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"X-Men '97" Thread [2024 Disney+ continuation of the 90s series]

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X-Men '97 x Episode 1 & 2


This was fantastic!!! Animation improved and they take full advantage of that, fantastic action scenes, a great story with a strong emotional hook and a true shocker in the 2nd episode. This feels like the animated series from the '90s but it expands on it in a lot of incredible ways.


The score by The Newton Brothers is also fantastic. The main themes as present as always in a few fantastic new arrangements. The rest of the score is still very synth based, with added orchestra in some action moments and emotional scenes. I already can't wait to hear it on album!

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I also watched the first two episodes the other day. People behind this clearly get what X-Men are about. I love all the nods to the comic books I used to read as a kid. I hope the MCU version will be more like this - deep philosophical questions and a bit of fun off-beat family soap drama. Make it about stuff but don't brood. So far, I am hooked.



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X-Men '97 - Episode 3


I thought this was another great episode. I appreciate how dark and trippy they went.

Voice actors are really having a lot of fun with the material.


And as much as I love the original series, it's so cool to finally see action scenes were people aren't just thrown around. The animators and creators really know they're X-Men and just have fun with it!

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Yup, really enjoyed it to. It brings up so many memories of reading older classic comic books. Think we should have a separate thread for this.



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Welcome fellow mutants from all corners of the world ro this new thread for The Gifted! This is the place to discuss the new Disney+ series, its music, the old series...and everything else X-Men related.


@Jay would you be so kind and move the posts from MCU thread to this one? Seems like the most appropriate place for these posts discussing the new episodes.


EDIT: Thank you @Jay! 😀



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This is great!!!


I recently (re)watched the orignal series. I saw season 1 & 2, but never finished it. I had such a blast with it.


It's very much of it's time and I'm really loving how the new show is able to both keep it feeling like that, while still taking it into the modern world.


The best thing to happen to this series is the improved animation. This is especially noticable in the action scenes and the backgrounds. So much more is able to be done, which makes it even more interesting to watch.


Also loving the music by The Newton Brothers. The new rendition of the opening is great and they're doing some interesting stuff in the episodes themselves.

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I've become ultra hip to, and wary of, the tricks of the legacy sequel, but the first episode was pretty good. I'll give some more of it a shot. The Animated series will always be X-Men to me, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

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I watched the first two episodes and I quite enjoyed it! I like that the story jumps straight into action, not wasting a minute to develop the plot. The animation has that vintage vibe, and sometimes really feels like it's a moving comic book panel. Really excited for where they go next during the season.


The Newton Brothers score is great, and I love the big presence of the synths in the work. I particularly liked the whole action sequence in episode 1, that I hope it's included on the album release!

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On 28/03/2024 at 11:42 AM, crocodile said:

Welcome fellow mutants from all corners of the world ro this new thread for The Gifted!

Not to be confused by the Fox show "The Gifted" that I think was connected to the films.

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am not super familiar with the original series but have been a big fan of this so far. it feels like a real oddity in the current media landscape, something that fires on all cylinders and modestly updates the 90s superhero format for the modern age without clumsily cramming in the 21st Century

absolutely adore what they've done with Magneto in particular

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I love some of the small nuggets they leave for the fans of the comics, like when Gabit has a vision of Magneto and Rogue. I remember reading this as a kid and that visual reference made me smile:





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Episode 4


The only episodes I did not like of the original series are the one that featured Mojo. He is one of the most annoying characters I've ever witnessed, so when he showed up here, I was mad. I really hated it.


But, besides him I think the episode had some fun stuff to offer. The different animation style for one the games was fun and it was nice to see Jubillee get some character development after such a long time. I feel like she earned it. Seeing her power up was incredible!


Music was great as well. I especially loved the 8-bit version of the main theme.


But then, after 17 minutes it suddenly transitioned into the first part of a new episode focused on Storm! Now that was a nice surprise!

Storm has always been one of my favourites, so whenever something is focused on her, I'm game.

It maybe went a bit fast and could've used a bit more time, but I'm curius to find out what happens next.

