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Everything posted by bruckhorn

  1. If they are in alphabetical order, how is it that 9 is Jaws and 11 is Hook? Stabs in the dark ('cause I'm at work, for one thing)-- 10. Hamlet 17. Merchant of Venice 22. Sphere
  2. Raiders only being $9 is their attempt to get more money. If you only want the new Raiders, fine, but if you want the whole set, wait. I'd be surprised if a copy of it didn't leak on the 'net, someplace. I am curious about the report that TOD and LC will be issued separately. Yes the re-use fee problem, but that's not what gets me. Was the unofficial word that they would be released separately concurrent with the box set? If TOD and LC are issued individually on November 11, what would make me want to get the boxed set? No offense, but an interview with John Williams is not sufficient incentive. A few years ago, the James Bond film series was released on DVD in four box sets; the individual titles were released beginning a few months later. If TOD and LC won't be issued until next year, some time, that may be enough to get me to buy the set. This should prove to be interesting...
  3. Mahler. The first time I heard his Resurrection Symphony in concert absolutely blew me away. I was incapable of speech for nearly five minutes following the last note. Completely freaked out my date-- my mouth was moving, but nothing was coming out. And to think, about a week before the concert, I listened to it on CD and wasn't impressed by it.
  4. If he's 5'10.5", that would be 179cm. 5'7" is 170cm. It was eighteen years ago when I met him and I'd guess that the 5'7" is closer to his actual height. At 6'5", I towered over Towner.
  5. Call of the Champions (2002 Winter Olympics Theme) Celebrate Discovery Sound the Bells A Hymn to New England Jubilee 350 (for Boston's 350th birthday) I Love a Parade The Mission (theme for NBC News) and then there's his arrangement of the US National Anthem from films: The Slave Children's Crusade The Flag Parade Theme from Hook (the ~1:40 piece that was composed for the trailer) the concert version of the Theme from Born on the Fourth of July (starts with trumpet solo and then "segues" into the end credits) Prologue from JFK The last two (and Hymn to New England, for that matter) aren't marches or "traditional" fanfares, but might be nice to include as a change of pace.
  6. Thank you for the head's up; I'll keep an eye out for that. I saw him conduct Bruckner's Sixth with the LA Phil and it was the first time that the end of the finale didn't sound like it was tacked on just because that's what Bruckner does. I sat there and thought that they were playing too loud and had nowhere to go when the recall of the first movement would enter, but when they got there, they cranked it up to "eleven" and blew me away. On the down side, I didn't think he was able to get the coda of the first movement to soar like Celibidache.
  7. Possible replies: No, it's for when your mother calls. or No, it's for when Hitch calls.
  8. What-- it's not the video for "Never Gonna Give You Up"? Gee, I'm a little disappointed, Quint.
  9. I've posted several dozen pointless posts in the last few months, but what do you consider "regular poster"? How many posts over how long a period? Frequently, by the time I log onto the site and check the boards, a thread started by somebody in Australia or Europe has a good number of replies and by the time I get in on the action, I am left with the option of merely posting a "me, too" message. And, if I'm just gonna say, "me, too", why friggin' bother?
  10. I'd recommend going to your local library and seeing if it has a recording or two that you can check out. You might be surprised at what your local library has access to. It might cost you a few bucks, but considering that the Solti recording mentioned above is over $150 USD, would it be worth spending the few bucks to see if you liked it before you bought it? Also, consider DVDs. I worked at a classical radio station for ten years and never "got" opera when we aired it, but when I saw an opera, it was a different story.
  11. C'mon, ask a tuffy-- whatever happened to Sibby's Eighth Symphony? Oh, 1902. As to the Glis. -- I use Finale, so I'm just guessing, but I think your going to have to write out the glis. Check Sibelius' website, there should be a forum there for technical questions-- there is on Finale's; that's how I figured out how to do some things that I was having trouble with. Good luck, Jim.
  12. "He's puts one of your guys in the hospital, you put one of his in the morgue-- that's the Chicago way." "Never bring a knife to a gun fight." "You're mucking with the wrong G."
  13. Probably. And it's husband, now. I got a kick out of The Daily Show's bit on the wedding announcement...
  14. I'm okay with KM being a dentist-- as long as he doesn't ask his patients, "Is it safe?"
  15. Thank you for pointing that out, Joey. It was the first thing that came to mind when I reviewed the list. My top three: A.I. Azkaban Sith (Still can't believe that Lucas didn't have an on-line campaign with the tag "Sith Happens" followed by the release date.)
  16. I'd like to see the Prequels redone-- from scratch. No Lucas writing the screenplays (story credit will do), no Lucas directing, and no Ben Burtt editing.
  17. The new 5-, 6-, and 7-cubes from V Cubes in Greece. Think Rubik's Cubes on steroids. 2-cube 3.674 * 10^6 positions 3-cube 4.325 * 10^19 positions (better known as the Rubik's Cube) 4-cube 7.401 * 10^45 positions 5-cube 2.829 * 10^74 positions 6-cube 1.572 * 10^116 positions 7-cube 1.950 * 10^160 positions
  18. I first heard Carlin when I was about 12 and I've been quoting him ever since. Most of the time when somebody asks me how I'm doing, I reply "Moderately neato." And, on more than one occasion, when I have been at the airport, I have corrected people by telling them that I would be getting in the plane, not on it. I've always loved the way he played with language. He's the only comic I have seen twice. The first time ("Back in Town" routine) I laughed so hard, it hurt for a couple of days. The second time was back in February. I was glad that he had eschewed the nihilistic tone of his previous routine and had spent most of the time discussing "goofy stuff". George, I hope Joe Pesci has a special place set aside for you.
  19. It will, the last Monday in September. (Per NBC.com.)
  20. On the commentary track for the episode that had Saul's wife found among the fleet, he said that there are only so many times that he could go to the well and that she was the only family member or spouse that was going to found among the fleet. I hope that he would have the same apprehension about resurrecting another character (and even that one hasn't been explained). And color me pessimistic-- this time last year, the official word was that the fourth season was going to start in January of '08. When did it finally get started? And with the rumor mill going about the possibility of multiple "stand alone" BSG movies to be produced this year, I'm definitely not holding my breath.
  21. Ronald Moore said that all five were known. So, if we take D'Anna at her word, that leaves . I think it's more likely that she wanted the fleet to stop looking so she could find the fifth on her own. Of course, we gotta wait about a year to find out -- I have seen a couple of articles quoting Moore as saying that the last Cylon won't be revealed until the final episode.
  22. Yes, it is Earth. And the fifth will be . Well, it's my guess, at least.
  23. Maybe Varese will release a remastered/expanded score to Clue! I love that score! Was there ever a release in the first place? If you have any version I would love to trade for it. I really gotta learn how to use those darn smilies. As far as I know, there wasn't a soundtrack released. After a quick search, there doesn't seem to be a boot on the 'net and, according to IMDB.com, the movie was released in mono, so a DVD rip won't result in much. Any other way I can rain on your parade? (Insert the shrugging smilie here.)
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