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Everything posted by Amer

  1. This is great news!! And I just asked cellist Armen Ksajikan via facebook on a candid picture of him dancing with Spielberg. ""I suppose This from the John Williams new recording Project. A new Spielberg Williams Collaboration cd? " And he responded with ""You suppose right, my friend" So hopefully we will get official news when it happens and we can have Jon Burligame a nice write up on it. Im thrilled!
  2. Good deductive reasoning up there, Jason. Those reading the analysis could logically surmise would could be the next JW release from LLL boys. I would think that both Warner and Sony seem possible choice for this year. It would be astounding news if JURASSIC PARK scores were part of this years batch. Also I think WAR OF THE WORLD expansion could also be a good contender. But I'am strongly betting on HARRY POTTER ! And with LLL's recent penchant for re-issuing albums with better sources (such as BATMAN, HOME ALONE) it would be a rather nice welcome to have HOOK remastered with all the missing bits and better edits to put the definitive cap on. But like Jason, besides having a hunch or two " .. have no idea at all "
  3. In all honesty, I haven't been able to get to it. Its resting under a pile of un-opened cds. I have to find the right kind of time and feeling to play it. My spare time is mostly spent with my toddler son and I enjoy his company more then my cds. I'am the 'Peter Pan' who has grown up suddenly-HELP!
  4. Once the new John Williams LLL agenda becomes more pronounced in coming month we will obviously shift to a new thread.
  5. Perhaps later but I doubt anything so close to that ' Storia di una donna ' score you want anytime soon. Perhaps HARRY POTTER or even a more definitive re-issue of CE3K or ET would seem probable given the recent slew of reissues and improved expansions.
  6. Ok guys Its September already. We are now headed towards the Fall release schedule and MV had indicated to me that Williams releases timeline for LLL 2016 being October and November. This was from the April timeline. So unless things get further delayed to December, I think we can play around with a few guesses. Of-course TOWERING INFERNO & JFK wont happen until next year. I would guess that HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S/PHILOSOPHER'S STONE could fairly be the very next title to get the upgraded expansion? And Maybe WITCHES OF EASTWICK finally may happen?
  7. I think this one is more apt- John Williams: SLEEPERS
  8. I remember James Fitzpatrick was interested in recording it. But decided against it when he heard the news that some tapes were available and that a release was imminent (i.e. before it was realised that these were mono tapes only) Apparently he had some rather odd luck with a few re-recording projects which he had premiered as complete scores and only to have another label reissue the original recordings in complete form (OBSESSION, CONAN THE BARBARIAN)
  9. Does the Hal Leonard sheet specify that in the notes? I'am only assuming that a longer edit probably had more music before it was toned down. Ah well, I was hoping that would be the case as it would make a great alternate in a future expanded set.
  10. I actually found the harmonic development much in line with his classic EMPIRE score from the series. Kind of a throwback to the dark material. Anyway's very cool. I don't know if this was specifically written for the CONCERT suite alone or if it had been actually written and recorded for the film scene and then re-edited and cut but nonetheless landed as a Concert piece.It would be cool to have it as a bonus in future expanded set (I hope)
  11. Greg, try writing to Boston Symphony Hall, their office might be able to help you. They may still have signed pics which they give off to fans with an interview kit. I wrote to them and got my 3rd pic signed by him. - I could also sell this to you..
  12. Folks, I present to you my latest interview with Album Producer and Editor NEIL S. BULK being spotlighted at www. JerryGoldsmithonline.com website: THE MAKING OF TOTAL RECALL & BASIC INSTINCT: NEIL S. BULK RECALL’S FILM MUSIC WHOLE SALE! http://jerrygoldsmithonline.com/spotlight_neilsbulk_interview.htm (This was supposed to run early few months back but got delayed due to some external factors. However, www.JerryGoldsmithonline.com has graciously hosted this as a special spotlight feature ) Hope you Enjoy! best, Amer
  13. As I missed the initial bandwagon release on this So I'd love to hear this afresh and what a great way to get acquainted via LLL !
  14. WOW! John Williams is back in superform. Its probably the most colorfully orchestrated and happening score since HOOK! I think we have a winner here boys! Thanks for the link! PS. The Witching Hour sounds like The Fury to me
  15. I thought the music from Williams oeuvre was used quite elegantly through out the duration of the program/ Looks like it was well edited and cut by Williams own agency guys at GSA.
  16. They should have made The Prequels with a Love triangle between Anakin. Padme and Obiwan and it should have been the McGuffin that would have triggered Anakin to the Darkside...
  17. Any one know if AFI show will be also streamed online? Anyways hoping to find a good recording of this afterwards? Does AFI make these celebrations available on DVD also?
  18. Congrats to the maestro ! Here is a nice pic from AFI!
  19. I often meet John Williams (in a dream) and often I'am so often surprised to find him. At times he is a guest with my relatives or s such. And I am very polite not to overwhelm him with my collection or signing requests taking time for him to settle down and somehow he is always elusive and till the end and I can barely can get any stuff signed by him. In reality, I already have a signed dedication from him (shared in a different posts) and 2 additional autographs (All courtesy his agent) Ah it would have been great to meet him when I was in LA 4 years ago.
  20. The usual stance for Journalists/critics is to basically critic the current movie making story telling formats and all the tools that support it. In as much they meander over the gullible techniques and film making forays' thinking of them as contrived and superfluous. The true merits are thus ignored.
  21. Sounds magical and somewhat in Harry Potter universe but lets wait and see. So far the theme sounds warm, uplifting and magical to me. I'm excited.
  22. I finally broke down and ordered the LP set. It arrived. i must say the artwork and the quality used is very impressive. Now I don't have a working Turntable yet but as a collector I'am quite pleased to have this piece of music history here.
  23. I still cannot fathom how they managed to press that first EMPIRE cd using a single LP configuration and starting the program with the side B! Who in the world would even approve such a major mistake?
  24. So in regards to the Gold Vinyl pressings from Sony- will this gold pressing add to any improvement in the sound quality on the Vinyl player? Also now that Sony has issued the LP contents separately I have a feeling they might also reissue them on cd format separately? Milking the cash one more time before they relinquish the rights back to Lucasfilm and Disney.
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