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The Avengers: Age of Ultron discussion thread (SPOILERS ALLOWED)

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Too quick to judge my friend. Remember you are not allowed use that word until you use it right.

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Why did they replace Mel Gibson with Shinzon?

Because Mel Gibson became too old for the role, and a rampant racist and anti-semite?

But Mad Max ages too. He's mortal too, as far as I know.

And his anti-jewishism had no impact on him getting roles in Edge of Darkness, Expendibles 3 and some Jodie Foster flick.

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I wonder how these films will be looked back upon in 20 years time?

Maybe like the Amblin films of the 80's, an interesting glimpse into the zeitgeist of a decade, but with no real lasting impact.

No Amblin film had a lasting impact?

Not even E.T.?

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Here's a very interesting (warning: lengthy) take on the film

Age of Robots: How Marvel Is Killing the Popcorn Movie

Finally had time to read this. Really well-written. Recommended!

I don't know, he kind of pushes it a bit too far. But there is one flaw of the film that I agree completely on and it's a major one:

Character arcs are crowded out, or so compressed that they’re barely legible. For example: One arc that’s pitched, and then never executed, is that Tony Stark is coming face to face with his own narcissism. Ultron is his karma, his shadow self, his punishment for believing he’s smart enough to save the world single-handedly. That’s interesting. That’s a solid character-based story. It does what good stories do: Zones in on a character’s biggest flaw, and dramatizes it, so that he can come to a profound realization about himself and his place in the world, and triumph by using what he’s learned.

I find it surprising that Ultron doesn't have much of a purpose, other than being an antagonist. I do get that he's conciousness and malevolence partially come from the mind stone (and perhaps Thanos has some say in this). But, on the whole, the entire central confilct is unresolved. Not to mention the fact Avengers are directly responsible for all the destruction here and nobody holds Stark accountable for any of this (like, destruction of Sokovia, for example). That that is a flaw I can completely agree with.

Other than that, it's enjoyable. I really see no reason to over-analyse this.


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Agreed with that point.

Exploring more about how Stark felt about creating Ultron would have been more interesting than the silly Hulk/Widow and Hawkeye's family stuff, for example

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Why does everything have to revolve around Tony Stark? This is an annoying aspect of the MCU for me.

Well, you have to admit he's the most interesting character. For the same reasons you hate him.


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I agree with most of the article. I left the theater mildly entertained, but these movies have zero impact

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