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Everything posted by SeekUYoda

  1. It probably happens more frequently with some of the "great" works - Shostakovich 5, Tchaik 5, etc. - because everyone is really familiar with them. I saw the entire cycle of Brahms Symphonies conducted without a score once, and it was fantastic!
  2. Roald's counting down. You've only missed #10. See, I really haven't been paying attention. I confessed already! When? Somewhere during Anakin vs Obi-Wan. It's originally the music from when Luke & Vader are dueling and Vader's Force-throwing things at Luke and then he gets sucked out the window.
  3. I confess I haven't looked to see what underrated scores 1-8 were. But I agree with you on this one. It's definitely my favorite recent Williams score. I've said this before, and I will continue saying it because I just can't get enough of this cue - the last 30 seconds or so of Anakin's Dark Deeds (as heard in the film, after Obi-Wan says "Anakin has turned to the dark side," up until the shot of Anakin on Mustafar with tears on his face) ) is Complete. Brilliance. It's some of my favorite Williams, period. If you strand me on a desert island with only 5 minutes to pick the music I get to take (OK, so it's implausible), I want that cue with me. And can you imagine what we might have gotten if he'd gotten to score Anakin & Obi-Wan's battle all the way through, without constantly cutting back to Yoda & the Emperor? A long, really well-developed "Battle of the Heroes" with the exciting start we hear in the score growing to who knows where? Alas that we'll never know. Grievous' fanfare is exciting, fitting, and a great use of the power of a unison trombone section in at least one place during the score. I was disappointed to hear the Cloud City music show up in there, but I didn't mind Qui-Gon's funeral so much since we get a nice alternate version at Padme's funeral procession. Not so much for me and the Throne Room on the album. And I love, love, LOVE the use of Luke's theme as a leitmotif instead of an action cue (the rich strings - what great harmonies) when Obi-Wan hands Luke off to Beru. I was expecting the now-familiar Force theme/sunset combination, but not Luke's theme.... The score's highlights are really highlights, and the rest of the score is very enjoyable, and I think it's perfect for the film. I certainly listen to it more than TPM and AOTC put together because it feels much more like Ep 4-6. And did I mention that I love "Anakin's Dark Deeds"?
  4. The only Conti I've really paid attention to was Thomas Crown, and I loved it! He uses such unusual sounds - the tap dancing, sure, but also the extreme high register of the piano. You don't usually hear that outside of cartoons (when a character walks on tiptoes or something), and I think the fact that he used such unexpected devices for such a "suave and debonair" film reflects well on him. Plus I just plain liked it.
  5. It's not a DVD, but I was really upset when I bought and listened to TPM soundtrack before seeing the film. I turned the case over to read the track titles and saw "Track 15. Qui-Gon's Noble End." !!!!!!!!! So then I quit buying soundtracks before I could see the film. I suppose some spoilers are to be expected in track titles, but I was thinking more along the lines of "The Podrace" or "The Duel" or something more generic.
  6. <<Serious bump!>> I just got the Peter Gunn CD, finally. What fun! There's way more to Williams on piano than just the "Peter Gunn riff" on this CD. There's some great jazz solos on there, but it just makes me smile to listen to it, knowing that it's JW. Miguel, I was searching for a thread on this CD, and I ran across the list from your website of JW playing piano on other people's scores. Is this the right version of West Side Story? If so, that's next on the list, along with The Pink Panther!
  7. Just got The Great Escape and The Missouri Breaks for $5 each while I was in Memphis - woohoo! And I have three brand-new ones today, fresh from Amazon in today's mail - Classic Yo-Yo, Peter Gunn (JW plays piano), and Fiddler on the Roof.
  8. Me too. Same with Gandalf and Merlin and anybody else in that archetype - it's just not something that crosses my mind any of those kindly-wise-old-wizard-type characters. Weird.
  9. My day is ruined too! I had two people call me at work to tell me that he was on TV and I couldn't get home fast enough to do anything about it.
