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[FILM] Ferris Bueler's Day Off.

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Ferris Bueller...Bueller...Bueller...Bueller's Day Off

An absolute peach of a movie that gives you a big smile on your face throughout the whole thing. even past the end credits.

If you had a bad day at work, if you lost your wallet, if your puppy died, play this one, it will cheer you up!

Ferris is one of these hot shot 80's kids that gets away with everything, get's along with everyone and life is going pretty good for him. If the role had been played by Tom Cruise he would have been an insufferable little shit. Played by Matthew Broderick, at his most endearing and Matthew Broderick like, we like him. Everybody likes Ferris (love the "Save Ferris" running gag).

Well not everyone. His principle hates him because he has skipped 9 days of school and is getting away with it. His sister hates him for much the same reason.

What follows is basically a road trip in Chicago with Ferris, his best friend Cameron and his GF Sloan (played by a stunningly gorgeous Mia Sara)

We see them visit a restaurant, a baseball game a parade etc, all very well executed comedy set pieces, while in the mean time the "evil" principle Rooney tries to track down Ferris and give him the worst punishment possible! An extra year at High School.

All of this is very well done and entertaining, but given an extra dimension because of Cameron. Where Ferris is a well-adjusted, angst free sort of teen. Cameron is a collection point of teen angst and frustration and anxiety.

Slowly the film moves focus from the merry antics to a more deeper story. Cameron (played very well by 30-somethinbg year old Alan Ruck) losing it and out of frustration lashing out and trashes his dad's priceless Ferarri. (a scene that's both hilarious and chilling)

Of the rest of the cast Jeffrey Jones is pitch perfect as Principle Rooney, and Jennifer Grey (before her career ruining nosejob) is both bitchy and endearing as Ferris' sister Jean.

My favourite of the John Hughes comedies, and still insanely watch-able today.

**** out of ****

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If you had a bad day at work, if you lost your wallet, if your puppy died, play this one, it will cheer you up!

Could not have said it better myself. This is a film that truly makes you just...feel good.

In fact, really the ONLY thing that at all tarnishes this film for me is the knowledge that Jeffrey Jones is a real-life pedophile. The character would be a lot more enjoyable to watch if not for the fact that he's less disgusting than the actor who plays him. =/

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This is one of those 80's films that definitely has aged well to this day.

I laugh every time at the end with Rooney when he encounters Ferris' pitbull, especially with the expression on his face when he sees it. It's one of those, "oh shit!" expressions.

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The film is immense. it's a Chicago postcard. it's more important today than ever before. It reminds us of how things used to be, and how fun life is.

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The film is immense. it's a Chicago postcard. it's more important today than ever before. It reminds us of how things used to be, and how fun life is.

I find that to be true of most of Hughes' films. He was a very unique and talented filmmaker.

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Rose tinted glasses Trent. The 80's were a horrible decade.


You're incorrect.

The films and music are better than the decade that followed. Grunge music alone brings everything down.

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Rose tinted glasses Trent. The 80's were a horrible decade.


You're incorrect.

The films and music are better than the decade that followed. Grunge music alone brings everything down.

I only have happy memories of my 80s childhood. Plus Spielberg and Williams collaborated the shit out of it, which for me makes it a golden era.

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Wrong Morlock! Wrong again!

Disco was horrible, so was 80's hard rock!

And for every good movie there were 15 rubbish ones.

disco was on it's way out bub, clearly you don't know your history.

the movies of 1982 alone is better than any year in the 90's.

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The 80's was the decade of creatively dead sequels. Police Academy 5, Rocky 4, Porkies 3, Friday The 13th VII!

The decade of studio control over creativity. The era of Thatcher and Reagan, mindless stadium rock!

Sure there were good things, points of light in the darkness, like Ferris. But overall it was a horrible decade.

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Sure there were good things, points of light in the darkness, like Ferris. But overall it was a horrible decade.

Childhood problems, Steef?

I didn't have a nice childhood either, but that was back in the '60s-'70s. The '80s were wonderful for me, I was 15-25.

In the end it's all subjective and it depends on your personal experience.

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You obviously don't know me very well. I've been in a bad place emotionally and financially for a long time now. A few years actually.

No positive short terms prospects or certainties.

Still better then the 80's!

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Mullets didn't become popular until the second half of the decade, and they weren't nearly as horrible as today's tattoos, piercings and unshaven men.

Also, there's no such thing as "a better decade" objectively speaking. If your perception is that this decade is better, it is because you are better now than then, whether you realize it or not.

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The 80's featured the last gasps of glam rock with Guns & Roses. In the 90's we had Nirvana which made G&R look like a bunch of transsexual pirates!

Also, there's no such thing as "a better decade" objectively speaking.

Objectively speaking the 1990's were better then the 1940's.

Stefancos- who has a beard and a tattoo.

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Yes, I agree that the '90s were better than the '40s. But that's not an objective fact, it's an opinion.

And there seems to be a general consensus that the '80s were better than the '90s, that does make it a fact?

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