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Thor 2 coming November 2013

Matt C

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Copying what I posted in a different forum:

Apparently Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures have moved Thor 2 off its July 26, 2013 date for the less crowded November 15, 2013 slot (a slot that Twilight and Harry Potter did quite well with).

Not only that, Patty Jenkins (Monster) is officially confirmed to direct with Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Tom Hiddleston reprising their roles. The current script is being penned by Don Payne, who co-wrote the first film.

Any thoughts? I don't know who Jenkins will pick to score the film, but I'm hoping Doyle will return. (Or at least some of his themes.)

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Thor, imo, was the best of the superhero films this summer. I'm thrilled they are making a sequel. I hope Doyle returns as well, if not, I would gladly take David Arnold.

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Gee and I'm thinking Thor was the worst of this summers superhero films, He was to damned arrogant for my tastes and Loki was the lamest villain.

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The film never grabbed me (perhaps because we have a special connection to the Norse God over here....the REAL one after which I'm named, not the Marvel version!), and I was totally surprised by Doyle's RC-clone score. But hey....I'm up for a second chance. Perhaps it's one of those franchises that get better in the sequel?

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The film never grabbed me (perhaps because we have a special connection to the Norse God over here....the REAL one after which I'm named, not the Marvel version!), and I was totally surprised by Doyle's RC-clone score. But hey....I'm up for a second chance. Perhaps it's one of those franchises that get better in the sequel?

Norse mythology is based on Marvel. I'm sure they'll find a way to sue someone over that. ;)


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The film never grabbed me (perhaps because we have a special connection to the Norse God over here....the REAL one after which I'm named, not the Marvel version!), and I was totally surprised by Doyle's RC-clone score. But hey....I'm up for a second chance. Perhaps it's one of those franchises that get better in the sequel?

Norse mythology is based on Marvel. I'm sure they'll find a way to sue someone over that. ;)


it wouldn't surprise me. It's America! :)

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The film never grabbed me (perhaps because we have a special connection to the Norse God over here....the REAL one after which I'm named, not the Marvel version!), and I was totally surprised by Doyle's RC-clone score. But hey....I'm up for a second chance. Perhaps it's one of those franchises that get better in the sequel?

I thought this thread was to announce you were having a baby. :rimshot:

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Gee and I'm thinking Thor was the worst of this summers superhero films, He was to damned arrogant for my tastes and Loki was the lamest villain.

Eh, different strokes.

If it makes you feel any better, Captain Amurrrica was a close second.

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  • 1 year later...

It still annoys me that they are bringing back Loki AGAIN. He was a good one-film villain, but now THREE? Gah!

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I really want Loki and Thor to end up being friends!

Now Loki became a mass murderer in Avengers, there may be no chance for redemption :(

I do think he needs to come back regardless, since he was so central to the first Thor movie, and his relationship with Thor (and Odin) feels like a major thread that's still unresolved.

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Loki, the car crasher?

As epithets go that one is not exactly flattering. How about Loki the Slayer of Automobiles or Loki the Car Bane, Loki the Dark Doom of Our Four Wheeled Friends Everywhere?

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Mass murderer?

We saw no one die in the assault on New York.

He supposedly killed Coulson. But...apparently not.

Forget Coulson. We're only supposed to care about him because he's been in the previous setup movies and has a name and dorky smile. Consider the unknown dozens killed when Loki mind controls some in the SHIELD base before the title crawl and then on the helicarrier. They do give a number at one point, and later Barton feels remorse for the deaths on his hands.

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No small comfort when each man's widow must explain why his children's father won't be coming home. Likely the reason of a mind controlling super strong alien is classified. Perhaps if the child was cold hearted like you, you would scoff that your father signed up for that shit and feel no sadness. But most other people with compassion and love in their heart would grieve.

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If you pay someone to commit murder, their prints are on the murder weapon, but would you claim there is no blood on your hands? No, you are complicit, in fact, you are the mastermind behind it.

Did Loki actually kill anyone? Probably only Coulson via knife that we saw, regardless of the retcon or how much aftermath was told, not shown. But the blood of everyone killed by Hawkeye and other mind controlled SHIELD agents is still on his hands because he got them to do his dirty work.

Is it mass murder? That's a small technicality. Nobody calls the attack on Pearl Harbor a mass murder because it was a military attack on a military installation, not some nutcase with a semi firing into a crowd, and most of the casualties were in the service. Less than 100 civilians died, but over 2400 people lost their lives. That's a lot of deaths any way you dice it.

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Black Widow says "He killed 80 people in two days" so apparently people were dying, we just didn't see them all onscreen. Maybe mass murderer is an exaggeration, but killing 80 or more might make it hard for him and Thor to reconcile.

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Most of then were Asians, so that doesnt count.

bad guys killed never count.

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It still annoys me that they are bringing back Loki AGAIN. He was a good one-film villain, but now THREE? Gah!

The fangirls love Tom Hiddleston. Marvel is going to milk Loki as much as possible.

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Yeah, but aren't there any other bad gods or brutes in Norse mythology, I mean, Asgardian comic lore? Loki is dangerously close to being overcooked. Sure, Doctor Nine has a role as the villain, but it doesn't need to be said he'll just be furthering Loki's plan. Possibly even to get a Tesseract again.

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Doesn't matter. Tom Hiddleston. And Chris Hemsworth. In the same movie. Squeeeeeee!

Man-crush Marc?

No, just an impression. I happen to have some ladyfriends who probably decided they wanted to see this movie based on the above rationale alone a long time ago.

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