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John Mulder Simpson

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  1. historically, brithish bands are the best, but in this decade american bands rule the rock scene (at least for me) personally, i think that the 3 greatest rock bands nowadays are THe White Stripes Interpol The Killers (altough im very disappointed with their b sides and covers material: "Sawdust") I'm expecting to see how they perform on their next album, because Sam's Town is great
  2. im a softcore fan of coldplay, in only have their albums, no DVDs, no special editions or forums or whatever but enjoy every record and i believe that Viva La Vida is breathtaking in its beauty!!!
  3. well, it will be a stand alone and CCarter promised it will be very very sacry, i hope so!!!! and the only season i dont like is Season 9, its almost unwatchable, but actaully i think that season 8 is one of the best!! and Scullys theme sucks! i agree on that If you speak spanish, visit my site, the most successful in that language =D www.quierocreer.info, and the forum www.quierocreer.info/foro Cant wait for the movie!!!
  4. we have better tracks in this album,like the extremely beautiful "homesickness" or dinner with amelia
  5. oh my!! this is almost impossible!!!! but i'll try, heheh 1.- The Battle of Hoth 2.- Visitor in San Diego 3.- Confluence 4.- Anakin's Dark Deeds 5.- Schindler's List Theme
  6. i highly doubt it, its been 28 years of ESB, whyu another 30 years?? =d ESB is immortal!!!
  7. i dont know muhc about bad OST because 98% of my collection is from JW... Im sorry if my answer is stupid, i can only talk about emotions, i'm not a musical genious... but a bad soundtrack it would be one that doesn't move me, inspire me, excite me, intrigue me.... something like... Seven Years in Tibet
  8. toooooo many reminders of previous works... irrelevant
  9. the first part of the second part <_< sounds Mexican, but the second part is Andean 100%!!!
  10. LOST 3 OST is great!!! Speed Racer?? not that great, a bunch of good tunes, but myabe too long.... however I loved track 9 Casa Cristo and of course track 20....
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