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Everything posted by orrakul

  1. ... and the Star Trek movies - there's a tremendous range in style and quality among these films...
  2. What about Close Encounters of the Third Kind?
  3. Very surprised to see "Out of Africa" and "The Mission" in the list, let alone in the top 10.
  4. I love them both, but I think that I'm going to have to go with "Fawkes". Good post - I wouldn't have thought it at first, but these 2 themes are similar in many ways.
  5. ET; Superman; Hook; The Towering Inferno (main titles); Empire (approach to cloud city); Jurassic Park (flight to the island).
  6. The funny thing is that Sly now looks younger than he did when he made Rocky; plastic surgery's a wonderful thing. He's so young looking that maybe this movie should be a prequel.
  7. I'd love to know why Steven Spielberg liked Frank Darabont's screenplay, but George Lucas didn't. I was really looking forward to Darabont writing Indy 4.
  8. Yup - that's why I voted for Willow... Besides, in the Harry Potter movies, you can barely see him under the make-up...
  9. Hope this isn't too much off-topic, but have any of you seen any animated films by Hayao Miyazake? He's done "Spirited Away" (for which he won an Oscar), Kiki's Delivery Service" and "Castle in the Sky". The orchestral scores were done by Joe Hisaishi, and they are very nice indeed.
  10. I think that Adam's original question was appropriate. A polite answer would be appreciated. There's a difference between wanting to be spoonfed, and simply wanting to understand an obscure post.
  11. The "Mulan" score is great; I would expect nothing less from Jerry Goldsmith.
  12. Empire of the Sun The Accidental Tourist The River The Reivers These are all scores that I seem to keep coming back to (especially the first 2)...
  13. Hope this repy isn't too late for you. I don't think that I would collect the foreign editions of the scores; my interest is the scores themeselves, and not the artwork from various other countries. There are just too many different countries with different artwork for me to collect - it would cost a fortune.
  14. A great opportunity for them to get us to shell out more money when the "Expanded Edition" score is released in 3 or 4 months...
  15. Empire Star Wars Jedi Sith Phantom Menace Clones
  16. Yes there were too many effects - the shots were just too busy. Also, too little attention paid to the story (at least in episodes 1and 2).
  17. I always watch the credits for a film that JW has scored - I've never had any cinema staff try and force me out (though they probably think it's a weird thing to do).
  18. Couldn't agree more with Morlock...
  19. I agree - sometimes the board has a very weird sense of humour...
  20. I liked the duel in Jedi the best (followed very closely by the duel in Empire).
  21. I don't think John Williams sat in on the 3rd rough cut to help with fine cutting the film - but any changes to the film would affect scoring. It makes sense that JW would sit in.
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