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Everything posted by MedigoScan

  1. Heh, 40 minutes for 4 hours. What is this the 70s?
  2. Yes. I just dig the horror vibes (which MG revisited for that Marvel Werewolf film)
  3. Fallen Kingdom may be the 2nd dumbest JP movie ever, but I still love the score. Not that I am in any rush to demand an expansion from any of the JW trilogy movies.
  4. I will just say I want a JP3 expansion solely for the film mixes and the pteranodon cage cue.
  5. You can call it a witchhunt, but these kinds of witches actually exist. That said when it involves someone I dont know personally and also whose work I like, I am naturally inclined to hope he is innocent.
  6. You joke, but I am still annoyed that they didnt release the funnest track from that movie and instead wasted 2 albums on Music Inspired By the Movie What is this? the 80s?
  7. All this talk just makes me imagine how nightmare-ish a release for Avengers 2 would be.
  8. To be fair the first american Godzilla movie didnt use the theme either. But Godzilla VS Kong had no excuse after KotM used it.
  9. I would notice right away, but I seem to be the weirdo when it comes to Lorne Balfe anyway.
  10. I dont recall much from season1 that could be worth as a Bonustrack.... besides almost half of episode 3 lol.
  11. At least its not a single release like MoonKnight But wasting minutes on a demo is not a good sign.
  12. Neat, but also interesting that some film versions are still not present. Like the film extended 'Back Where it All Started' greatly, but those could have just been additional loops.
  13. I hope this JP3 talk is more than just wishful thinking.
  14. Ah then you have seen the legendary deleted scenes of Nicholas Cage shooting the airbag and the cockroaches bleeding profusely. Dont tell me IMDB has lied to me about those.
  15. The score for certain Star Trek shows sounds very AI to me too if you think about it that way.
  16. I doubt an AI could have composed Interstellar so I shall safely ignore all the 'lol zimmer' quips.
  17. Oh sure NOW they start giving us humongous releases again.
  18. Its possible The endresult still seems like Lucas couldnt figure out how to get the new character into the 3rd movie and give her enough plot relevance at the same time. But then again ROTJ was a mess of a production anyway.
  19. I think there were plans for the 'other jedi' to be a female one. But moreso it just seemed like Lucas didn't have anyone besides Leia who he could turn into 'the other', even if they just picked a male character. edit: also Luke was clearly not meant to be Leai's twin anyway since the EPIV script called for an older character at first.
  20. I mean Vader being Luke's father was not planned (from movie 1) either as far as I am aware. So I can definitely buy Lucas not thinking far enough ahead to avoid having to turn Leia into Luke's sister.
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