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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I dunno if we are overestimating. Llittle demos are fairly common. To invoke the words "film music history" on a facebook site for rabid fans, MV must really think he's got something.
  2. Not necessarily suggesting they're working on a Raiders re-issue, but it's been pretty well documented that Williams played both the "A" and "B" themes of the Raiders March for Spielberg to decide which he liked better, and he ended up using both.
  3. Yay, Trent! Enjoy it my friend! I happen to think this is a marvelous score. It's crime against fanboyism is being so radically different from its predecessors. Frankly, by the end of STIII, I am a little tired of Horner's use of the Spock theme and the "B" theme, and the whole melancholy texture of it all. In that respect, I find Rosenman's score to be a breath of fresh air. I've also got to chuckle at accusations of it sounding too "Christmassy". The film was released around Thanksgiving in 1986, and I've always thought of it as a Holiday release. So for me, the use of chimes give it a nice celebratory feel. Good stuff!
  4. I can't help but take away a feeling of great sadness and disappointment from Lucas' comments. It's too bad he's letting a vocal minority influence him so. I don't agree with every thing he does' and I happen to be a purist when it comes to the revisions made to the OT, but at the end of the day, Star Wars and Indiana Jones have brought me nothing but pleasure. Is that so wrong? Internet culture is just so negative. Too bad it somehow got under George's skin.
  5. I wonder if LLLCD1191 could be Hook. For the Friday the 13th Trivia question on LLL's Facebook page, MV remarked that several of their releases hane the last two digits of their catalog number be the last two digits of the film release year. Mars Attacks' ended in 96, Commando ended in 85, and 1941 ended in 79 for example.
  6. Not a Blu Ray, but I picked up this terrific looking 21 Disc Hammer Box Set for a steal. Came out to $38 shipped. Hoping my Region Free DVD player will have no problem with them.
  7. Got mine today. Great art design to fit in with FSM's and LLL's Trek releases. Can't wait to give it a proper listen, but so far it sounds fab.
  8. Wow, that is intense, Trent! I salute your attention to detail.
  9. I'm pretty stoked for this. I have the autographed version on order from Dark Delicacies. I may order another one, as I'm not sure I'll like the signature on the box, or if it'll mess up the look of the set.
  10. I chose option 2. I'm on a Mac, and it sounds like I'd have a bear of a time trying to decode these files. Is it considered bad form to rely on the generosity of others and ask for the files when they are finished and edited?
  11. You guys are amazing to be able to piece all of this stuff together. Sounds like a real puzzle to be sure. I am hopeful to be able to enjoy the fruits once finished.
  12. There is quite a bit in the Asteroid Field. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=zKa7VzA16Vg Listen at about 1:15.
  13. Scrooge is not Williams, but it is orchestrated by Herbert Spencer, and has a bit of a Williams-y sound. Also, check out I'll begin again, especially from 1:16 on... sounds very Williams-y.
  14. This was sooooo much better. Why they went with that oversized Power Rangers helmet is beyond me. This is way creepier. Wonder what little pupils would have looked like. Interesting that RaImi was challenging him to exaggerate his facial expressions, and yet in the end they went with the fiberglass,which offered zero expression.
  15. Ordered from Dark Del. I'm honestly on the fence about the autograph. In some ways, I don't like the pristine condition of the box compromised, even with a signature. But I wanted to secure myself a copy and not have to worry about ordering day.
  16. I picked up the Omen (2006) and gave it a listen. It was worth about the $4 I spent.
  17. Has anyone been following The Clone Wars lately? There's a 4 part story arc going on now featuring Anakin being replaced by an unorthodox Jedi General who treats Anakin's Clones like ass. The story is really boiling towards a conclusion (they're up to the 3rd episode), and I have to say it's the most entertaining Star Wars I've seen in years, and easily the most beautiful and spectacular looking television animation out there. If you've dismissed the show up til now, go onto Starwars.com and start with episode 4.7, Darkness on Umbara.
  18. Star Wars. (Just plain ol' Star Wars, not A New Hope). And it was on 8-Track.
  19. I love Fright Night, and it's exciting that a lost score has gotten its day, but I don't think I'd listen to the disc very much.
  20. And the Alex Kintner death is pretty intense as well. I can't imagine an older Spielberg showing the graphic death of a child in his films.
  21. That means something. It's important.
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