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Michael Giacchino's Star Trek


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I think you are, yeah. There was a possibility that the one on the DE was in fact the other alternate of the Main Title, but Chris Tilton said it wasn't, despite the huge similarity.

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weird that varese decided to go with the alternate then. if they didn't use any original version on the MAIN TITLE why do it with this one...

the film version's got this cool "yeah it's Kirk and Bones meeting for the first time and you know what's coming"-feeling :o

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OK the whole "Vulcan Gets A Good Drilling" bit is still a bit confusing - the big statement of nero's theme plays, in the film, on a shot of the Narada in orbit over Vulcan, which is followed by the scene where Ayel tells Nero that 7 Federation ships are coming. But it'd make no sense for that scene to take place before "Hangar Management", which is where that music is placed on the D.E., since the ships haven't taken off yet.

So, I wonder if the the big statement of Nero's Theme was supposed to underscore a scene that has now been deleted, which occured between the Kirk's Trial scene and then Amanda Sees The Drill scene when he scored it.

Then, maybe he never got a chance to score the Ayels Tells Nero about the 7 Ships scene, which takes place in between "Flying Into a Trphlthdl" and "Warping Into A Trap", so maybe they tracked that big Nero's Theme bit since the scene it was meant for was now deleted.

Does that make sense?

... Damn, some liners notes to explain all this sure would have helped :o

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I dunno. It's pretty confusing. What makes matters worse is the fact that the transition into Nero's theme on the DE sounds like an edit, too - and not a very good one, at that! So I really don't know what to make of the whole thing. Time for some sheet music to leak! ;)

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Yup, from the first time I heard it I thought it sounded like an edit as well. Especially when you factor in how well that first minute of that track segues to Hangar Management in the film.

Sheet music would be nice, so would Mr. Tilton popping back in and breaking it down for us ;)

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I definitely hear an edit in that cue as well. I edited the first part before Nero's theme to segue into "Hangar Management" like in the film. It required a reverbed ending to get the transition right. I think that first part too might be the actual "Vulcan's Are Testy" cue, makes sense to me. The second part when Nero's theme kicks in for "Vulcan Gets A Good Drilling". I placed it after "Take Off, Eh?" (or "Punch It" as I called it).

They definitely re-edited the film a bit for that part...kinda confusing.

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OK the whole "Vulcan Gets A Good Drilling" bit is still a bit confusing - the big statement of nero's theme plays, in the film, on a shot of the Narada in orbit over Vulcan, which is followed by the scene where Ayel tells Nero that 7 Federation ships are coming. But it'd make no sense for that scene to take place before "Hangar Management", which is where that music is placed on the D.E., since the ships haven't taken off yet.

So, I wonder if the the big statement of Nero's Theme was supposed to underscore a scene that has now been deleted, which occured between the Kirk's Trial scene and then Amanda Sees The Drill scene when he scored it.

Then, maybe he never got a chance to score the Ayels Tells Nero about the 7 Ships scene, which takes place in between "Flying Into a Trphlthdl" and "Warping Into A Trap", so maybe they tracked that big Nero's Theme bit since the scene it was meant for was now deleted.

Does that make sense?

... Damn, some liners notes to explain all this sure would have helped :)

It might help to know that the scene with Ayel was actually originally during the Klingon attack on the Narada. This can be seen on the deleted scene. Originally, Ayel is saying "we're surrounded" in Romulan.

In the finished film, its seems they just recorded alternate dialogue for Ayel and CG'ed Nero's half bitten off ear. I *think* they point this out in the commentary as well but I'm not sure. So, from the POV of the score, the flow on the DE still makes sense. It was, I think, originally intended that as soon as we learned about the distress call from Vulcan, we'd be shown what the distress call was about.

Hope this helps.

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Alan - you're right!!

I just watched the deleted scenes last weekend, I should have known that. You're right, the whole "7 federation ships" scene is an editorially created scene they added after Giacchino scoring.

