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Everything posted by bollemanneke

  1. Please explain to me why on earth one would repeat score material in tracks 1 and 3 (or at all for that matter). It's completely and utterly idiotic. Open with the carol if you have to (to hell with pay-offs, I guess), but the first half of track 1 can be heard verbatim in track 3! Why would you do that? Why would you even bother pasting stuff before a carol? Leave the carol alone, make it radio-friendly! This has to be a mistake. I do like Scammed by a Kindergartner, but things like Making the Plane feel so wrong. What I mainly take issue with is the complete sacrifice of story order to create a seemingly random listening experience without any logic. Then Somewhere in My Memory before the attack. Why? And then, to add insult to injury, the end of the attack gets cut off and misses half of the charming material, score continues with the final cue and then you get the carol that came after the attack and was absolutely perfect in that place. It shared the same key! The extension of that carol is very nice though. I'm not being rhetorical, I genuinely do not understand how these things 'work'. I'm left with an impresison of a messy, unfocused musical journey.
  2. Question: Why did a track like Setting the Trap not need an (extended version) as it's a bit longer than on the OST? Also, it's a bit unfortunate that in the end credits, the cue after Holiday Flight starts a bit too late, the first note should clearly overlap with the end of HF. Finally, it seems a bit strange that phone machine could not be its own track.
  3. Home Alone, OST. Proof why we need expansions. What a weird album. I just don't get it. It seeems impossible JW actually wanted this.
  4. What's the problem with digipacks? At least they don't break into pieces.
  5. I hope they'll do an episode about Home Alone one day, though that seems unlikely given no expansion is coming anymore. It would be great to hear Mike talk about those scores in-depth, just for completeness' sake. There's something about these episodes that you just can't get in writing.
  6. Bad Santa. Very nice music and no OST. Okay movie, but the kid is... stupid.
  7. Very interesting to hear that they were 'helping out' the studios with their archives! And the mix of Mike speaking about how they tried to find more cues and the love theme is so... perfect.
  8. Ah, the joy of listening to... an hour-long phone call...
  9. No doubt because of preservatives in mince pies, I dreamed I had a video on my phone in which JW explains how a phone works a couple of hours ago.
  10. Could Perfect Storm be coming, or is Intrada also banned from WB's vaults?
  11. Listening to an album called A String Quartet Christmas. You'd think someone would have had the brainwave to not just repeat every carol four times but to actually, you know, do some variations on them. What a waste of money.
  12. I think Fairy Rescue is the best, but then it was the first one I heard. Those five notes...
  13. Same, and Brolin is indeed great. Kynes is the best though.
  14. Don't know, I felt disconnected from most of the characters but interested in the world?
  15. The instrumentals are nice enough, honestly, it's the singing that's just... not my thing at all. And I hate children.
  16. Africa and Never Gonna Give You Up are very nice songs and nowhere near as sickening as Dow, Ray, Mee...
  17. I finished the set and need medical attention because the songs are stuck in my head. I never wanted this. Burn in hell, lonely goathead. Lovely interviews though.
  18. Dune, finally. So that's what the fuss is about. I'm more interested in the world than the story, will miss Kynes and like Jessica. The score's wailing cues are interesting, but I'm preparing for unnecessary album cues. One could also wonder why so much of the finale wasn't scored.
  19. Schubert symphony 1, Karajan. Soooooo noisy... and the menuet is insufferable.
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