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  1. https://x.com/terrymatalas/status/1719522497346117932?s=61&t=tKvlt-cv7gIX6JC09cg5Eg
  2. http://www.varesesarabande.com/servlet/the-1184/Star-Trek-Into-Darkness-cln-/Detail http://www1.screenarchives.com/title_detail.cfm/ID/27668/ http://www.moviemusic.com/soundtrack/M09485/startrekintodarkness/ http://store.intrada.com/s.nl/it.A/id.9058/.f I know this is already being discussed in the Varese Club thread, but this deserves its own thread. I am of course super excited that this release is coming out, because it's a great score, and because the OST was so short, and I'm glad there's a market for expanded scores that are only a year old. However, I am a big befuddled by two choices made for the final product here! One is that Giacchino's intended original end credits suite is missing, replaced by the film edit of the end credits. This means the new recording of Spock's Theme is replaced by music tracked in from London Calling and Ode To Harrison like in the film. A big bummer that nice recording won't get a legal release, especially since the full London Calling and Ode To Harrison are on the CD anyway (Ode To Harrison in the very next track!) And secondly is that an entire cue, "Spock to Spock" is missing on this release. That's the music for Spock's conversation with Spock Prime, and featured a great new version of the Vulcan theme. You can here both missing cues in this youtube video (I apologize for not having timestamps handy, but I will try to post them later) Why on earth did <whoever chose to omit these two pieces> omit these two cues? Why!? Why!?
  3. This isn't being officially announced until tonight at midnight PST (3am ET), but the cover art has already leaked So the circle is complete!
  4. Announced via Facebook here. Mike Matessino says: "It's not expanded from the 2-CD set, it's expanded from the 1979 original soundtrack." https://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=146921&forumID=1&archive=0&viewLast=1
  5. Star Trek Strange New Worlds is off to a cracking good start! And while the aesthetics recall some of the Kelvin Universe updates, this is a gorgeous looking show, and more true to the TOS and TNG roots than just about anything since. This is the best Trek I’ve seen in almost 30 years. I am seriously loving the self-contained stories each episode. The captains log wrap up at each conclusion to leave you pondering what you saw feels very Trek, and very comforting. I’m two episodes in and there are developing storylines, but not stretched out as the main focus. So there’s none of that plodding, drawn out pacing problem you find with shows like Picard. They’ve brought back the adventure and I’m loving it. a couple of things We are two episodes in and I am feeling incredibly satisfied. Chicken Soup for the Trekkie Soul. Cool aliens, expensive looking and appealing effects, thoughtful classic Trek style science fiction. I’m home.
  6. This is definitely a big enough title to warrant its own thread. The only thing that isn't clear on Intrada's website or forums - as far as I've seen - is exactly when it ships. Does anybody know?
  7. http://www.lalalandrecords.com/Site/STEC.html http://www1.screenarchives.com/title_detail.cfm/ID/28439/ http://www.moviemusic.com/soundtrack/M09667/startrek-enterprise-collection/
  8. FIRST La-La Land and Creature Features released a joint press release: Source: http://www.creaturef...ck-celebration/ or https://www.facebook...31953754&type=1 THEN Ain't It Cool News posted a high quality version of the cover art: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6066/startrektmptraycoverlq.jpg Source: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/55816"]http://www.aintitcool.com/node/55816 FINALLY trekmovie.come revealed the complete track listing: Source: http://trekmovie.com...core-bts-video/
  9. Source: http://secure.campaigner.com/Campaigner/Public/t.show?TuAn--Et6a-gkivq2'>http://secure.campai...An--Et6a-gkivq2 http://lalalandrecords.com/StarTrekMailingList.html'>http://lalalandrecor...ailingList.html https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151179476523755&set=a.181243738754.155532.56031953754&type=1'>https://www.facebook...31953754&type=1
  10. Admin note: Original thread title was Giacchino's Star Trek - Live to Projection (April 12, 13 and 14, 2013, Lucerne, Switzerland) Michael Giacchino's full score to J.J. Abrams' Star Trek (2009) will be performed live to projection next April in Lucerne (Switzerland). The performance will take place in Lucerne's KKL Concert Hall, with Ludwig Wicki conducting the 21st Century Orchestra & Chorus. More info: http://filmmusicreporter.com/2012/12/28/live-to-projection-concerts-of-michael-giacchinos-star-trek-score-announced/ Tickets: http://www.kkl-luzern.ch/navigation/top_nav_items/culture/Programmuebersicht/detail.htm?client_request_contentOID=3813&client_request_dateOID=20102&client_locale=en_GB
  11. http://store.gnpcrescendo.com/new/product_info.php?products_id=228'>http://store.gnpcres...products_id=228 Jason if you want to edit the post so it is more professional that's fine with me.
