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Everything posted by Jay

  1. If its not SW, why wouldn't he?Well I dunno! I don't think it's necessarily a 100% guarantee though!
  2. Is anyone else shocked that JJ Abrams won't be doing Episode 8? What will his next film be now, I wonder? And will Giacchino score it (Abrams next film I mean)?
  3. Sorry for the confusion. The countdown was counting down to midnight in Ricard's local time, because today was the planned day that hte track list, sound sample, and high res cover art for EOTS would go online. But on Tuesday when the FB picture of the EOTS set was such high resolution that everyone figured out the track list anyway, it was decided to just post the track list early. The sample still went live today, just not right at midnight. That's all the countdown was ever for! As the main page article mentions, there's an exclusive article written by Mike Matessino about this release going live on JWFan next week.
  4. I would say less than 5% of movies that come out in theaters (even just ones in wide release) get their own threads. And BB Godzilla doesn't have it's own movie discussion thread, that's a thread for the score
  5. The music for the train ride back to London is even better, featuring Buckbeak and Knight Bus music from POA and Spiders music from COS, and what sounds like a small amount of original music Whoever arranged these did a really good job, I enjoy these a lot. I hope they leak clean. I doubt Williams was involved.
  6. I think this is a great idea, I completely agree with KM. In fact, read post #1 of this thread - we were already discussing doing so then.
  7. I wonder what this means about Spielberg's two new movies. Maybe Williams is retiring after 2015 or something
  8. Film will be called "The Batman" and come out in 2019 http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=119719
  9. Better Call Saul has already been renewed for a second season despite the fact they are still filming the first season - wow. http://blogs.amctv.com/breaking-bad/2014/06/amc-updates-on-better-call-saul/ Article includes a pic from the set
  10. I am almost positive. I'll post more when I revamp the complete cue list thread. Also, I should be able to comment on your other recent videos in a little while.
  11. Yea Images kinda quietly went out of print not too long ago. I need all the others you mentioned on real CDs as well, except Poseidon Adventure which I got when LLL reissued it. Hoping the specialty labels can get them all.
  12. Not what it was written for, no. But damn that theme is awesome - I think it's my favorite film of the trilogy. And that performance of it is great.
  13. Nope. Would love to own a boxset once the series is finished.
  14. Never seen the unaired pilot. Hard to pick a favorite because I've each episode exactly one when they aired, so my memories of the older ones is fuzzy.
  15. I still like all 9 episodes, don't get me wrong. It's one of my favorite shows on TV. That one was just less good than the other 8.
  16. I loved that episode. The Empty Hearse is easily the worst of the 9 episodes.
  17. Yea it's a shame JW doesn't seem interested in making special CDs of his music any more. Stuff like Williams on Williams, The Spielberg Williams Collaboration, the Star Wars trilogy album, etc where cool stuff. And he's written soooooo many concert arrangements and concert-only pieces since those days he could produce so many interesting CDs with all the new material!
  18. It's a new arrangement of DOTF written specifcally for that scene, and it's the only version of that cue he wrote - it didn't replace some earlier, different version or anything. And no, DOTF was not used in any other AOTC cues.
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