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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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Now see here lies the problem.

I grew up with Spider-man, Batman, Superman, The Hulk etc.

If you are a child, it's very easy to accept someone turning green and big when he gets angry, or having super strength because he's from another planet, and being able to climb walls because he was bitten by a spider.

And I can accept that now because I grew up on it.

But asking my cynical and jaded 37 year old brain to accept a guy who shrinks himself down to the size of an ant....or a guy who talk to the fish....

Who would one want to? Why should I pay money to see that?

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It doesnt actually matter how bad a movie title is.

The Phantom Menace is an awful one, but we all got used to it that we dont even notice it any more.

How many great movies (truly great, not JWfan great) have bad titles?

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Nope. Great title. Simple, to the point and very graphical. The forming of the title in the beginning of the movie is almost a testimony to how great it is.

Alien Resurrection is a whole lot less great.

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It could have been any other title and the sequence would have been still great. I don't get your meaning, it's a lazy title.


No, it's so simple and concise that you think, now why didn't I think of that? Those ideas are always the best. Not the ones that try too hard or that are way too overthought. The slow character forming also works great because of the word itself (watch the sequence again). The key is in the visual simplicity. Too many words and characters and it wouldn't have worked. It wouldn't have been iconic.

Please, do me a favor and tell me what you think is a better title for Alien. Maybe it will explain a lot.

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In Polish it was Alien: The 8th Passanger of Nostromo. Just remembered that.

I won't be able to come up with a better one in a matter of minutes, Alex. That's not how it works. But I generally have a distaste for titles that tell me what the film is. I prefer the mystery, something to intrigue me. I wouldn't want to watch the film called Alien if it was to come out today.


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I remember how it took me some time before I realized the symbols were slowly forming the title of the movie. This poster nicely shows the buildup. It's the characters, the simplicity of the characters, the spacing between them. One word is visually more strong than a long sentence or a phrase.


The title (Alien) could refer to the beast itself but it also refers to everything we don't know.

Any other great classics with terrible titles? Try to give an example that many people agree on.

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I don't know... The Shawshank Redemption? Se7en? Inception?

I seriously prefer something silly and awkward, like Quantum of Solace, to any of those above..


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Those titles are okay. They aren't really terrible like "Killer Clowns From Outer Space or 'Beyond The Black Rainbow'.

Captain Phillips! Now that is a bad title!

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Oh I don't know, at least there is some sense of humour and personality behind the two you just mentioned. Not just corporate working titles that seemed to have stuck projects.


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Yes, but they do scream "bad".

What about Captain Phillips? I haven't seen the movie but I can't imagine ever saying "my favorite movie is Captain Phillips". It doesn't sound good.

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No, it does not. I concur.

Same with John Carter.

But John Carter of Mars sounds much better. You know what kind of film it's supposed to be.


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Yeah, that too.

There was a running old joke in my circle of friends when we would refer to certain male organ as "dark knight" (dating back to one unfortunate event back in the early 00's, which I won't be describing here). So when they revealed the title of the third part of Nolan's trilogy... you can imagine our reaction ;)


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This trend of using "Rise" or "Dawn" or the name of the franchise or movie series followed by single words like "Redemption", "Extinction", "Genesis" is getting beyond ridiculous

Rise of the Dawn of the Genesis Redemption!

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Edge of Tomorrow was the most recent unimaginatively generic title I heard. The replacement though is great! But will it make me watch the movie?

The manga it was based on, "All You Need Is Kill", is hard to market as a title. I agree with you, Live, Die, Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow comes off better.

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Live, Die, Repeat sounds too video-gamey.

I pity those who love that movie for they actually have to pronounce that title.

Bad title = bad movie

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It's odd that didn't go for the original title. The movie would've been a success and Cruise would be back on the map.

Of course, these are Marvel times, nothing is certain anymore except Marvel.


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MI 5 will fail, just like Expendables 3 and Sin City 2.

Marvelites might give Interstellar, Batman v Superman and Star Wars VII a shot though.

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