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pixie_twinkle last won the day on November 20 2012

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About pixie_twinkle

  • Birthday 28/04/1970

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    Time Lord
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  1. You, too. I come out of the woodwork every once in a while. These had been mentioned in previous posts in this thread already so I assumed it was fair game. Still, I've edited my post to hide my comments as spoilers. Many apologies. Now go see the film before coming back!
  2. I absolutely loved the first half. The look of the planet was great - kudos to the designers. I also adored the look of the rotating rings around the planet - particularly from a distance as seen in the first half. The idea of the ship slowly falling towards the rings was a plausible and effective background threat that made the entire film feel uneasy. My main issue came in the second half with all the ghastly one-liners and references to earlier movies. It became too daft. The climb up the lift shaft segment with the "Get away from her...you...bitch?" line was just awful. They had the potential for one of the best films in the series, and the last 35 minutes or so let it down. Despite reservations, though, this is my favourite Alien film since Resurrection (which I actually like despite the silly alien human hybrid.) Edit to add - I loved Andy the Android in this one, despite some dodgy dialog in the second half.
  3. An instant order for me! Pigs seem to have taken wing today, so I'm not letting this chance slip by
  4. Not in chronological order, but grouped according to format, yes. I started with the complete cantatas, then the other choral works, then keyboard works, organ works, orchestral works etc. I own the Hanssler boxset and that's how they have the music organized. It's a phenomenal set. Helmut Rilling is the primary conductor for pretty much everything on the set. I've listened right through it three times. It must be about time for another listen!
  5. I started a JW chronological listen over a year ago - about 2 or 3 scores or albums a week. It's taking quite a while - I'm up to the original Jurassic Park! When there are multiple versions of the same score (ET, for instance) I just listen to the most complete release. First time I've attempted something like this, and I'm enjoying it.
  6. Very sorry to hear this. Joe has been a huge part of this community since the earliest days of the forum. I will miss his posts.
  7. Happy birthday, Doc! Wonderful chap. All of them.
  8. Yeah, after a stressful last few weeks at work I finally logged in to JWFan to find that I've missed the chance to get this score all over again! Woohoo! I am a massive collector, and love physical media, but this time sod it, I just ripped the soundtrack from YouTube. Honestly Officer, Disney made me do it!
  9. Sorry, I think I missed this whole discussion So am I right in assuming the CD was limited run and has sold out? That's a bummer.
  10. Wasn't Dial of Destiny supposed to be released on CD yesterday? Page still doesn't exist when I click the link on the JWFan news page.
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