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Score of JP3


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How do you like the scrore by Don Davis, incorporating JW's original themes? I'm interested, since I do have the CD but never listen to it. f course, it can't compare to the first two scores, but is it any good???


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This score is NOT crap. The ones claiming it is crap hate it because it's different.

From what I understand Williams didn't have to do this score, so I guess Williams suggested to the producers that Don Davis would do the job good since supposedly the two are good friends.

Just because a score is different does NOT make it crap. I've said it before, I'll say it again...you guys have NO sense of taste with a lot of scores...

Edit: By the way this score is really good, Don Davis incorperated Williams original Jurassic Park theme really well. Having the full score helps for this one too.

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I've said it before, I'll say it again...you guys have NO sense of taste with a lot of scores...


Maybe, but it doesn't stop you from coming back again and again.


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From what I understand Williams didn't have to do this score, so I guess Williams suggested to the producers that Don Davis would do the job good since supposedly the two are good friends.  

Wrong, the producers asked Williams for a name, Williams asked his agent if he knew someone.

Don Davis and John Williams were definatly NOT good friends

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This score is NOT crap. The ones claiming it is crap hate it because it's different.

I don't think Jurassic Park III could be less "different." From the "Journey to the Island" rehash in "Dinosaur Fly-By" to the sentimental family theme we've heard a million times before, JP III has hardly a new measure of music to offer. That said, I do enjoy a few cues, such as "Cooper's Last Stand," "Nash Calling," and anything that doesn't reuse the original themes *too* shoddily.

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From what I've seen in the documentarys, Williams suggested Don Davis--and it makes sens--because Don Davis could do chase music and JP3, being a chase oriented movie, would be best done by someone who could do that.

Now, as far as the score goes, I have the complete score to JP3 and I've listened to it a few times.

The score does incorporate many John Williams themes. It's not something that I listen to a lot but it is something that I occasionally click on in my play list.

You see, JP3 was a poorly done movie. It was done with lightning speed at the end and many of the promises made were broken and scenes were cut and such. I found that much of my favourite scorings from the film were from those cut scenes.

Don Davis however IS able to capture the John Williams sound, the only problem is, it's the wrong sound.

John Williams has a few sounds that he can choose from. He can be mysterious like Harry Potter, he can be silly like in JP "Mr. DNA" sequence, or he can be very robust and brassy like in Star Wars, or he can be delicate and beautiful like in "AI." He now has also added the ability to be very modern with his music as seen in "War of the Worlds" and to an extent, "Episode III."

The thing is, If you listen to John Williams over the years, you can hear how his sound has changed, how the sound of Harry Potter changed over the years. His music has been getting deeper and darker.

John Williams couldn't do JP3 because he was doind AI, and I've found that he tends to turn down the movies that will hold him back from allowing his sound to grow, such as Harry Potter 4 and JP3.

Don Davis was able to pick up on the sound of John Williams, but it was the sound of John Williams in the late 80's early 90's. The score that comes to mind is "Home Alone," and to an extent, "Hook."

Don Davis however, didn't fully capture the JP sound nor TLW sounds.

He didn't have much of a choice though because he was scoring a movie that hadn't been made, that was going to be cut down to nearly nothing, that had a bad script, that looked different than the other movies, and that was just too playfull and too bright, and not realistic enough in the visuals. I look at TLW, and I feel like I'm on Isla Sorna, I watch JP3 and I feel like I'm in a mat painting or in a strangely bright tropical forrest--which by the way isn't natural but ok.

Don Davis captures these in his music, and you can't really blame him for it. He did what he had to, and for what he had to work with, he did a great job. But it isn't the best soundtrack. There are some moments that I like.

I found that JP3 would have been a better movie had it given people a break. If it had stopped to explore more of the island or more on the people, or more about InGen it would have rounded out the movie a whole lot better. Like, Seriously, in the begining, you go from crashing in the plane, to being attacked and chased by the spinosaur, to running into the t-rex, to being chased by the t-rex, to seeing the t-rex and the spino fight( which could have been an APEX of the movie) but instead was just a blah point--where the music was CUT btw--because of the just constant running. Had the audience been given time, then we could have grown into the movie, instead we're asked to run without entirely understanding what's going on.

That time is crucial though to the score because it gives the composer time to grow musically and to develop themes and to just, bring the music to a different level.

If you've played the lost world for ps2 you would understnad. That music has a few themes, but the track length themeselves are a minute or two long. That's NOTHING. The music has no space to develop, has no time to grow, and just becomes dull and repetative. Same thing with this movie.

I like some parts like the music of them entering the InGen building and some of the chase music is cool. The end credits were nice (lol) and the spinosaur had a cool theme.

Past that, I found the rest to be too playful.

(long winded I know sorry lol)

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They didn't need someone who coudl write a decent theme! That's my entire point! They needed someone who could do chase music, which he delivered. He went out of his way and made a family theme and a spino theme, but all in all, that wasn't required of him because of the type of movie this was.

What's funny is the question wasn't "Is this a best score in your collection" it was "How good is this score."

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