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Everything posted by ymenard

  1. Why wouldn't they shoot in England? 83.3% (lol) of all Star Wars movies had their principal photography in that country. It's like saying a James Bond film shouldn't be shot at Pinewood! It's part of a business tradition that Disney wants to keep in the franchise.
  2. Yes! Why is there no Oscar For Best Producer? There is one. It's called the "Academy Award for Best Picture". It goes to the producers.
  3. Let's remember also that Jar-Jar Binks isn't dead by 6 ABY, therefore he might reappear in the next movie!
  4. There is another recording of Othello, it runs 1-hour and 25 minutes long.
  5. Hopefully they will do the live-to-screen "Indy's very first adventure", and have Seth sing along to it!!!
  6. It's not anything about an "american" set-up, it's just the way classical music has been presented for over 300 years now, live and recorded. The stereo spectrum should represent that, which it doesn't in the TESB SE. It's a really weird decision because nobody actually knows why somebody did that. There's no logic to the way the orchestra is presented, especially when it changes throughout the album!
  7. I really wonder how he'll be able to cope with the seriously bizarre continuity that George Lucas has tried to change over the past decade. Does Abrams start fresh from the 1983 version? Does he consider the last Blu-Ray release has the definitive version? Special editions? There's somehow a lot of difference in terms of what you can do in a future movie based on those kind of decisions. What is canon and what is not, he will have to take decisions that go above what Lucas decided before him.
  8. But where other orchestra that big at the time, I mean except some specific scores from time to time? No. It's more that as sound FX got more and more control over the sound field of a movie and recording techniques got better, a larger orchestra could be orchestrated in a much better way to "battle" or to the opposite, to "help" the sound editing, If you start targeting certain frequency range depending on what you would hear on the screen at any moment. This wasn't possible until the mid 80's.
  9. maybe he read the book for his personal pleasure, and later when he saw that it was made into a movie he wanted to score it?
  10. You could say the same thing about Terminator 2... in the end it ROTJ might have used a little too much elements of the first movie, but it wasn't just a replica.
  11. You go to the store... You buy this : http://www.amazon.com/The-Rest-Noise-Listening-Twentieth/dp/0312427719 And you'll find hundreds of instances of this. Every composer pretty much did it, a lot of times during their life.
  12. Goldsmith' The Blue Max is also exactly that. And it's awesome, full of tension and heroic releases.
  13. I don't get this, doesn't the soundtrack already has the film mix? (and the rescored album).
  14. Giacchino loves that style of orchestration. It's everywhere in his gaming WW2 scores, and even in stuff like Star Trek.
  15. Giacchino is in a arpeggio-philip-glass style these days (well ok for at least 3-4 years now)
  16. Was the stuff Giacchino worked for Star Tours recorded by Wallin? How does it sound?
  17. The Phantom Menace has more models and model craft than the 3 original Star Wars movies combined. You'd be surprised to find that many, many stuff you think is CGI is in fact a large scale model (with added computerized effects).
  18. Yeah none of you guys have seen the pre-viz that Spielberg did for the last Star Wars movie? With the train and all that crazy shit happening? It was that Tintin chase x100!
  19. That's pretty much the logical approach of a man like Gia. Anyway, for those saying Super 8 had no JW resemblance, what about that fantastic homage to the military theme? Again, there's a reason he's doing a sabbatical right now, because that man knows what's coming up!
  20. Wow Giacchino scoring a Star Wars movie, he was made to do this. I mean let's be serious, his sabbatical is for a reason. The guy can channel Johnny like nobody can perhaps since Joel McNeely. How was his Star Tours thing? Did he develop the themes in his own way? Oh and stop talking about Debney, nobody cares about a guy who scored The Three Stooges LOL. Hopefully Michael can go back to his PC game days and see his inspiration that gave him incredible scores to SWoN and CoD. Those scores and the Medal of Honor series feels like a SW score more than anything.
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