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It was a very odd episode, very chaotic. I bet this will all lead somewhere. It's odd how it shofts between two different storylines.


And yes, Storm is one of the greatest characters. It's heartening to see her done right again. The live action version was so disappointing.



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Storm in live action has indeed never really reached full potential.

There were glimpes, like in Days Of Future Past when she attacks the Sentinels or in during the final battle in Dark Phoenix. But both were all too brief.


I'm looking forward to what they're doing with her here and in the future of the MCU

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Overall so far I've definitely enjoyed this series. 


The animation has been stellar and the voice cast old and new have been great, except maybe Gui Agustini as Roberto, I find his delivery of lines to often be flat, like he's only reading them for the first time and doesn't convey the emotion that perhaps the script requires. If that makes sense? 

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On 03/04/2024 at 4:13 AM, JNHFan2000 said:

The different animation style for one the games was fun

I believe that's a visual reference to the early 90's 6-player Konami arcade game.

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Episode 5


Great episode!

My favourite thing of the whole episode was probably the line about leaders & terrorists. That was very strong 


The second half took a dramaticly dark turn. Did not expect that. So many casualties and destruction.

The action remains spectacular to watch, with power usage I've been waiting to see for so long.


But the end left me speechless. That was tough to watch.


The music this episode was strong. But the best part was that during those final moments there was no music. Made the impact even stronger. This series is really incredible!


Oh, and if you watch closely to the sky around the 20:40 mark someone else shows up very briefly😏😏

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that went unreasonably hard

great action and bonkers stakes, Magneto comforting the Morlocks by saying 'don't be afraid' in Polish was very powerful

agreed on the no music part, it definitely contributed to this feeling of something being very wrong. this honestly felt like an animated equivalent to Infinity War's ending

kind of a hilarious tonal whiplash compared to last week's episode, there was some really heavy stuff in this one, not least Cyclops losing it and basically taking the Magneto-pill for a good 30 seconds

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Yeah, really nice episode. I really love Storm's voice. It sounds commanding and mighty. I think that it might be even better than un the original.


Four more!



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This show continues to be great and I'm honestly looking forward to the remaining episodes! 


That rendition of the X-Men theme over the credits of episode 5 I'm hoping is on the soundtrack release. Which I think is coming? I noticed in episode 6s end credits that it said the soundtrack was available on Hollywood Records but Google so far only brings up the main theme being released as a single, so presumably something will get released once the series is finished. 


This latest episode I was particularly struck by Alison Sealy-Smiths performance. It really felt like she was able to flex her acting chops in a way that the original show might not have allowed her to. 

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5 hours ago, Groovygoth666 said:

That rendition of the X-Men theme over the credits of episode 5 I'm hoping is on the soundtrack release. Which I think is coming? I noticed in episode 6s end credits that it said the soundtrack was available on Hollywood Records but Google so far only brings up the main theme being released as a single, so presumably something will get released once the series is finished. 

Yes, album is coming when the show is done end of May.

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Bright Eyes was another fantastic episode.

Really strong opening with the fu eral and Rlgue after that. Wolverine's quote of "grief is a lonely thing" was very powerful.

The way they showed the aftermath of the Genosha attack really felt like the aftermath of a terrosist attack. Again very powerful.


Rogue was the standout this episode for me. She had so many fantastic moments + a very cool interaction with a certain someone!!

I was quite shocked at the end and all that happened. Very interested to see where it goes.

Theo James does a great job on the voice so far!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 9


Why is no one else talking about this series!!!

Today's was again incredible. I can't believe all the things they're doing!!!

That final shot of the episode was madness and it's just mindblowing that they're going to these dark places. This is the most adult Marvel show on Disney+.


As for the music, I'm scared that the release is not gonna be enough, because there is so much fantastic music in this show, it's becoming kinda nuts. I seriously hope The Newton Brothers make an album release that's really long

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Yeah that was insane and I have no idea how they're going to resolve that


Because Magneto was handled so well this series I'm actively struggling to condemn him for what he's doing. Dude really tried and he just got shit on for it, again. No wonder he just tells Professor X to shut up because he's heard it all before. Very tragic character

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What a finale!!! Absolutely banger!!


