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Everything posted by Andy

  1. So can we mimic the percussion only tracks from The Lost World? Can it remove choir? I would love to hear The Omen with orchestra only. For science.
  2. @Holko @A. A. Ron What issues are there with the Mummy? It’s on my wishlist. I have the second to previous release of Inchon. I can’t say it left a dazzling impression. Maybe I should give it another listen.
  3. Happy Birthday Maestro Williams! With much love and admiration.
  4. What a trip down Memory Lane ! I’m sure I did a lot of lurking in those early years. I regret not being more active then. I’m proud to be a part of this community, having been around long enough to see members come and go. But the love we all share for the maestro remains constant if not steadily growing. This place makes me laugh with its special brand of Crazy. This is our Church.
  5. I wonder if more people can make it on a Saturday and therefore chances of getting good seats are better on a Friday?
  6. So Friday or Saturday if you could only choose one?
  7. I wish I’d kept up with the earlier Next Gen/Voyager/Enterprise releases. I’m sure there’s nice stuff on them, but it’s too pricey on the secondary market for me to go back now. So I’ll stick with my true love, TOS era.
  8. But sometimes that’s okay for cinema. Not every film has to tick every box. If it’s literally moving picture, like a painting or still art, it can have profound merit and meaning. I guess his art house style can be appealing despite other conventional shortcomings.
  9. He has the eye of a painter, so even if the narrative or humanity of his films may sometimes be lacking, they’re pretty to look at at always well crafted.
  10. Those Star Trek TOS covers make me want to buy one of them color TVs!
  11. It refers to Nightbreed being delayed and Intrada’s frustrations with that.
  12. I did actually. I wanted Blu-Ray for my projector setup which doesn’t support 4K, so I should get the Chronicles on Blu Ray tomorrow. I hate that Arrow stopped doing combo packs and sell the formats separately. I did the same thing with Flash Gordon and Barbarella…. Hmmm all Dino De Laurentiis productions.
  13. Waaaay harder than the other thread for me. I grew up in Williams’ most popular era. Having developed my taste for film music that way meant any other composer had a high bar and had to really earn my liking. Nostalgia also is hard to be objective about. For example, I’ll probably never say I don’t like Leonard Rosenman anymore, because he has a sound that i just sort of associate with my childhood. I guess I could go so far as to say I prefer early works of many composers like Alan Silvestri and Danny Elfman to what they do now. But that doesn’t mean I like their early works less.
  14. Desert Chase from the Raiders OST. With a message at the end : “If you want the missing edited portion, give us all your advanced medical technology to cure all earth diseases.”
  15. She's one of the best characters in Discovery, and I love that it will be a one and done movie. Too many shows should've been just 2 hours.
  16. It’s all great artwork , but still terribly arranged for a soundtrack cover. I prefer the way Jim Titus masterfully took the vertical Struzan poster art and tastefully brought it to square proportions.
  17. I watched The Nun II a few weeks ago with my kid. Surprisingly, with its religious artifact driven plot and “Map Room” scene lift, it’s got a little bit of Indiana Jones in its DNA. Stick with me here, I have a point. Temple of Doom was scary!!!! But then, so was Raiders. I was 9 when Raiders came out. The spike trap, Well of Souls, the mummies, the Ark Ghosts, and melting Nazis had us all screaming. Spielberg clearly was still the child who liked to scare people. And then something happened. He began the quest for Oscar Gold beginning with the Color Purple. And that moment changed him forever from a rebellious whiz kid into a “serious” filmmaker. Temple of Doom is a delightful hair raising scare ride. Last Crusade? Not scary. KOTCS? No scares in there. Dial of Destiny? Nothing remotely scary there. I like a good scare once in a while, and I miss the devilish Spielberg who enjoyed playing with the audience’s fears. Temple of Doom is king here. I miss scary Indiana Jones.
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