So "Vulcan Gets A Good Drilling" represents a full complete cue, the scene as scored would have gone right from Kirk's trial to the Narada in orbit with some different dialogue we've never seen, and then Amanda sees the drill. Makes sense!

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I'm probably pipe dreaming here but it seems the score was written and at least partially recorded before some major cuts and shifts were made to the film. I wonder if any Klingon music was written or even made it to the music stands?

What would Giacchino's Klingons sound like? I'm guessing we're going to find out in the sequel anyway.

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Ya I too wonder if any music was recorded for that sequence with the Klingons and on Rura Penthe.

By the way one thing to note in the cue "Hack To The Future" for the film, there's one point where when Robau asks Ayel, "Who is your

Commander, is it him?" there's some strings that play a very eerie notes and it's actually taken from the end of "Does It Still McFly?"

Interesting enough there's a piece in Joe's edit of the score in the "Unused Misc" track from 1:25ish to 1:54ish that doesn't appear any where in the D.E. I'm thinking maybe that was part of an unused cue like for the Klingons when they surround the Narada or maybe on Rura Penthe.

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Actually the delete Klingon subplot - and in fact all the deleted scenes that made it onto the blu ray and dvd - come from an early rough cut that was assembled before Giacchino began scoring.

Once all that stuff was cut, he scored to a new cut and the D.E. represents all of the cue he wrote for that cut - the problem is that the D.E. only gave us one version of each cue when sometimes there were several.

All the stuff that was cut after he scored it when winding down to the final cut - the material deleted from Vulcan Gets A Good Drilling, Nero Sighted, Trekking Down The Narada, etc - has not appeared on the dvds or anything to my knowledge.

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Im not sure Trekking Down The Narada covers anything that was cut from the film. There's about the right amount of unscored footage in the film to account for the unused opening of that track. The drill being lowered over San Francisco, Sulu's countdown to leaving warp speed and the Enterprise warping into Titan's atmosphere are all unscored in the finished film.

I've not tried matching it up yet but I suspect the film and Trekking would match up fairly perfectly.

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Yea I haven't tried syncing up that part yet either, but you're probably right

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Actually "Trekking Down The Narda", I believe would start 3 seconds after "Half Vulcan With A Plan". It would cover it showing part of the view screen of the Narada targeting Starfleet headquarters all the way to the Enterprise dropping out of warp in Titan's atmosphere. It would all line up perfectly because they start the music about 0:36 into the cue itself for in the film. All of the music before that point was dropped.

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Awesome! I'll add that to the list of youtube videos to make once I get my new computer :)

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I'll have to try that one myself with "Trekking Down the Narada".

Since the scene was unscored, I could potentially leave the original sound, then switch off the music track when the music is heard in the film's mix.

An excellent case for a Score Restore. :)

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I'm watching the film and I noticed something. For "Head To Heart Conversation", most of it is dropped from the film but the last 16 seconds are used. Also for "One Proud Mother" the first 23 to 24 seconds or so were dropped and as we know tracked later on into "Did I Know My Father?" and even pitched a bit.

So not all of "Head To Heart Conversation" was completely dropped.

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Yea, I have a bunch of pending updates to the main post I'll get to when I have time.

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Interesting enough there's a piece in Joe's edit of the score in the "Unused Misc" track from 1:25ish to 1:54ish that doesn't appear any where in the D.E. I'm thinking maybe that was part of an unused cue like for the Klingons when they surround the Narada or maybe on Rura Penthe.

That's the end of the original opening logo music that kicks off "Narada Bing", and was chopped off on the DE, replaced by the revised opening logo music.

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Does anybody know what blu rayy extras are not on the dvd? The blu ray itself doesnt tell you when you're going through the menus

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Ya from 0:00-0:31 is from Jehosafats and interesting enough the drum hits at the beginning are omitted from the Varèse version from the portion of that cue. It almost sounds like an edit on the Varèse disc.