Incredible action, as has been the case the entire season. Some fantastic emotional moments and cliffhanger(s) to set up a season 2 that cannot come soon enough.


I was expecting to like this series, but nothing prepared me for how good this was. It's kinda mindblowing!!


Excited for the score to release next week, because the music has been magnificent for 9 weeks!!!

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Out of curiosity I checked out the first two parter of the original show and was not expecting it to be even more fast-paced than 97. I was highly entertained, often for the wrong reasons, and will probably continue watching the original show

Just from watching those two episodes though it's very clear how incredibly faithful 97 is as a continuation, and I even found myself thinking blasphemous things like preferring the music and version of the main theme in the new show over the old, as well as some of the character designs and VO (at least as of Season 1)


While I'm at it, I just have to say that Episode 5 of this season was incredible and in age of media with incomprehensible plots and emotional flatness, it shone brilliantly. Extremely well-executed, no pun-intended

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2 days until we can have previews (when it's Friday is NZ) and 3 days till full album!


I'm really hoping for a large amount of music, because it has been stellar in all 10 episodes.

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82 mimutes of music. Not as much as I hoped, but happy we at least get something.


‎X-Men '97 (Original Soundtrack) - Album by The Newton Brothers - Apple Music


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Just finished making a right order to the album. Couple of things.


I really love the music, it's absolutely stellar!

BUT, The Newton Brothers again drop the ball on their album release. Which they have done before.

There is fantastic and important music missing from episodes 1, 7, 8, 9 & 10. The omission of the operatic X-Men theme from the finale is especially bad.

Not sure why this keeps happening with their albums, because they could've easily put 20 more minutes on here. Shame.


Oh, well. Here is a chronological & episodic order. I wasn't able to place "X" in any of the episodes, it could be a suite of some kind, so I just put it before the end credits.


Episode 1

- X-Men '97 Theme

- The Summers

- Give Them The Forecast


Episode 2

- The Trial Of Magneto

- Magnus The Savior

- Goodbye


Episode 3

- Mister Sinister

- In Hell

- Fight Or Die

- Remember Who You Are

- What Have You Done?


Episode 4

- Fate Of The X

- Man Vs. Machine

- Boss Battle

- Betrayal Or Forgiveness


Episode 5

- Nightcrawler (0:00-0:37)

- A Peaceful Life

- Trails Of Love

- Busy Bees


Episode 6

- Invasion

- A Different Empire

- Sisterhood

- Galactic Empire

- She's Back

- We Need You


Episode 7

- Requiem To Friends

- Break In


Episode 8

- Time Manipulation

- Fight For Yourself

- Nightcrawler (0:37-end)

- Bonding Time

- Too Little Too Late

- Rising Up


Episode 9

- Sentinels Attack

- Metal Bends


Episode 10

- Inevitable Vision

- Bad Odds

- You Hurt Me

- Rising Waters

- X

- X-Men End Credits

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8 hours ago, JNHFan2000 said:

82 mimutes of music. Not as much as I hoped, but happy we at least get something.

1 hour 22 minutes is more than “something”. It wouldn’t fit on 1 CD. 

Anyway, I’m a huge X-Men comic book fan, so looking forward to seeing the show and listening to the score.




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4 hours ago, JTN said:


Anyway, I’m a huge X-Men comic book fan, so looking forward to seeing the show and listening to the score.

Much like the original this feels like something that was made by huge fans of the X-Men comics


Man, it's nice when people who genuinely love the source material make adaptations. Not that it necessarily means you understand what makes it good but I think here that was definitely the case

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I’ve watched the first six episodes and I quite like it so far. It brought back my love for the comic book. I wish Marvel would make animated movies based on these classic storylines with the classic costumes and the characters looking exactly like they were conceived by the original creators. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Despite the success of the show, Disney is still mad that the creator has shown his wiener online:


Not the first time that someone is excluded from an awards show because of a weiner though.

