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What is the last Television series you watched?


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Only available through Apple TV or Apple products at launch? I don't mind exclusivity for some things, but this is ridiculous. I'm not buying Apple TV just to pay $180/yr for one channel. If I can't watch it through my SmartTV or Blu-ray player then I'll pass.


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Since Game of Thrones runs for 10 weeks, it's like paying $37.50 to legally watch a new season live as it airs - plus of course you get access to their entire library of original shows and movies during that time. It's not awful.

But yea, there should be a discount for having it for a full year.

And only being available on Apple products is bollocks. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to do this on my Amazon Firestick, or a Roku or WD Live or just a freaking WIndows PC. Lame.

But it's a start.

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Netflix only has some of the episodes. The finally is on Hulu +

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I watched Deadlock the other night. Good 2nd Season Voyager ep.

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Saturday Night Live 40x15 Chris Hemsworth / Zac Brown Band

Wow, Chris Hemsworth was actually funny and very good. No cue card staring, he knew all his lines. Couple funny skits. Chris Cornell sang with the ZBB!

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House of Cards 3x06 Chapter 32

Wowwwwww. Claire suddenly goes WAY out of character and ruins months of peace talks after spending a half-day with one wrongly-imprisoned activist? WTF? Her and Frank are murderous survivors - she says so as much at the end of the episode - and it was very out of her to suddenly grow a conscious here. Also it's too bad the suicide was so predictable - first you had Yates talking about the suicide of his friend that a book character was based on, then Claire taking her scarf off... it was obvious what would happen when he asked her to take a nap. Oi.

Meanwhile, Rachel conveniently told her ex about an isolated place where she would like to go, and now Gavin knows due to some trickery. I find it very funny that a hacker caught by the FBI and made to work for them can get away with using a government computer for this kind of tracking without getting caught. And finally Stamper does some underground work for Dunbar. I am now predicting that the physical therapy lady he's interacting with is actually working for the Underwoods.

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That's really the turning point for Claire. The whole season has really been about testing Claire and the Underwoods' relationship above all else.

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I know, but I still think it was out of character for her to destroy MONTHS of freakinh PEACE talks. Negotiations for the removal of troops and NUCLEAR freaking WEAPONS. To destroy all that because of what, 8 hours spent with one guy. I dunno.

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Started watching Bojack Horseman of all things :lol: First episode was kinda weak, but the second one was brilliant from beggining to end. I couldn't stop laughing, it was great. And also I can't stop listening to this:

I need a whole album with that kind of music.

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Well, that was unexpected. Turns out Better Call Saul is fucking excellent.

I [should] have [had more] faith in Gilligan!

Yea, I feel the same way! It just looked to me like a desperate cash grab by AMC, but it turns out to be a solid show on all fronts (writing, acting, directing, cinematography, music).

What it proves is how talented of writer Vince Gilligan is. I'm already looking forward to whatever he does next!

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House of Cards 3x07 Chapter 33

Interesting. On on the one hand, the show has patched up the Frank/Claire falling out in a single episode, but on the other hand they had that episode cover an entire month in their lives, so it kinda works. Some decent stuff here, though I much preferred any scenes with Yates over ones with just Frank and Claire. In other news Gavin has basically located Rachel, and Stamper bangs his physical therapist. I guess that throws my theory she's working for the Underwoods out. Also, Yates and the new newspaper chick get some scenes together. Dunno what that means.

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House of Cards 3x08 Chapter 34

Decent predicament they put Frank in this week... Don't sign the bill and Am Works continues, but people could die in the hurricane... sign the bill and it's pretty much dead even if the Hurricane doesn't hit. I guess he really had no choice. Interesting spin at the end where he gets to use this as a way to now announce his intention to run for president again. The way they handled the leaving of Mendoza was pretty ridic. Too bad the actor couldn't have told American Crime he wanted to finish the season of House of Cards before leaving. It was just awkward. Too bad Seth didn't let Frank know that it was Doug who let them know about the Jackie/Dunbar meetup.... which btw was a smart plan of his. I sense that the Yates and reporter subplot will lead somewhere bad for Frank, but not sure how. Seems like Yates might uncover Frank's gay side, and maybe even the Meechum connection... or Meechum will take some kind of heat to defend it.

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Attack on Titans

I'm not that big on anime but I'm really enjoying this. The characters, while not very complex are likable, the action is thrilling, and the monsters are incredibly frightening.

