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What is the last Television series you watched?


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I was wondering about that show, American Horror Story, but it's not very well received.

Alex - watching Treme S2 but is finding out that the transition from the intensity of Breaking Bad to the calmness of Treme might be a little too great

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2 broke Girls...

it's a show that has improved quite a bit.

Are you agreeing with yourself.

I quoted the wrong post, was talking about 2 Broke Girls.

The difference between Breaking Bad and Weeds is one is only slightly less watched than the other.

last nights episode of Big Bang Theory was the most watched ever in the history of the show, We all got to see what the mystery of 43 meant.

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I just started watching Weeds very recently (I'm currently 3 or 4 episodes into season 3). I haven't been too thrilled with it, especially during a lull towards the beginning of the second season. Essentially, I described it to a coworker as a very similar story as Breaking Bad, but told way less interestingly. On Breaking Bad there is graphic violence and people die all the time, Weeds is more light-hearted with many characters there only for comedic storylines, and the main character not really being in much real danger until the season 2 finale, which is the turning point where I decided to stay with it instead of give up, and season 3 has mostly been good so far.

But Breaking Bad is one of the best television shows ever made. Weeds wouldn't even crack my top 50

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I didn't say favorite, I said best ever made. There are VERY few TV shows I'd watch through again (rewatchability being a defining characteristic of "favorite" for me)

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I dunno. I think there is a distinction. I can say Citizen Kane is one of the very best films ever made, but it's not one of my favorites. I guess it comes down to being part of a canon of sorts versus personal opinion.

Breaking Bad is personally my favorite show, but I also consider it to be one of the greatest shows ever made, independent of what I personally look for in a TV show.

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I understand the distinction, as I used to make it myself quite often. These days though I don't think it makes any sense because "best" is always a semantic term. If you think a show is great but can't watch it over and over, it shouldn't affect how it ranks among your favorites. I don't know how many shows one can even watch over and over. It's not like I can pop in LOST and be done with it in a couple weeks. Still my favorite.

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Walter White is a well acted role.

He is perhaps the most vile character on tv with no redeeming qualities. Hopefully he'll get a very uninteresting death, unworthy of much of an obit.

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Episode 4 of The Walking Dead S3 made for grim viewing. Pretty powerful stuff, for a mainstream entertainment production. My girlfriend was a wreck, which, given the subject matter, was pretty understandable. Great television.

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Based on Season 1, which I have on Blu-ray, I would disagree.

LOL, get with the times, what happened in the episode Quint is talking about was rough. Certainly more interesting that someone fking someone in Mad Men.
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Hmm, it was "rough", how interesting. I thought you were a better salesman than this, Joey.

you aren't going to agree with me whether I go all spoiler alert or not. Let me put it this way rough is way outside anything Alex Cremmers ever experienced in his life.
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He cannot explain why it was "rough" without spoiling it.

I don't want him to explain why it was "rough" either. The most boring thing one can do is to sum up events that occur in a show. But who knows, maybe Joey was going to tell me that the show has improved a lot since its first mediocre season. Perhaps he even could've explained why it has improved. With only "rough" to go by, I'm assuming nothing has changed.


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I don't watch The Walking Dead to consider concepts of "good" or "bad." If I had to break it down into its core components, I would probably find no reason to watch it. Grisly dismemberment. Hammy overacting. Cardboard characters who seem to have forgotten how to live in a post-apocalyptic world who do really stupid things to let the zombies/walkers/biters get the upper hand, and then bite it off. Humans who fight amongst themselves as opposed to systematically exterminating all the zombies -- oh wait, we turn once we die, leaving no way out of the mess. I feel kinda bad when beloved characters disappear, but cheer when the bad, stupid, or annoying ones finally get written off.

It's held my attention a lot longer than Lost ever did and helps fill in the hole left by the end of 24. Panem et circuses.

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It's a mainstream entertainment and with that come the usual expected conventions. But that's not to say it doesn't deviate or push at the boundaries a little here and there. Because it does.

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Well said Wojo. At one point used to pick on those details. But its useless to look at this show for top class acting or poignant philosophical meaning. I look to it for entertainment, and in that regard it succeeds.

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The 'problem' isn't the show at all, but rather the self important gobshites who frown on such broad entertainments with disdain for no reason other than they don't align with their own exceedingly limited views on what constitutes good soul food, and boy do they like telling people what 'does', ad infinitum.

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What I've noticed about the show is that it follows the template set by 24 pretty well: nothing happens in the middle of the show. Nothing. You can skip practically the entire show and miss nothing important. The only good stuff happens in the last five to ten minutes to set up the cliffhanger, which is resolved in the first couple minutes of the next episode before retreating into toe-dragging again.

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What I've noticed about the show is that it follows the template set by 24 pretty well: nothing happens in the middle of the show. Nothing. You can skip practically the entire show and miss nothing important. The only good stuff happens in the last five to ten minutes to set up the cliffhanger, which is resolved in the first couple minutes of the next episode before retreating into toe-dragging again.

Hang on, have you even seen season 3's episodes? (Not that I think your assessment fits season 2, either.)

Season 1 was by far the weakest for me. Saggy middle section bookended with smashing highlights.

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In that case I find your comments very curious. Up to now the third season has been none-stop thrills and suspense! I wouldn't be surprised if they'd blown the entire season's budget on it.

At this point The Walking Dead has eclipsed Game of Thrones for my big budget adventure fix.

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Maybe I'm being too harsh on S3 and it is in fact more consistent with spreading out the thrills throughout the episodes. But to get to S3, skeptics must wade through S2, which largely followed the summary I described above: exciting parts only at the beginning and end of the episodes, and toe-dragging in the middle.

The second season is a series of sandwiches with the condiments and pickle at the edge of the bread, and nothing in the middle of the sandwich. And you have to get through eight or nine of them to finally reach Sophia.

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Maybe I'm being too harsh on S3 and it is in fact more consistent with spreading out the thrills throughout the episodes.

What you mean is it's just easier to make shit up than it is to actually have to elaborate properly on something when speaking in broad generalisations.

Apparently I'm one of the seemingly few to really get into S2 - to the point it kindled my addiction of the show in general after the faltering first season (I actually abandoned the series completely; eventually bothering to watch S2 almost a year after it first aired). For me season two was quite brilliant in its quieter, character moments. Season 3 will have to keep its extremely high quality so far throughout the remaining episodes if it's to better it.

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He cannot explain why it was "rough" without spoiling it.

I don't want him to explain why it was "rough" either. The most boring thing one can do is to sum up events that occur in a show. But who knows, maybe Joey was going to tell me that the show has improved a lot since its first mediocre season. Perhaps he even could've explained why it has improved. With only "rough" to go by, I'm assuming nothing has changed.


the first season was anything but mediocre, the second season was better but it did drag the Sophia storyline too long, yet in that reveal it was devastating, so the build up still paid off well. The show improved like all good shows tend to do. I do not know if there is an end game for the show or not. Last night's episode had some great moments, but it was a set up for next weeks midseason finale so it seems not much happened yet in retrospect alot did happen.
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A special from the BBC's arts series Imagine will be worth watching tonight: How Music Makes Us Feel examines the effects of music on the listener's emotions and the tricks composers use to evoke certain reactions and particular moods. I've seen the tv spot a couple of times and it looks to be quite a fascinating documentary. Catch it if you can!


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