Arnold's Godzilla.
  8. King Solomon's Mines Legend Rambo: First Blood Part II Explorers Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend Cocoon A View to a Kill Out of Africa Back to the Future Godzilla 1985
  9. No, DVD's, and even VCDs will cause your BD player to explode.
  10. King Solomon's Mines by Jerry Goldsmith > Mischa Spoliansky.
  11. Can't see JW scoring a Terminator film. He's better at scoring movies about robots looking for their mother.
  12. Drax it seems you've read the HP books more times than most people here. In a pig's eye.
  13. I find much of Arnold's non-Centropolis work to be a bit of a snore.
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