  12. Today (April 5th,2020) is the 76th Birthday of our very good friend and award-winning composer DENNiS McCARTHY and what better of wishing him a happy birthday then present him conducting the Star Trek GENERATIONS overture in this live performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lND0-aTzr8/ Happy Birthday and A HUGE YO from the gang at BSX
  13. With the release of The Rise of Skywalker, we finally get to hear Williams giving his final send-off to the Star Wars franchise. With it, one can't help but bring about comparisons to another composer and his send-off to another beloved space franchise. I speak, of course, of Goldsmith's Star Trek: Nemesis. While the two scores differ in that, while Williams went into TROS knowing this would be his last Star Wars score, Goldsmith did not have the same benefit of going into Nemesis knowing this would be his last say on Trek. That said, both scores I feel work well as far as providing some sort of feeling of finality to these composers and their respective journeys with these franchises that they had been a part of for decades. Listening to both scores, one can't help but feel, although perhaps imposed retroactively in the case of Nemesis, that the proverbial book is being shut by each composer. With Nemesis, we are hit with lovely numbers like this one... ...which see our emotional buttons being pressed in ways not identical but certainly not entirely dissimilar to what Williams gives us in TROS: Alongside heightened emotions, the films bring new villainous motifs to the table: Enough blabbing. Which score do you feel serves as a better send-off for the composer with their franchise?
  14. Just revealed by MV over on the FSM forums http://filmscoremonthly.com/board/posts.cfm?threadID=94597&forumID=1&archive=0 So he's referring to the fact that 2011 had Star Trek: TNG set; 2012 had Star Trek: TMP and the TOS boxset; 2013 had the DS9 set and will have one other, so far unrevealed title. People in the FSM thread are guessing it's a set for Star Trek: Enterprise.
  15. The scores for Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Jerry Goldsmith) and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (James Horner) are universally acclaimed. So I bought them. If I want to buy one more, which one do you recommend?
  16. TrekCore.com has pre-release information and cover art for the upcoming Star Trek Deep Space Nine set. http://www.trekcore.com/merchandise/stds9_soundtrackpre.html I got to say I love the cover art!
  17. We come to it at last; the great poll of our time. Both are massively influential giants in the sci-fi genre, and continue to excite and inspire millions of fans decades after their inceptions. Which sci-fi epic do you prefer; the rollicking action and adventure of Star Wars, or the cerebral intelligence and ingenuity of Star Trek?
  18. Interview with Bryan Burke TrekMovie article on it The first real official word on the next film of the franchise.
  19. 27-year-old actor was on his way to a rehearsal when the accident occurred on his driveway, police say Anton Yelchin, who starred in the Star Trek reboot franchise, died Sunday in Los Angeles after being struck by his own car on the steep driveway of his home. http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/anton-yelchin-dead-accident-1.3642660
  20. Later this year BSX RECORDS will be releasing a new album from Artist Dan Redfeld which will feature a new solo piano arrangement of James Horner's theme for STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN. This is video is from the recording session for this piece that was just done and we'd just like to share it with you Enjoy Ford A. Thaxton
  21. I figured it was time to start a new thread now that we're really moving on to a new movie. And we have a preliminary date: June 29, 2012! Speculation to commence below.
  22. This will be of interest to John Williams fans in Los Angeles, especially composers, where the Academy of Scoring Arts meets oncee a month for an in depth study of orchestration. We are currently studying Star Wars Suite. The ASA was founded by Ron Jones (Family Guy, Star Trek: The Next Generation) to create a community where working composers could come together to study orchestration—Ravel, Stravinsky, John Williams—and to share information and ideas among their peers. This orchestration group, also called by its nickname the “Ravel Study Group,” continues to meet once a month in LA, led by Ron. In a few short years, it has expanded to chapters all over the US and Canada. The orchestration study concludes in its third hour with a guest speaking on orchestration or composition. These have included Bruce Broughton, Tyler Bates, Eddie Karam, and first-call percussionist Don Williams, who often co-leads the Star Wars Suite orchestration study, and who is brother of composer John Williams. In addition to the study group, the ASA alternates semi-monthly with “INFOrums,” seminars designed to appeal across disciplines to people working in the industry, but not necessarily as composers. Recent INFOrums have featured panels of picture editors, entertainment attorneys, music supervisors, hit songwriters, audio engineers, and a conducting workshop with David Newman. Read press about the orchestration study group here: http://symphonyinternational.net/score-reading-in-studio-city-getting-under-the-hood/ Follow us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Academy-of-Scoring-Arts/294966900566223 or visit our web site: http://www.academyofscoringarts.com/ The ASA was recently granted 501c3 status as a California non-profit.
  23. Ladies and gentlemen, young and old, this may already seem an unusual procedure for me to speak to you all before we begin this memorial/appreciation topic about even the music of a certain dead film and television music composer, but... http://37.media.tumblr.com/3b33a2f17ecdceee35c242fee4585d98/tumblr_n77tvbia951rcktu3o1_500.jpg I know this film and TV composer guy has been dead for a decade already but I am a great fan of this guy's scoring style. In fact, according to TV Tropes, this guy "was a very prolific composer so awesome he even scared the hell out of his peers....He was known for his thunderous, percussive orchestrations, his love for strange musical instruments, and his inventive integration of synthesizers as the 'fifth element' of the orchestra." And so, to commemorate the ten-year anniversary of the death and passing of this legendary film and TV maestro back in 2004, let us talk about and even appreciate the music of Jerry Goldsmith (1929-2004), especially his music for film, TV, etc. Let the Jerry Goldsmith Memorial Appreciation begin!
  24. I've seen some topics that are related to this, but I'm curious more specific to concert performance. What themes, end credit suites, cues, etc. are on your wish list to be performed live?? I've never heard any of the Wrath of Khan Main TItle, Epilogue and End Credits suite as recorded by several orchestras, notably the Cincinatti Pops. Would love to have seen Jerry conduct The Enterprise from The Motion Picture. Some of the television series themes would be amazing in concert.
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