  10. Let's face it - we are geeks! However, everyone I know thinks it's either cool or somewhat strange (but in a charming way) that I'm so interested in film music, because many people aren't this passionate or informed about any "scholarly" subject anymore. Therefore, we are geeks, yes, but also well-contextualized members of society. SeekUYoda, lifelong geek and totally okay with that.
  11. Did anybody go to this concert? How was it? Are there any reviews anywhere yet?
  12. What about Dave Pyatt, LSO Principal? My vote goes to him. I second what has been said already, especially Binary Sunset. On the ROTS CD, "Anakin's Dark Deeds" from about 3:18 to the end of the track is pretty awesome. Love the use of octaves!
  13. You didn't think the Star Wars prequels had anything 'patriotic' in them? I should have been more clear. I mean "Patriotic Americana" - of course the prequels are "patriotic," especially if you're the Emperor or Yoda. Plus I've been looking forward to Indy IV for years and years and years and years.... Lincoln is still new and fresh to be excited about, especially since I've hardly read anything about the film
  14. Lincoln. Though I'm exceedingly excited for both! He hasn't gotten to write in his "patriotic" genre for a while, and I'm excited to hear him do so.
  15. I apologise, but loving Checkmate means you have an excelent taste I agree too. I'm loving Checkmate - there's a whole new world of early JW I haven't discovered yet. I got Jazz Beginnings as well - wow!
  16. DVD and video game ripping wins, I think, hands down! I stumped the "nerdiest" JW person I know (outside this board, of course) when I mentioned I'd gotten the Checkmate CD for Christmas. He's never been here though - if he only knew....
  17. I LOVE Asteroid Field - ESB. Love it love it! Miguel, O Most Excellent Completist, do you know when he said that? I'd love to see that article, if it's not too much of a pain for you to look it up. I don't remember reading that reference. I used this track from the LP to set up the recording levels on my CD-R recorder. This recording has a bass drum the size of Utah in it. It's also a thrilling performance. Neil The Utah/Gerhard recording is definitely my favorite - then the soundtrack. I got the Gerhard recording on cassette and nearly wore it out! The Skywalker Symphony recording just doesn't do anything for me. Say, where do they keep this Utah-sized bass drum? I really need it for the next time I play "Fanfare for the Common Man."
  18. Same here. It's wonderful, but not something you can just toss on in the car on your way to work.
  19. It's either him or Brahms. Hard to say, really, though I am certainly much more obsessive about tracking down Williams music and information than I am for that of Brahms. The thing I love about both of them is that I always hear something different every time - there's always another layer, or another way that the different voices interact with one another, such that you could spend an entire year studying a major work and still not be bored at the end of it. But it's Williams and Brahms, and everybody else is way back there in the dust.
  20. Aargh!!! Don't say such things! Let us not even think such things! Seriously, though, I don't think we want that idea floating around in anyone's conciousness. What if we speak it into being?
  21. The only Hook concert versions which are better than the originals are "Face of Pan" and "Smee's Plan". The rest (while definantly great) don't quite measure up to the original tracks. Okay, I listened again and I agree about "The Lost Boys' Ballet" and "Flight to Neverland" - those are better, but I really do like "The Banquet" better on Williams on Williams.
  22. SO hard to choose! Funny, I was just listening to Williams on Williams and thinking how much more I like the Hook tracks on that disc than on the soundtrack. But in general, I think I prefer the LSO - especially now that David Pyatt is their first horn... whee!
  23. There are two - the LSO's recording of the arrangement for orchestra is, of course, wonderful. You can find it on Amazon. But the "original" - recorded by "Koninklije Militaire Kapel" - is my favorite. It's not perfect, but I love the expression. You can find it on amazon as well - here. Someone on Amazon said the music is not very "Tolkein"ish - I must disagree. Read the passages about Gandalf's battle with the Balrog while you listen to "A Journey in the Dark" - the part when Gandalf's theme is stated as he falls into the pit is SO wonderful. It's perfectly timed with the book and, imho, as Tolkeinish as it gets! I suppose I might like the Gandalf movement a little better on the LSO recording, but not by much. The other recording is the first one I heard - I think it was the only one out for years - and in my head, that's just how it's supposed to sound! Fantastic, wonderful piece.
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