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Gruesome Son of a Bitch

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Everything posted by Gruesome Son of a Bitch

  1. He obviously loves Superman Returns and all other crappy Millennial/Gen Z "Entertainment." Sorry creature.
  2. I'm a happy person. I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with the way things are going in my life.
  3. The 80s were breezy The 90s were cynical The 2000s were dark and disturbing The 2010s were bleak and retarded
  4. Not sure what Steve is going on about with The Recession and such. It had nothing to do with anything. Post-9/11 entertainment tended to be dark and disturbing, and crappy. Gen X ruined everything. Now, they're the ones in charge of everything and everything sucks.
  5. We have clones and droids and flying termites, rockets taking off, flying gunships, ground troops, 200 Jedi. It's much, much more complex than anything we've ever attempted before.
  6. People gettin' jacked in this movie
  7. "We have Spielberg at home..." I ended my night with Le Terminal and by ended my night, I mean I fell asleep during it because it's so boring. It's like a movie that was actually made by Chris Columbus, filmed by Kaminski and produced by Spielberg and Kennedy. I'm sure in this Modern Era, JWFan considers this one of his best movies. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
  8. I think I prefer the deep-voiced schoolteacher with brandy and cigarettes. Fark!
  9. Just threw on The Birds Phew, that Tippi sure was a babe. Who can blame Hitch for possibly having been obsessed with her? If I was an old Hollywood dinosaur back then, I'd have used my powers against her too.
  10. Just ordered a pro controller because my right controller keeps disconnecting. What a piece of crap. That's what she said
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