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House of Cards 3x09 Chapter 35

Kinda odd to jump directly into Frank's campaign.... seemed like they should have covered how he sold the American people on why he was now running after previously saying he wouldn't. Don't really get where the Yates / reporter lady storyline is going. I thought maybe he'd get some kind of intel to her either accidentally or for some reason, but I dunno. Maybe that will still happen. I don't believe for a second that Rachel is really dead. I think Gavin faked that info just to get his passport so he could flee before the FBI locks him up forever. I won't be surprised if the fake passport doesn't work, though. I wonder if Meechum really burned the envelope as Frank asked. Frank and Stamper's scene together was nice, but I doubt Doug has really re-kicked the habit. I don't see the season ending well for him.

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Just finished the available episodes of Attack on Titan. This show does a really good job of leaving the viewer wanting to know more, very similar to Lost. It really hope it pays off in the later seasons.

I think I might try some other anime shows based on my enjoyment of AoT.

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House of Cards 3x10 Chapter 36

The Jordan Valley subplot takes over everything else (Am Works, Frank's campaign, etc)... and it's mostly meh. The best part was Frank and Petrov having a scene together, though its really only nice from an acting standpoint, its completely illogical from a writing standpoint. Frank has let everyone run over him all season and its getting boring. The other big moment is him and Yates bonding and holding hands... wow! Couldn't tell if anything was going to happen or not. Every season around this time Frank's gay side comes out. Is this the end of the subplot this year, or will there be more? Hmmmm. The Remy/Jackie love story is actually kind of nice, even though I don't even remember the specifics of why they can't be together. Stamper hanging out with his brother's family was nice. Gavin saying goodbye to Lisa was an interesting scene. I still doubt he'll get out of the country. Did he end up leaving Doug's card with Cashew?

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I knew the season wouldn't be as good - it's more fun watching Frank trying to get power than already having it.

We have 3 episodes to go and don't have high hopes. We're assembling our wedding invitations while watching the show now, not giving it our full attention like we would have in the past.

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So I finally finished season 2 of AHS. While I hardly made it through S1, this season to me was quite enjoyable. The atmosphere in the asylum (the place, the nuns, doctors, ...) had a lot to do with that. And an impressive Jessica Lange who seem to had the time of her life. I already know I'm going to miss a setting like the asylum in S3!



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Oh my Alex and I agreeing on a show.

Let Coven be it's own show. You'll enjoy it better that way.

Let Lily Rabe memorize you.

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Community S06E01: Ladders

Man, for the first time in two seasons, I've really felt like I was watching the old Community again. I mean the show has changed so much, it's had to be by necessity, but it finally feels like Harmon and crew were back on their A-game. The writing was top-notch, meta, self-aware, over-the-top but still quite clever...basically classic Community. Right when you hear Chang's line about the lack of black characters in the group and Shirley's excuse to leave, you know you're off to a good start. And notably, the new character, as Abed so aptly points out, is just what the show needs, especially after the zaniness its been through (it just got too much in the last two seasons). And the Shirley gag at the end definitely puts a smile on your face.

All in all, the season starts with a bang, though I'm not sure if they can keep it up, but they have my attention once again.

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Oh my Alex and I agreeing on a show.

Let Coven be it's own show. You'll enjoy it better that way.

Let Lily Rabe memorize you.

Correction, Joey, finally you and JWfan are agreeing on a TV show. Nobody loves that trashy CBS sh!t except you!

JWfan: Hear, hear!


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Oh my Alex and I agreeing on a show.

Let Coven be it's own show. You'll enjoy it better that way.

Let Lily Rabe memorize you.

Correction, Joey, finally you and JWfan are agreeing on a TV show. Nobody loves that trashy CBS sh!t except you!

JWfan: Hear, hear!


As normal you are incorrect. You and I are in agreement about Asylum. There has been no consensus that JWFan is in love with Asylum. As for the CBS shows their fans would disagree with a Belgian with a sadistic superiority complex.

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CBS easily has the worst shows of all the major networks. But their shows are also not aimed at me

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You fools are a bunch of lemurs. You judge what you don't watch with group mentality.

Yes Breaking Bad is the best show ever except for may the Wire. How retarded.

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I will be watching a lot of CBS these next few weeks. NCAA Basketball Tournament. One of the best sports event annually. It's a real sport that allows the use of the head the arms and the legs, as well as the heart.

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I'm completely fine with not having seen the CSI's, NCIS's, Criminal Mind's, 2 and a Half Men's, and Mike and Molly's of the world. But I am glad you enjoy them.

SHOCK: Everyone has different tastes!

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Shock dip shit you judged them as worst on tv without watching. But you watch 2 Broke girls so you can see Kats tits.

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