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The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe


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There are so many things I love about the first Iron Man, and it's among my favorites of the MCU movies. It's full of personality, in no small part due to Robert Downey Jr - so much so that it was able to carry a 10+ movie franchise on its back. The one thing I've always disliked about it, though, was the "big bad." In human form as a nemesis, he works well. After he powers up at the end, the movie kind of falls apart for me until the final press conference.

I don't think any of the Iron Man movies have successfully handled the "villain" problem, and I'm not sure that many of the MCU movies have either. I think the first Thor, the first Captain America did well in that regard, and Guardians did okay.

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I understand why people like the first Iron Man (psst ... RDJ) but personally I saw a very repetitive film. It's almost a groundhog day kinda situation.

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The MCU movies seem to drive on the motor of their charismatic heroes (as opposed to DC/Batman movies which are largely driven by their charismatic villains). But without a driving opposing force, the movies can seem a little amorphous at times.

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Loki is the only good villain from the MCU. All the other ones are rather forgettable.

Loki is the best.

But isn't he just a very naughty good guy?

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I have the say the Agents Of Shield started off as a weak mixture of a Whedonesque type show and Torchwood. But slowly finds its footing. The last part of the seroes, which deal with the events and the aftermath of The Winter Soldier are great pulpy fun.

It's a very fine show indeed! Didn't think anyone else here watched it.

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I watched Iron Man 3 the other night for the first time. Not bad, but a sizable chunk of the movie felt more like Miami Vice and I didn't like how the IM suit kept smashing like it was made of tin foil.

But I liked Ben Kingsley in his "role". He was even better in the one-shot made just for him. Someone fetch him his choccy milk!

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I liked it a lot, and I'd say it's in my top 5 Marvel Studios movies. I think there were a bunch of memorable things - Stark rebuilding the suit with the kid, Kingsley's Mandarin, the airplane/freefall rescue, Stark/Rhodey sans-suits seiging that estate.

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I liked it a lot, and I'd say it's in my top 5 Marvel Studios movies. I think there were a bunch of memorable things - Stark rebuilding the suit with the kid, Kingsley's Mandarin, the airplane/freefall rescue, Stark/Rhodey sans-suits seiging that estate.

I really don't remember this. Then again, most Marvel movies don't have a very long lasting impact on me. I only remember 2, maybe 3 things about the Iron Man movies. Believe it or not, but Mickey Rourke lashing his super electronic whip is one of them.

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Watched that last night. Or, shall I say, skimmed through it. And yeah, Rourke is one of the things that stand out (along with a couple of other, non-action, scenes). He's very underused, though.


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Based on how well the writers and director balanced out everything in Winter Soldier I have no doubt they can pull off two villains, a political squabble, friends at war, the introduction and inclusion of Spider-man, plus keeping up with the other characters.

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Stan Lee's cameo masterclass

Pretty funny. Liked the cameo of the Mallrats chocolate covered pretzels

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Of course he does! He was recently in American Dad, Big Hero Six, Amazing Spider-man 2, The Simpsons, etc

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All of his camoes up until The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Which is a year ago.

EDIT: OK I guess these are only cameos related to Marvel Comics.


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