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Thor 2 coming November 2013

Matt C

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thor was such an underwhelming film I really don't know if I will waste money seeing this one.

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Loki was awful in The Avengers! He was fine in Thor, but he was not a strong villain in The Avengers at all.

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He gave a wonderfully sneering performance.

The problem lies with the other villains in The Avengers. The Chetauri (spelling) aren't explained at all. The army Loki sends down, are they robots, are they aliens? I would not have a clue?

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For starters, how did Thor know that Loki was in league with the Chi'tauri? Because the script said so, right? Or did Loki explain when Thor stole him from Iron Man and the plane? I questioned why Loki stayed put and allowed himself to be captured until I saw his greater plan. It's possible that Loki was just a pawn of the Chi'tauri and Thanos, but that is left vague, which weakens Loki. But yes, we don't know what they are, biological or robot, once the control ship blows.

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Loki was awful in The Avengers! He was fine in Thor, but he was not a strong villain in The Avengers at all.

Loki is a god of mischief. It is the ideal villain for this story.

And also it was the original villain in the first issue of The Avengers comic books.


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Hmmm, I enjoyed the first Thor movie well enough I guess, but this one just looks.... meh. Nothing exciting there, really. And the fact that after two trailers there's only been ONE shot of Kat Dennings is a crying shame

Too bad they gave away a good joke in the trailer (the final sequence)

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Dennings probably is only in a scene or two, so what do you expect them to show? It seems pretty evident most of the movie takes place away from Earth, so with her commitment to Two Broke Girls, I doubt she's in the movie for more than an extended cameo.

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Hmmm, I enjoyed the first Thor movie well enough I guess, but this one just looks.... meh. Nothing exciting there, really. And the fact that after two trailers there's only been ONE shot of Kat Dennings is a crying shame

Too bad they gave away a good joke in the trailer (the final sequence)

Did you see The Wolverine?

Another trailer you didnt like. But it's a very good film.

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Haven't seen The Wolverine yet, but might go see it tomorrow or Friday, maybe. I kinda wanted to re-watch 1-3 and see Origins for the first time first.... but might just go see it anyway. I dunno.

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Iron Man 1 and 2 are still the best Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, then Captain America, then Thor, then Avengers and Iron Man 3 are the worst ones. I don't know where to include Incredible Hulk because frankly I don't really remember much about it

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I suppose I will see this but if it's as average as the first one that will be quite a feat.

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Can't get excited for Avengers 2, too many characters. Hopefully Whedon can better give them all something worthwhile to do this time.

This on the other hand could be pretty fun again. Looking forward most to Hopkins and his scene devouring awesomeness.

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Nah if you thumb back through pages you'll see that I saw Thor 2 long before him (I went the cinema) and raved about Hopkins' thunderous tones before you'd even had your bowl of rice crispies in the morning.

But really Stefan, when is this obsession going to end? I think you fancy him!

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Well, Joey seems to believe he's more "open minded" than he makes out, but I wouldn't like to say. Maybe you should just try asking him out? What's the worst that could happen?

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I could be disappointed. Yet again...

You don't know what it's like Lee. Getting your hopes up time and again, starting to wish, to dream...

No, maybe it's better down here alone, in dark rooms with closed shades, turned away from the sunny outside world.

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He should just walk around in real life acting like that, addressing people in that way.

I could be disappointed. Yet again...

You don't know what it's like Lee. Getting your hopes up time and again, starting to wish, to dream...

No, maybe it's better down here alone, in dark rooms with closed shades, turned away from the sunny outside world.

You sound like a hardcore gamer.

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Man Of Steel was very enjoyable, yes!

I remember disliking X-Men 3, but I haven't seen it since opening day in the theaters, so I need to give it a second chance.

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Man Of Steel was very enjoyable, yes!

I remember disliking The Amazing Spider-Man, but I haven't seen it since opening day in the theaters, so I need to give it a second chance.

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