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There's no spiders theme in AUJ. I have no idea what the guy is referring to. The only thing he could mean is the Necromancer's theme statement playing when the spiders flee from Rosghobel (which you can hear near the end of Radagast The Brown extended version around the 5'00 mark), which is the only scene where we see them in the film

Huh? The part where the spiders flee is in the regular version of the track.

That's what we "assume" (based on the isolated score thing we did), but in the film, the music we hear when the spiders are receding is only available on the extended version of the track.

The extra music in the SE track is (we assume) another version of the Radagast exploring Dolphins Goldur scene remember?

Yes, but as you say, that's what we "assume". It's not a certainty.

And... "Dolphins Goldur"? ROTFLMAO

The complete scene of Sauron's army leaving Dolphin Goldur!

Sorry Jason!

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So what's the timestamp for the spiders in the regular edition Radagast the Brown?

The timestamp is the same in either edition... 2:40-2:53

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I'm going to continue to pronouce it "Tow-ree-el", coz when I look at Tolkien's pronunciation guideline that's how it is supposed to be pronounced. So there. :znaika:

Yes it is pronounced exactly like in Finnish. :)

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I yea, I forgot to mention I watched the first 50 minutes of the appendixes last night (up through the ceremony that happened on the first day of shooting).

It was good stuff of course, pretty cool watching the pre-production process, john howe and alan lee working, richard taylor working, etc. Sadly they glossed over many major things, like getting the returning cast members back, the casting of all the dwarves and Bilbo, etc. Thought that was strange. It did cover when PJ had an ulcer and principal photography had to be pushed back a month, which I had forgotten about. Also showed a bunch of footage of Guillermo Del Toro working on the film which was really awesome. PJ basically confirms they didn't use any of the designs he had come up with.

It also focused a lot on the dwarves training regine, including weapon use, dialect, singing, walking, movement, etc. Didn't show any of the orcs or goblins though, and also apartin from Freeman and the dwarves no other cast members have were seen at all - no McKellen, Blanchett, Weaving, Lee, Holm, etc etc.

Can't wait until I have time to watch more!

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Oh, what I found interesting, in the commentary it was mentioned that the whole (?) scene of Bilbo rescuing Thorin was pickups, and it would have just gone to the eagles, which makes me wonder if the SE's for DOS and TABA will be [more] complete (seeing how alot of the cues missing from the SE are for scenes from pickups)

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Indeed! With luck we might have a more "whole" soundtrack release this time around. :)

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Indeed! With luck we might have a more "whole" soundtrack release this time around. :)

Which means even less chance to get Complete Recordings! Woohoo!

I rather meant that the pieces on the soundtrack could be the final film versions or something closer to that, not that the OST contains the whole score. You are just too smart for your own good sometimes BB.

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Indeed! With luck we might have a more "whole" soundtrack release this time around. :)

Which means even less chance to get Complete Recordings! Woohoo!

I rather meant that the pieces on the soundtrack could be the final film versions or something closer to that, not that the OST contains the whole score.

Yes, but more final film versions ending up on the OST = less unreleased music = less chance to get complete recordings!

You are just too dumb for your own good sometimes, Inky.

So you are already mourning the ALTERNATES even before you have heard note of the music BB? Heh classic film music fan stuff. :)

Personally I prefer to hear a score on the album that played in the film but since AUJ had so much unused and alternates I won't quibble if this year they follow suit.

And why the antagonistic tone BB? You could try a more positive attitude instead of confrontational all the time. I know the end credits song riled you up but try to think of all the great new music we will be getting. :)

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Or the other way around actually. But yes let's hope they are in the horizon both, the CRs and the book. :)

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I still wouldn't count on it. You don't NEED the CRs to write the book (it doesn't have to be the exact same format as the last). And we don't even know if we're getting a book.

And the fact that Thorin's rescue is pickup scene explains how A Good Omen would have worked in context. Maybe BB shold try restoring the music again?

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No, it doesn't explain that at all. Just because the scene was expanded on when it went from 2 films to 3, doesn't mean that Shore ever wrote a note of score for it before it was all recut.

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It's possible isn't it? How late was the scene added to the cut? There seems to be a natural flow from Out of the Frying Pan to A Good Omen.

And I just checked BB's vids, and never mind, they're perfect as they are. He already left the Bilbo rescue scene without score, which would allow A Good Omen to start right away with the arrival of the Eagles.

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The Commentary for AUJ is kind of funny, PJ groans at some of his own gags! He also apologizes a lot (Especially about the shot of Smaug in the treasure chamber at the end) for things.

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The Commentary for AUJ is kind of funny, PJ groans at some of his own gags! He also apologizes a lot (Especially about the shot of Smaug in the treasure chamber at the end) for things.

Well that is a healthy attitude!

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He also reveals that he came up with a "new" idea for scaling, taking Ian McKellen, and digitally blowing him up.

He also talks about Ian's discomfort with being by himself on greenscreen.

Also, at one point, Misty Mountains (the Dwarf cast version) was considered for the end credits, but was deemed too slow (I think it would have been perfect to have the Trailer version, with the string backing, leading into the full orchestral version).

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He also reveals that he came up with a "new" idea for scaling, taking Ian McKellen, and digitally blowing him up.

He also talks about Ian's discomfort with being by himself on greenscreen.

Also, at one point, Misty Mountains (the Dwarf cast version) was considered for the end credits, but was deemed too slow (I think it would have been perfect to have the Trailer version, with the string backing, leading into the full orchestral version).

Yeah I remember the intetviews where McKellen admitted that he was close to tears when he had to act to nothing when the other actors were on a scaled up set and he was alone on another set talking to air and couldn't interact with the other actors.

I would have loved a full rendition of the Misty Mountains song by the dwarf cast for end credits, all verses and perhaps some orchestral accompaniment. :)

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I would have loved a full rendition of the Misty Mountains song by the dwarf cast for end credits, all verses and perhaps some orchestral accompaniment. :)

It is a damn shame they didn't record all the verses of the song while they had the whole cast together. Wasted opportunity

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The Commentary for AUJ is kind of funny, PJ groans at some of his own gags! He also apologizes a lot (Especially about the shot of Smaug in the treasure chamber at the end) for things.

Well that is a healthy attitude!

It bodes well for the last two films if he decides to cut some of the more slapstick elements from them. If there's an evolution of tone throughout the trilogy leading into LOTR I'll be very happy.

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