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GlastoEls last won the day on June 26 2021

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  1. Yes there I am brother! One of these days I’ll get that printed out in a big frame. What a weekend with you!
  2. Well, we in London - not five miles from the Albert Hall! - are waiting with hope!
  3. Well that’s definitely the email address I had when I bought my copy, which was delivered safely several months back.
  4. Immediately blocking the calendar and already permission from Mrs GlastoEls received!
  5. Massive congrats on what is genuinely a fabulous resource and such a well natured place. I myself have made real life friends from the site and met up with Williams nerds in Milan, Vienna, Berlin, and closer to home in London. Here’s to the next 25!
  6. More an expression of shock, Jay!
  7. Watching the OT makes me feel 8 years old again in all honesty! (and thank goodness that George Lucas resisted calls to make the ending of Jedi bittersweet so my childhood is forever happily locked at a party on a forest moon!)
  8. That reminds me of the old Joseph Heller line (how true it is, I don’t know): Interviewer: “You’ve not written anything as good since Catch 22” Heller: “No, but no one else has either!” And that’s how I feel about Star Wars. Nothing has quite captured me ever since the OT as a youngster and I doubt ever will. So “good” (Mandalorian, Clone Wars) to “very good“ (Andor) is more than enough for me.
  9. Brief update in The Times interview today when they asked him what’s next: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/john-williams-maestro-of-the-melodic-spark-0w6mbp5fm “Most imminently there's a piano concerto to be written for Emanuel Ax ("I finished the first movement yesterday")”
  10. Just read The Times article: no mention of Williams conducting in London (just references the ASM concert) but interestingly does say “starry guest-conducting gigs in Vienna next year and Berlin in 2025”.
  11. My whole household - here in London - has just jumped to red alert! 🤣
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