From 0:31-0:48 is from "Chutes and Matter".

From 0:48-1:24 is from "Jehosafats".

From 1:24-1:53, I'm not entirely sure where this is from it doesn't appear ANYWHERE on the Deluxe Edition.

The last two pieces are from "Narada Bing".

It's nice to see this set is selling well...less than 1,000 copies remaining. I still wonder if my prediction for it selling out by the end of the month may still be true or close to it.

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From 1:24-1:53, I'm not entirely sure where this is from it doesn't appear ANYWHERE on the Deluxe Edition.

Trent you need to read 6 posts up :)

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That's the end of the original opening logo music that kicks off "Narada Bing", and was chopped off on the DE, replaced by the revised opening logo music.

How do we know this?

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Yeah, I'm of two minds about that. It has that sense of... 'it should be accompanying something, not just music for music's sake', but at the same time, I'd totally buy that as the original opening of Narada Bing.

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Richard-W on FSM thinks this is the worst score he's ever heard. I mean SERIOUSLY!? the worst?????...I've heard some pretty bad scores over the years (mostly from RC/Media Venture people) ...but to say this is the absolute worst? I mean come on now...

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I just realized something...for "Nero Death Experience" when the Enterprise drops out of warp and fires on the missiles to allow a clean path for Spock's ship towards the Narada, they tracked that from "Enterprising Young Men" with Tilton's over dubs.

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I just realized something...for "Nero Death Experience" when the Enterprise drops out of warp and fires on the missiles to allow a clean path for Spock's ship towards the Narada, they tracked that from "Enterprising Young Men" with Tilton's over dubs.

Really? Doesn't sound like "Enterprising Young Men" to me!

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Actually Joe is partially correct. The music underneath was definitely from "Enterprising Young Men", I'm listening to the rear channels now and the music is exactly the same because its has Chris Tilton's drum over dubs. However for the choir they did use it from the section from the "End Credits" that featured an excerpt from "Enterprising Young Men". The chorus we know was recorded separately so it wouldn't have been too hard to include that for that spot.

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But there's no indication that there was ever supposed to be choir in "Enterprising Young Men"...what makes you say it was recorded for that cue, as opposed to the credits?

Bah, it's time for me to finally take out the DVD and see how things match up.

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Okay I didn't explain that good...the chorus as we know was recorded separately and then layered for certain cues. I'm not saying that it was meant for "Enterprising Young Men". However, the section of the "End Credits" which features an excerpt from "Enterprising Young Men" has that same chorus as heard in the film for that point in "Nero Death Experience" where they did tracking. All the editors could have done was taken an excerpt from the original "Enterprising Young Men" then layered the chorus from the "End Credits" over that cue. Does that make more sense now?

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I just realized something...for "Nero Death Experience" when the Enterprise drops out of warp and fires on the missiles to allow a clean path for Spock's ship towards the Narada, they tracked that from "Enterprising Young Men" with Tilton's over dubs.

Trent, I'm being really dumb here but I still don't get what you mean. :lol:

Could you give track times and a (very basic!) description of what you're talking about for me? Then I'll have a listen tonight if I get time. ;)

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At 3:56 in "Nero Death Experience", there's a big statement of the main theme. In the film, they tracked in a statement of the theme from "Enterprising Young Men" instead, but they included the choir. There's some disagreement on where the choir came from - I'm certain it's just the original choral track for that replaced passage in the original "Nero Death Experience." They match up exactly...and why bring in choir from another cue when there's already choir right there that fits the music you're tracking in? Those two statements of the main theme (from the original cue and from EYM) have the same structure and similar tempi, and they've been re-pitched to be in the same key - the only thing that's different is the exact rhythm and orchestration.

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Yea, I noted in the main post of this thread that its the underscore from EYM but the choir from NDE for that part in the film. I dunno where this end credits choir stuff came from.

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