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That's still never been confirmed (nor have the allegations that he was abusive to some extent on the production), and it's been said his OF doesn't actually contain anything explicit, so we don't know what's quite happened behind the scenes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Beau DeMayo Accuses Marvel and Disney of ‘Egregious Prejudicial Misconduct’ on ‘X-Men ’97’ and ‘Blade’ - Variety


Some pretty damning stuff here, even if I do wonder if DeMayo is seriously diminishing himself in continuing to make his primary platform be OnlyFans (which I'm definitely not judging him for, but the general perception of OF could be an issue here still).

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On 12/08/2024 at 9:13 PM, HunterTech said:

and it's been said his OF doesn't actually contain anything explicit, so we don't know what's quite happened behind the scenes.

I know, but I still think it's funnier to think that he got fired because of his dingaling ROTFLMAO


Disney HR Department: "Okay, let's take a look at what this guy we hired for the X-Men cartoon does on his social media..."


Disney HR 5 minutes later:


Thats A Penis GIFs | Tenor

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4 hours ago, HunterTech said:

Beau DeMayo Accuses Marvel and Disney of ‘Egregious Prejudicial Misconduct’ on ‘X-Men ’97’ and ‘Blade’ - Variety


Some pretty damning stuff here, even if I do wonder if DeMayo is seriously diminishing himself in continuing to make his primary platform be OnlyFans (which I'm definitely not judging him for, but the general perception of OF could be an issue here still).

I'm probably more on Beau's side than Disney's at the moment but I genuinely don't understand why he's putting these expose videos behind a pay-wall. Is there some legal-loophole I'm not aware of?

The most damning piece of evidence so far is that Beau's contract contains an unlawful non-disparagement clause according to recent California Fair Employment and Housing Act law: https://calcivilrights.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2022/11/Employment-Separation-and-Settlement-Agreements-Limitations-FAQ_ENG.pdf

Lender [Marvel] and Artist [DeMayo] hereby agree to seek the prior approval of Marvel on the substance of any press release, news story, announcement, publicity, or comments to the press relating to the change of relationship between the Parties in connection with this Settlement Agreement, the DeMayo Agreements, any of Artist’s services to Marvel (including Artist’s working relationships with anyone Artist knows to be a current or former employee or representative of Marvel or its affiliated companies), the Series, or the early termination of the DeMayo Agreements. Once the initial mutually approved press release is issued, Lender and Artist can refer such requests to the initial press release without seeking approval. Further, Lender, Artist, and Marvel hereby agree that the Parties will mutually agree in advance on the date of issuance of any press release, news story, announcement, or publicity relating to the change of relationship between the Parties in connection with this Settlement Agreement, the DeMayo Agreements, or the early termination of the DeMayo Agreements. Lender and Artist shall make no disparaging or derogatory statements or remarks concerning the Series or Marvel or its affiliated companies, anyone they know to be current or former employees or representatives of Marvel or its affiliated companies in a manner that could reasonably be expected to cause reputational injury to Marvel or its affiliated companies."

I've seen some people suggest these gag orders are industry standard but I don't see how that could be the case if they're illegal. This feels targeted to me, which does lend credence to the idea that Disney does have something to hide

This could be one of those messy situations where the accuser has narcissistic tendencies but is telling the truth albeit not the part where he's in the wrong. Either way I hope the lawsuit helps illuminate the truth of what happened here and that Disney faces appropriate consequences for unlawful action as a company if they have committed it

Part of me hopes that Beau's version is distorted otherwise it paints the picture of an unchecked corporate apparatus that actively dismantles quality and heart in its projects, which unfortunately explains most of the Marvel catalogue lately. I think X-Men 97 being so exceptional does support the idea that the usual tendencies were fought against, but I'm trying to be careful to not let my appreciation for the show and its directorial choices cloud my judgement here

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13 hours ago, DarthDementous said:

is telling the truth albeit not the part where he's in the wrong.

It’s called a lie by omission.

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