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Nick Parker

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Everything posted by Nick Parker

  1. It looks like it might not be online though.
  2. I just went through the game and got a taste of Haab's stuff. Jesus Christ I thought he backed off on his plagiarism in recent times to upgrade to superficial pastiche, but then stuff like SoroSuub Skirmish plays Seriously at that point why even bother writing anything at all? I wonder if any of the LSO players had an existential crisis and questioned the linearity of time from the amount of deja vu they experienced while recording this. Some of the later dramatic cues are pretty nice and sound more "authentic" as far as actually conveying something instead of sucking his gut in a desperate attempt to be "Star Wars Williamsy" at the expense of all else.
  3. That sounds so badass. Is there any word on if it's multiplayer?
  4. Nonsense! The loading times are all upfront. All six goddamn minutes of them everytime I wanna play the game. I have a good computer that has run more recent and taxing games than BF2, so I have no idea what the deal is. And while I agree the campaign is as bland as baking powder, I gotta admit...I get such an adolescent kick out of shooting stormtroopers in photorealistic graphics and physics.
  5. The earlier drafts of Phantom Menace were actually pretty cool. I also found some drafts in my college library back in the day...I thumbed through RotJ and was pretty amused by how desperate Kasdan was to inject some kind of gravitas into it. You get the feeling that he thought, "Alright George, won't let me kill Han? Let's see about this!" He tried killing Lando in like three different tries.
  6. Well it's not like any of us actually care about the series itself.
  7. Can someone point to me where Rowling's career has actually been impacted by any personal controversy?
  8. Dammit and I haven't even seen the movie Ironically, the one scene that Edwards and Hepburn had to fight to keep in was the one that aged best.
  9. Have you listened to Darling Lili? It has _tons_ of writing in that mode. Koji Kondo once cited Mancini as a big influence, and sometimes it's hard not to notice. (Not saying he was directly influenced or even familiar with this score, let alone the song)
  10. The Joker should make us ask if like, we're the crazy ones, man.
  11. Been trying out the campaign on Battlefront 2 after getting it on Epic's free game promotion. I thought a lot of the negative feedback the game got was from its initial release controversies that typically haunt EA: microtransactions, lack of content on release, etc. And consequently, after three years of being available, all these were irrelevant and the result would be a good game. ..... The very, very basic elements of the game--shooting people--has a nice weight to it and is pretty satisfying, so it's a shame nothing else seems to be in its corner as of yet. A major issue is the art design of the game: the graphics look absolutely phenomenal, but that doesn't amount too much in a fast paced game environment where enemies are abundant and your life is pretty fragile. Discerning characters from the environment is very difficult, almost impossible if not for a time-limited skill you have in detecting enemies and artificially placing an ugly and obtrusive outline over them. The characters just don't pop, and get swirled in this blender mess of busy scenery that results in a pretty kaleidoscope of meaningless visuals. Add this to an easily depleted life bar, and you're in frustration central, especially if you love sniper roles in shooter games like I do. This really makes me appreciate games such as Halo and MGS V, with excellent visuals that aim for photorealism (moreso the latter), yet have character, environment, and gameplay designs that work beautifully simpático with other. Gordy Haab's music for the most part is an immensely scatterbrained Mad-Lib of Williams impressions without any life behind the eyes or meaningful intent, and really suffers from the constant A/B comparisons you're presented with as the game. Gets the job done I guess, but if you're gonna try to stick so close to Williams, why bother having an original score at all? I want to like this game and will probably give it some more chances, but I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being uninstalled sooner than later.
  12. I've actually been familiar with this channel for a few months, the dude is definitely a talented musician with a good ear for music. So while I can appreciate the video from the perspective of him sharing his love for Williams, I'm disappointed that his takes don't really go past what we've heard countless times already, which have been pretty shallow in their own right ("he writes so many memorable and iconic themes!")
  13. They have a free one that's pretty damn good!
  14. It, and the series as a whole is cute fun, but I am not a fan of this rasp.
  15. I haven't used it in a while, but maybe Plogue's soundfont player?
  16. And edits, as following the tradition of TFA. There were drastic differences in cuts up to November 2019. Naw, it was more like, "Hey John, it's your best bud JJ here. You know I'm a big fan and think you're a genius, right? Of course you do. Hey, so listen, it turns out I really don't know what movie I'm trying to make here, even though I co-wrote the damn thing. You're cool if I just endlessly shift around and change giant chunks of the movie, as I always have, right? Oh, and if on top of you taking months to score these multiple revisions, still hack it up further? Oh, and replace music with stuff you've already written? Oh, and turn the music mix down? Oh, and we all hate Rian Johnson, right? Even though he campaigned for your score for his movie to get an isolated score, something incredibly rare in your whole career, and some of the best treatment your music's gotten in a film in the 21st century? Remember, John, it's my greatest privilege in my life to work with you!"
  17. I'd say it is! We practically have a rejected score, but the same composer picked up the pieces!
  18. Oh don't pretend! You've been having this tat-for-tat with him for months, and we warned you then! You're in denial, chief. From the sounds of it, similar to TFA, we might have enough for practically another score waiting to be released! If we've gotten from both so far is an accurate indication, these might be some of the most interesting alternate scores ever released.
  19. Yeah, because Genshin Impact stole the template that Ubisoft singlehandedly ushered in, the hacks!
  20. This is the part where I piss people off by saying I think Batman Beyond's storytelling was usually better than TAS. A good number of TAS episodes--particularly the earlier ones--leave me feeling empty by the end, like not much happened, or that there was a lot of missed potential. Episodes like the Two-Face origin are still absolute classics, though. On the subject of Beyond though, I'm guessing this would be before that? I really don't know how much they can recapture the aesthetics of the original, with cast and crew departed, such as Ansara and Walker, or with people like Hamill whose voices have evolved into an almost unrecognizable timbre.
  21. I didn't enjoy it very much when I tried it with my brother a few years ago, but I'm surprisingly really pumped to give it another shot next month.
  22. Rip that Band-Aid off! One of the hardest parts about it is the color scheme, it can be really hard to keep track of what blocks you have X'd out.
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