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Everything posted by MrJosh

  1. Data, after studying some of the scores, has your opinion of the music become mor positive? Sometimes I find that I start to like certain music more so after studying it deeper. I personally think the scores are quite effective in the films. I just watched the Dark Knigt last week, and was struck with how effective the music was. But outside of the films, it doesn't hold my attention very well, even less so when I listen to someones "complete" edit. I feel like there isn't enough substance when listening outside of the film. Maybe I would "get it" more if I look at the scores?
  2. Skyline.... I want those two hours of my life back!
  3. Wow, I used to play Fate of Atlantis all the time! This brings back some great mmemories
  4. Very exciting Thanks for doing this! So wait, 'ET is dying' is unreleased?
  5. Wonderful guide, Datameister! This is so appreciated. I love all the attention to detail, thank you very much.
  6. Would be awesome if Lucas asked Williams to do a few rescores. Kind of like the extensions/changes that Howard Shore did with the EEs of LOTR. I know chances of that happening are 0% but man, I'd pay good $ for a set like that.
  7. New question: y'all who like flac format, what software do you use for wav to flac?
  8. I guess the sequence was edited differently, because the "Lament" cue has several bars edited out in the final film mix. Also, when we first see Kashyyyk and it shows the female Jedi (Luminara Unduli) talking with some clonetroopers, that was originally part of Order 66. Only there was more to it as the clones turn on her while she's talking with them. Lucas just cut the turning of the clones and put the rest of her footage earlier in the film. Wouldn't at all be surprised if that change happened as late as early 2005 when he was filming other portions to the Jedi purge and Williams was writing and recording. Some of that score may very well match an extended portion of her death scene. Interesting!! Where did you find this out? That would have been an interesting addition to the purge.
  9. Question: Chamber of Secrets: In the film, is portions of "Reunion of friends" tracked from HP1? sounds like a section from the ost is not used in the film. Just curious if that bit is tracked or if the film version is actually an alternate.
  10. Yay! Glad someone else likes this score. For whatever reason, I've loved A:R since I first heard it. Was really excited when LLL put out the complete.
  11. Man....conveyor belt = messy. So quick question. Any place I can go find the rots sketches. I am pretty fascinated with studying Johnny's scores. I'm also not sure how one gets into the whole "score trading" hobby, especially when one doesn't have much to trade :/ Anyways, I love the theory about the Vader/ troops at temple scene being meant for part of the lament. Can't wait to get home and edit the scene with the music! The arena cue is WAY too upbeat for that.
  12. Yeah, I can see both sides. Composers getting annoyed because their music is being covered up by sfx and sound designers getting annoyed because their work is being covered with music LOL. Back to star wars, I am curious. With the rots PDFs that people apparently have, is there any evidence for there being an unused cue written for DVader marching into the temple with the clones? It always bugs the crap out of me to hear that tracked arena music in that scene.
  13. Don Davis - Warriors of Virtue. I had no idea this score would be so fun to listen to! It has some really exciting brass writing. Some moments sound like he's channeling David Arnold LOL. Really fun score!
  14. I think at first hearing I was like "what the hell!!" But after seeing the scene I see how it would have been cool...confused why it was removed though.
  15. Kind of obvious, but I love the soft parts of Hymn to the Fallen. The haunting sound of the wordless choir through the first half, slowly building ... The local orchestra played it last year. Its the only time I have heard it live and it was very goosebumps-inducing.
  16. That is a good example! I was just watching the scene and comparing the original to the tracked Freud stuff.
  17. what! Didn't realize there was some kind of leak (besides the game stuff)...guess I'll be doing some searching!
  18. Amazing thread and amazing work! I love hearing the mock ups! I need to be less busy in life so I can dig into some scores and make some up myself.
  19. Nice... I tend to love a good emotional punch. and I do really like earlier Horner. Speaking of early Horner, I am pretty sure this was answered somewhere already but anyone know if the Varese 'Aliens' is complete? Dang, wrong thread.
  20. I would so love this...why is it not happening. Or at least putting it all on itunes. I guess it just makes TOO much sense.
  21. Wow, that's pretty much my exact feelings about the score. I don't mean to speak ill of Mr. Courage, but I've been thinking the same things about some of the action music. But there are definitely some really neat moments that make me smile. Is anyone bothered by the differences in sound and performance quality between the two orchestras?
  22. I agree. I find much of the Time Machine to be enjoyable. Haven't heard much of his other stuff though.
  23. I agree with Trent's comment. Seems very reasonable to me.
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