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Pieter Boelen

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Everything posted by Pieter Boelen

  1. Some good news at last! And better yet... writing can be done RIGHT NOW! Safely from home. With nothing to worry about.
  2. HA! Good one. Indeed Palps was promising stuff that Mr. Ren already bloody had! Sense, thy name is NOT Rise of Skywalker.
  3. Uncharted for my birthday? That sounds about right. Bring it on! (Now let new get back to playing Uncharted. )
  4. Indeed I do like maintaining some lighter touch than the movies did. And certainly what you came up with seems much better there than the official 'bombast, bombast, BOMBAST' we ended up getting. That first task was really a missed opportunity by Doyle. He did better in some bits in the second... I agree; it's a grower, that second year. More fun than it seemed originally in the movie. Was actually listening to Chamber of Secrets earlier today and noticed it was used there at some point too. Not sure what was happening in the movie when it played, but that does undo my original 'single-use only' statement. Much better that way!
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of "people going outside". Agreed. There's something special about going to the movies in a large theatre. That just cannot be replicated on the small screen.
  6. From what I understood, Lucas wanted to release the first film as "Episode 4" right at the very start. It was just a random number out of his hat to suggest the story had been going on and you, as audience, were only now dropping in. That was deemed too confusing and so it was renamed to simply "Star Wars". Then when the movie turned successful and Lucas got more power, he added the "Episode 4" after all. As far as I'm aware, none of this was related to the decision to make Vader into Luke's father.
  7. I very much respect your point there. But I'm not sure what would be the wiser/more progressive option. Interest for entertainment right now is sky high. By the time this "debacle" is over, people will be much more interested to do things out in the real world again. Plus, all that currently paused entertainment might end up being released shortly after each other because there's already more stuff lined up. In such an environment, those movies might not get the attendion they deserve either. Right now, they do have the opportunity to really stand out. Draw attention to themselves and, by extension, to those movies. They could even release bonus material driving the "female director" point home right along with the movie. Otherwise many of the audience members might not even realise what a big deal this should be. Would that be better? I honestly don't know... It's a screwed up situation, no matter which way I look at it.
  8. Largely true. But the episode numbers were inspired on the serials of old, right? And I'm sure those eventually "spun off" from their first story too. They could've kept going until Episode XX for all I care. But not as a single all-encompassing story. Just as an ongoing adventure. Because why not? Perhaps there could've been an Episode Zero to tie in with my "alternate sequel trilogy" thought. Though that does admittedly become a bit ridiculous. What's next? Episode Negative One? Episode Negative Fifty would then be The Old Republic.
  9. I'd imagine some small-scale adventure for Episode 7 where the old and new main characters get to have fun together. Perhaps something with the various crime syndicates, so more of an internal conflict than big, open warfare. This would lead them from the centre of the galaxy to the outer edges and allow us to see how much better off everything is without the Empire. But once on the edge, they realise there is a large, looming threat from far beyond. They might even discover that Palpatine had been building up the Empire fleet because he knew about this. Might've been an interesting realisation that there was a shade of grey, even to that former big bad. Cliffhanger ending. Episode 8 would be war preparations, along with outside skirmishes. The Republic would be on the retreat by the end, digging themselves in for a siege in the inner rim. Finally, Episode 9 where the Republic is at its lowest point. They send someone far beyond enemy lines in an attempt to find help 'out there' (hints for this existing would show up in the prior films). After adventures in unknown space, they find this help and together manage to save the galaxy from this greatest threat yet. And, in so doing, would show that the galaxy was much larger than originally thought. With plenty of space for all sorts spin-off series and films to come later. To some extent that would indeed be inevitable. But even if Vader's sacrifice wouldn't have solved the problems FOREVER, showing that he did bring good for a while would go a long way. Especially if that happens to be the reason that the good guys end up having a fighting chance in the sequel trilogy. Wasn't even Coruscant. Some newly invented planet named "Hosnian Prime", apparently.
  10. Letting the New Republic shine for a while would've helped. At least have them play a role in one episode. Instead of "don't show, immediately blow up". Also not bringing Palpy back would've been good. Then at least Vader would've dealt nicely with THAT particular evil. "Leaving things in pieces"?
  11. Nicely done again! I didn't truly approve of the Quidditch music being repeated in that second year as much as it was. But I like how you did add something new, as well add linking it with the third year. That was a nice touch. Nimbus 2000 was severely missed in that scene in the film, so I really welcome hearing that here properly. Harry's Wondrous World seemed a bit too happy-sounding at the end (even for me, who generally likes that). But then the transition to the common room worked marvelously again and basically undid my initial apprehension to it being used here. My favourite part though is the Ollivander's wand theme showing up. That was really FAR, FAR, FAR too good to be a single-use only. So thank you! Once again.
  12. Very, VERY true words. Surely they could've thought of a way to let the main characters have a BIT of happiness? And NOT undo Vader's sacrifice in RotJ?
  13. I think because the rescue was a massive operation, so they were building new ships especially for that. But the Android uprising destroyed the shipyards. Or something along those lines?
  14. Just meant that the thread title you suggested actually exists: "Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out (2012)"
  15. A good series could be made out of it for sure. Too bad it'd lose the main cast and Williams though. But still, I'm sure they could compensate. Maybe make it animated this time? So it has an excuse to maintain its book charm?
  16. So different episodes will get different lengths now? Interesting. Does that happen often? My feeling says most streaming services still have episodes that are either 45 or 60 ish minutes or so. But then... I never did actually bother to check, so I might be all wrong. And they're re-recording the main title music? Why? Would they change it up a bit? Would the main title sequence be changed altogether now that they're on another 'network'? "Identity, Part 2" would be one of the SMALLER episodes this year? Wow! I like that they care about storytelling, but character-based storytelling. With a good sense of fun and adventure, while still having something to say. Definitely looking forward to this one making its return.
  17. Watched the two part finale just now. I like it. Quite positive and uplifting in the end. Clearly they did make an effort on this series to do things right. And, from my side, they succeeded. It was a fun and interesting adventure to be on. I genuinely looked forward to the new episodes as they aired. And that's a good sign.
  18. OotP and HBP were acceptable in my book. They annoyed me less than PoA and GoF, at least. The DH book wasn't the ending I had been hoping for. No surprise then that the movies left me underwhelmed too. Didn't help that 'epic fights' ended up as 'white lights on a black screen' and 'puffs of smoke circling each other'. Epic, that was not.
  19. Season 2 was already confirmed, wasn't it? Thought they had been working on it for a while.
  20. Pretty cool piece, that is. I like the jungley feel. Glad to find Goldsmith put quite a nice spin on it of his own. He was not very good at 'aping', was he? That Conan the Barbarian influence on Total Recall only lasted for a few seconds too, before heading off towards something completely different.
  21. Was "Haircut" temp track love? Wow! I'm quite curious to hear the actual temp track then. Goldsmith's version is seriously powerful and works wonders in that film. Even if style-wise, it really stands out from the rest of the score. I like both Goldsmith's alternates too. That scene clearly inspires great music. Would've been curious to know what the film would've been like with the original version though.
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