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Everything posted by ymenard

  1. Yeah that's actually my point. None of this exist anymore, the New Republic never existed as far as we know. The crawl in the upcoming movie is probably the first indication of what happened during the 30 years after ROTJ, unless they start giving us hints similar to the Star Trek : Coundtown comics. The only thing we know is who is still alive, the leaked material and that trailer (part of the Galactic empire still exists and is an active force).
  2. The New Republic doesn't even exist anymore. Nobody knows what happened the day after the end of last ROTJ scene (or the Coruscant celebrations since I guess they were after).
  3. Anybody has that international trailer in better quality? It has a lot more footage...
  4. The Empire still being there 30 years after ROTJ = A lot of potential for EU.
  5. My bet is that R2 units have evolved and "jump" from a host to another, they only keep their heads. It's part of the lightweight material out of a SW movie.
  6. I know this won't make me friends, but those fast trumpets at around 0:40 makes me think of Zimmer's Batman (ex: Gotham's Reckoning). But we know he's done a lot of fast stuff like that throughout the years, probably since The Lost World. Also... DAMN those timpani being compressed and super bassy.
  7. Composers have no time for complex orchestration anymore. Time is money, when you crunch the numbers you gotta sacrifice something, and that something is color as you battle against SFX. Brass and strings are kept as they work with the SFX. Not the woodwinds that for the exec suit are just color that is wasting their money. Soundtracks are a business, let's never forget that.
  8. TTRL is still by far his biggest achievement, it felt for once like a true composition. But I like that he's thinking about textures, it still doesn't make him an innovator. Electro-acoustic is decades in front of what he's doing, there's nothing unique in his approach, except perhaps in the soundtrack business. Goldenthal was doing the same thing twenty years ago, and at a much higher quality.
  9. No way that the score can hold 10 0000 units. If it does, then it means the business is going really, really well.
  10. After watching the movie, I would *not* recommend anybody seeing the movie based on the extremely poor sound mix. Either they fix the errors or it's too bad for them, word of mouth is gonna KILL the box office.
  11. Ewoks have a lifespan of 60-70 years, and Wicket was just about 10 in ROTJ. He's still alive! Jar-Jar is dead though....
  12. In that case the, Tund system (Pixelito is in Malastare I think), we know RATTS TYERELL is from Aleen because of the Clone Wars. There's probably a few others I've forgotten. I'm not sure how or where deleted scenes fit in actually. I would assume they're fine as they came from George. I think the second lap of the pod race and the introduction of the other pod racer is a permanent part of the movie, it was added to the home release back in the days?
  13. Aren't some planets announced too during the pod race when they introduce the racers? And is that extended lap part of the canon?
  14. The Despecialized is so close to the real thing that I don't care if George keeps final cut on his movies and vetoes it.
  15. Yeah that's perhaps the worst case of temp-tracking Spielberg ever forced JW to do. Shame.
  16. I'm still impressed that John *does* listen to more progressive and minimalist music. I guess he must take a lot of time during his day to actually listen to classical music, and it's not just say Schubert or Mozart. Surely he would listen to the modern 20th century stuff (say, Ives or Britten) but it also shows that he takes time to hear stuff that is composed by living people.
  17. The simple themes *are* part of what he does. The 3-chord piano stuff or a simple "same note plucked 3 times on the viola". It works best on more tribal situations, a la Lost or this movie. He still proved with John Carter that expressive themes are possible in a more grandiose-type setting. Anyway the whole thing is really impressive, it's like he's pushing every Giacchino button from the past decade (back to the Lost pilot) and it all works together flawlessly. You can tell he worked a lot on his orchestration. It reminds me of JP: The Lost World in the woodwinds mixed with Goldsmith from his adventure-era (mummy/mulan/edge/ghost&darkness).Top score of the year by far. Wish he had made a reference to the funkyness of Goldsmith Escape from POTA
  18. ymenard


    If anybody reads Alex Ross' The Rest is Noise, you will find that every composed quoted everybody, from Bruckner to Schoenberg.
  19. It would be awesome if Michael channels the Goldsmith funkyness of Escape from Planet of the Apes! You know he can do it. Or at least, the avant-garde original score.
  20. Exactly, if you hear the more texturized work (A.I., WOTW, Minority Report), it just doesn't work as powerful as what other composers can do. I know that scores like The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo here get a lot of bad rep, but they are great textural compositions that are more towards sound design. Sound design is an important part of music, from Herrmann to Goldsmith, they have worked with it at different levels. I would say, that John's talent is wasted by asking him to go away from a classical repertoire and instrumentation.
  21. Thanks! Will this touch JW's work that is not related to movies, and how different it is from his more neoclassic movie scoring?
  22. ymenard


    I don't even need to say which JW score this references to. Temp tracking perhaps, but it's still shameful. Another one that is obvious. Again, probably just temp-tracking.One thing I wonder, is that directors cannot all be great fans of classical music or soundtrack music. Temp-tracking is done by whom exactly? Often I wonder if temp-tracking is not done by the composer themselves from time to time.
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